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Hey all!
So tomorrow….back to DREAMLAND!
Dont’ miss it.
Also…I wanted to point out two things.
1) This was page 100 of chapter 14. Can you believe that?
It’s been 100 pages since I started this chapter. You remember? After I injured my back?
Only 63 more pages to go until the end of this chapter…and book 4.
Hope you’ve enjoyed it.
I think book 4 will be the greatest book to date of the series. Even though there’s no kissing in it.
2) I have been working with my wife, Donna, to try and get the advertising worked out.
We have SO much traffic that we needed to sign up with Openx to handle the advertising.
The problem is…we need to start TARGETING what YOU guys want to see.
I know it’s silly. But wouldn’t you rather see ads that appeal to you than ones that ANNOY you?
Yeah…me too.
So…please scroll down to the post below called Tell us what you likeβ¦ or…just click the title.
So while it may no seem like much. You’re supporting us by doing this.
So thank you all! And see you tomorrow.
Well let’s see how long it takes Felicity to actually read it.
Do we get to find out what it will say in the letter?
What? Alex gets no sweet elf-action in Book 4? Well, I’m not going to buy it!
Just kidding!
I’m curious of Felicity’s reaction. It’s interesting to note that Nicole is no longer fighting against the reality of Dreamland. She’s still having a hard time swallowing it, but she’s seen too much evidence now to deny it.
I would think the whole vanishing sword thing would be enough to say “Science, just shut the heck up for now ok?” for long enough to write a letter.
Just because Nicole has taken one step doesn’t mean the next isn’t just as painful.
Previously, she was a passive observer of what was happening. Now she’s making the change to active participant. For someone who has trained herself to be an emprical skeptic for years, this is a very difficult adjustment.
I’m pretty sure we will. Felicity is in no shape to read right now. The letter will have to be dictated.. . . .
OR. . . .
if it is a play, the assembled cast will have to act it out, in three parts! With scenery and a chorus! And sparkling, pretty costumes with lots of dangling stringy things to excite the audience! And food vendors! And intermissions complete with a puppet theater! And . . .
Oh, wait. Only 63 pages to go in the chapter.
Well, that ruins my day.
ack seem my reply got crossed wired
i was saying that i hope there way that Felicity can actually hear Nicole instead of writing her
please let Nicole be allowed to go into dream via the sword, please, please!
i think she needs her there more then anything
Nicole is obviously very comfortable with Dan. He’s got his arm around her and she’s finding it comforting. Of course it could just be down to the fact that she’s too busy fighting herself to notice?
I don’t think she needs to tell science to shut up. Science is not just a body of knowledge, it’s a process to obtain that knowledge. Part of the process is to accept things when there is reproducible evidence of a phenomenon. What she’s made observations that suggest current theories are wrong (not just the sword but the fact that Alex is clinically dead when he crosses over).
If she wanted to do things scientifically, she would have set up a camera to record what happened, then contacted other sleep researchers to find other people with objects from Dreamland (combined with those that just visit and those that don’t), etc.
Nicole’s problem is that she’s having to act when she has not got enough data to come to any firm conclusions. To add to the dilemma, someone’s life may (or may not) be a risk.
The “may or may not” is from science’s point of view. The only thing that science has to say is that it’s too early to draw conclusions.
Nah. Guys are just opportunists. Wait until they are vulnerable and then STRIKE!
The jerk!
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic!
So there IS a Scientific explanation after all….
Aww…no kissing in book 4? Guess no waking catgirls with kisses, huh? ^_^ Seriously though, I anxiously await the end of this chapter and the arrival of book 4. It will definitely be worth the wait, on both counts.
I can’t believe Nicole found a backbone and is doing something right for a change… (Negative-minded liberal!)
How about hot elf-on-human action? (There goes the rating…either that or Freud has invaded Dreamland…)
Dear Felicity: Don’t die, you have no insurance. Love, Nicole.
Yeah. It’ll be read to her.
In relation to clicking on ads, I make a point of clicking on every “weight loss” ad I find. It seems that they’re all scams, more or less, and I rather like making scams contribute money to a good cause.
Politically stereotyping a character in a negative conotation is really ridiculous. Especially since she has never actually given any indication that she is a liberal. You know, not all scientists are liberals or nonreligious for that matter. Though we could most likely safely assume that Nicole doesn’t believe in a god. Bringing politics into the discussion of a webcomic is just asinine and absurd unless the comic is about politics to begin with. So save your retarded comments for a more appropriate webcomic.
doing ‘well’ – would dan really make a grammatical error like that? more likely, alex would. LOVE how he’s put his arm around her though!
Hey Hanners…
I think Leftover was kidding around.
People here are pretty nice.
Thank you, though.
Ha ha!
Yeah…and they think “Wow. This site LOVES us. Send more their way!”
Good point. I’ll fix that.
I sometimes get the dialog mixed up.
Thank you!
Either way, bringing politics into any discussion where you have a mixed readership (politically, that is) is a recipe for disaster whether it was meant as a joke or not. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not offended, I just think that politics should be discussed (or joked about) elsewhere.
Quick! Someone send Eric Esurance!
That should be Erin Esurance! Urg!
Tell me about it.
I brought up Obama yesterday on Facebook. Yikes.
Hm… What ads you say? Well i guess i would like to see ads to other webcomics that you like, comics made by your friends maybe? Or since this is a family comic, you might want to place… I’m unsure if there is any English sites like that but here in Hungary we have a website called “Sulinet” (suli means school) with lots of info for learning and summer activities. So if you know of a site like that what wants to place web links up here, that could be a nice addition.
But anyway, however you choose, it doesn’t matter, the comic is brilliant and no one got sick of 2 cm-s on top of a comic before π
I hope working it out won’t be hard.
With all due respect:
– Ictiv
I’m sorry that I’m getting back to the voting button issue but i missed yesterdays comments.
I just wanted to say to Scott that I found “The Dreamland Chronicles” through TWC. If it weren’t for the high rating I wouldn’t even noticed the comic.
Afterall the voting banner didn’t hold too much ad space, did it?
I’m in favor of bringing it back.
Okay, that answered my question!
Turns out all types of cats can’t read while being in a coma after all… :c
Great WEEK!!!
Cant wait to see how it ends for the book.
And we are all so glad your back is doing so much better
-Ted and Emilee
Hey, how much do you earn for each ad clicked then? If it’s a little lot, I’ll help you out.
Depends. A nickle here. A dime there.
Did you already fix it? “Doing well” is correct. Adverb modifying verb.
Heheheheh! The look on Nicole’s face is priceless!
Hooray! For back to Dreamland!
Cool, and quick reply! I’ll visit a couple of ads then.
I love the looks on Nicole’s face–she really shows doubt and misgivings, but can’t see any way to justify not writing. Excellent! Shows her inner struggle to believe and dream again.
I fixed it thanks to Michelle’s suggestion. It used to say good.
I have read through the comic over the last three nights, and I must say it’s beautiful. Though I would have to go with the great sage Terry Pratchett on the sword in the stone issue, and say they would have been better off looking for the guy who stuck it there in the first place.
Ha. Thank you and welcome!
Hope you continue to enjoy the story.
At last! The plan to rob Nicole of sanity is set in motion MWA HA HA HA!
Just kidding! I can’t wait to see how Felicity will respond.
You know what I meant. If you want, I can reword it as “Better Judgement” instead of “Science”
The point is, enough stuff has happened tonight that I think she’ll be more prone to go “oh heck why not” then normal.
Aww Dan’s his arm around her how sweet
Dear Felicia,
Please stop dying.
> Alex gets no sweet elf-action in Book 4?
> How about hot elf-on-human action?
Well, Alex has been showing more elf-control lately …
(Sorry about that; couldn’t help myself … )

Come on! Think!
Just send her that very touching poem Nicole wrote in 5th grade!
If that doesn’t inspire her to live, nothing will!
Nastajia is an E.L.F.
….I am sorry….
No you’re not.