Wow. Can you guys believe it’s already September???

I mean…wasn’t it just Christmas??


Well I hope you had a great weekend. And for everyone in America…I hope you enjoy the extra day off today.

Me? I’m working on Dreamland. I’m writing Chapter 14 AND storyboarding out Chapter 13.

I should start working on actual pages again this week too.

Still have some paintings up for sale.

You can click here..

I’m kind of enjoying doing sketchcards. I can pop one out in like an hour and feel good about myself.

So if you like the sketchcards…head over to my Deviant Art page and help me figure out who’s next.

I’m currently finishing up a Xena one. But I think I may try Harry Potter next.


I hope you guys continue to like these “making of” pages.

Next week I think I can start putting up some of the awesome guest pages and pin-ups.

The problem is (and this is a wonderful problem to have)…I may have TOO MANY at this point.

So I may go to seven days a week starting this week.


Oh..and last but not least…

Today starts a new month.

Please give us a vote or three.

Sorry I didn’t get a chance to update the vote incentives. But just pretend I did.

Vote for this comic!