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Happy Monday all!
I hope you all had a great weekend.
Logan is feeling better. Hopefully he’ll be going to school today.
He missed school…which is great.
I wanted to let you know…we’ve been asked to do a REVOTE for the TGT tournament they’re holding.
As I mentioned before…I’d love for Mike Prokopt to win. I think he’d make a great guest again on the podcast.
But we had SO many votes for me to return…I can’t discount that.
So…as of 8am EDT voting will be up for 24 hours.
You can vote hourly.
Please don’t cheat. For those of you who know how. One vote per person is fine.
Other than that…I’m migrating everything over to a new workstation. And I still have 300 emails I have to reply to in my inbox. Ugh.
I’m SO sorry to all of you who I haven’t replied to yet. I will do this.
I will clean my inbox out.
Thanks for your patience.
Cool! He may have trouble sleeping from thinking too much
You have no idea the kind of thinking Alex had to do “last night,” Dan, it would blow your mind.
HAH!, If Daniel says Alex’s thinking means trouble, what’s he know that we don’t other than thinking is not one of Alex’s dependable talents.
True that, Dan. Remember what happened LAST time Alex had a thought? (I’m referring, of course, to the escape from Nicodimus’ castle)
Question: will the message dissapear when he falls asleep or will it be both in dreamworld and in the real world…. Hmm, this WILL be intresting
I was thinking the same thing as Gremalkin… the medicine bag just “appeared” with him… he probably wants to see if they can see it disappear, too.
I love this story line with the two worlds trying tp communicate with each other
question though, has the bed always been at that angle?? Would a dorm bed be that fasicated like a hospital bed
qould a dorm bed be that sophisticated
sorry typing one handed.. baby on the other arm
That’s the lab, Fiona.

ouch dan, ouch
In a dorm, they are cots. Plastic covered to prevent staining, as you remember what can go on in a college dorm.
It’ll be interesting, tho’, to see what becomes of the med bag after Alex falls asleep. And returns it to Orion. Will it cease to exist in the real world at the moment of Alex’ reentry to Dreamland, or at the moment that he gives the artifact to Orion.
Polls still are not up at TGTWebcomics, and I’ve dinged Kurt Sasso as to what is up with it. Told him that I could abide with “Taos-time”. Still, just what time zone are they playing in? To my mind, it has to be Central.
Sorry about that the poll is now open for the revote!
It will be open for 24 hours until 9am EST tomorrow! Get those votes in.
VOTING is NOW OPEN! I just cast the first vote for TDC, and someone has countered with one for SMoonhawk. Let’s get it together, peeps!
Thanks, Kurt! Now, what time zone is the TDC server in? Cuz I was THERE at 0853 when I posted about the cots, and I stand corrected, thanks to you, Scott! Upon closer examination, the platform that Alex is laying on is a hospital-type reclining bed.
What a great start to Monday morning! Dreamland’s always one of the comics I check first, and it’s never failed to disappoint.
Alex thinking? Dum,dum,dum DUM! lol!
Glad to hear Logan’s feeling better, and to the excitement about school. Keep up that enthusiasm!! Learning rocks!!
I bet the bag’s like the sword. Awesome sword in Dreamland, sword necklace in the waking world. The bag will be a small bag in dreamland, but a small bag in the waking world. Subtle transformation.
Does anyone think the shadow of Nicole’s hair in the last panel looks like Harry Potter’s scar?
…I am such a nerd. XD
Dan and Alex have the perfect brotherly relationship. It’s so accurate to real life…
Dreamland’s one of the first comics I check, as well. Always good.
‘gulp’ I don’t know if I could fall asleep while somebody watches…
Yes, it is my first check every day, or even my last check if I’m up into the wee hours…like will be happening this evening, I will be casting a vote every hour until it is done.
So, all’n you that check TDC first, have you cast your vote for TDC this hour? We’re ahead in the running but not by much, and the day is still young. I suspect a bit of cheating on the Moonshad-er-Hawk side, but we’ll see about it at the end.
RG, if I had a hot elven princess waiting for me when I fell asleep, I don’t think I’d have any problems sleeping no matter who’s watching
We’re tied at TGTWebcomics. Time to mobilize. If you read THIS webcomic, cast a vote every hour until tomorrow at 0930 EDT.
The place to go is:
wow it’s been about half a year since i’ve read this. it’s gotten better
and what’s so cool is the Centaur teaching Alex how to fly has the same name as my son, so cool Orion is the best name evah
If you think that, then vote for Scott in the TGTW Tournament. I only found this comic in the past 6 months, and it is my favorite, even if I am in the throes of catching up with “A Girl and Her Fed” while keeping one eye on the tourney. We are slipping behind, and I don’t know what else to do. I can not do it by myswelf, so please vote and help get Scott another interview with the TGTW guys.
I just realized he’s wearing an Inigo Montoya nametag.
That’s sheer awesomeness right there.
Last panel, liking Dan’s devil horns, heh.
Hello. My name is Dan Montoya, you stole my hairbrush, prepare to die.
I’m always wondering about the horns.
Intentional? Accident? Or do you just work blindfolded?
IF its the last one I’m totally envious that you could do that much blindfolded.
hey Ironbandit.

Really. It’s no big deal. Thanks for the votes…but I want to make sure no one tries anything crazy. It’s just a podcast.
And Sunblade. Total accident. He has wispy hair. Two of the wisps look like horns.
Well, it smacks of SMoonhawk voters cheating. I’ll send a message to Kurt and ask that he check over the IP logs again.
Ya know, I suppose that I shoulda asked if YOU, the author, would care to do another interview with TGTWebocomics? You really seemed to enjoy yourself, and they still talk fondly about you. But, if the first was enough, then I wash my hands of this. I’ll still cast every vote that I can cast, and there are 13 more for me to do so. We’ll see how the dust settles tomorrow at 0930.
Honestly. I do enjoy them. But there are more important things to ask my readers to help out with.
I’ll be doing a charity in a few months.
I hope to do other things that might help others. I’d rather not make too big a stink to the readers by asking too much too often.
Does that make sense? I don’t like to ask for too much.
There will be other podcasts…ha ha. It’s not the lottery.

I really appreciate your and everyone else’s votes.
Do your votes and we’ll see what happens.
It’s all good.
heh Scott’s right. It’s not like we won’t interview him again
We really enjoyed his interview and had the longest running podcast until Astray 3
and that was 40 weeks later 
It would be remiss of me if we didn’t get him on the show again.
oh I see DER.
I think it was the very home like sheets and cover that threw me, I always see labs and hospitals as being distinctive and bland.
Didn’t go to college. Australia uses an university system… most people live at home and go to uni or rent usually with flat mates (shared house) and go to uni
Dan looks like more trouble than Alex when he says that…LOL ;-P
I love the last line Scot :).
I mean Scott
Gotta love that brotherly love. XP