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Hi all!
I’m back. We’re back.
We had a great time. I took some pictures on my phone to show you.
We took most of the pictures with my wife’s camera. I may bore you later on with those.
We flew out on Friday early morning (7am) and got in at 10am to Ft. Lauderdale airport.
Unfortunately…2 of our bags didn’t make it. TSA was checking them out…and they missed their flight.
Now we had a 2 hour drive to Marco Island (the other side of Florida) and now had to wait 5 hours for the next flight. Yikes.
We went and had pizza at my favorite pizza place ( Antonios Pizza in Miramar, FLA).
Picked up stuff for the trip at Target. Took the kids to a playground…and did whatever we could to pass the time.
We finally made it to Marco (after a fun drive through Alligator Alley), and checked in to our hotel.
Here’s a view from our balcony.
The shells there were incredible. I went one morning early and got these…
After a couple days in Marco…we went to Sanibel Island.
It was pretty. Very nice shells.
We also saw a stingray, some dolphins, and a hermit crab.
Very exciting for 6 year olds.
But we soon realized we’d had too much sun and water. We needed something different.
So we changed plans and headed to Orlando. Only a 3.5 hour drive north.
We stayed at the Animal Kingdom Lodge. This was our view from our balcony there…
It was a blast. Animals walking around out your window day and night.
I’ll give more of a report later this week or next. But just wanted to say we’re doing great. Happy to be home…
And can’t wait to work on Dreamland some more.
Thank you guys for coming back each day. I’d log in when I could to check messages and comments.
So glad you’re enjoying the pages. Hope you continue to enjoy this fun chapter.
And thanks for letting me take a few days off to be with family.
Welcome home, Scott! I’m glad you had fun with the family, besides the Disney drama. You know you can take off whenever, so long as you leave Dreamland auto-updated. Kidding. We’ll just go crazy for pages.
I can’t say it enough: poor, POOR Orion! Maybe Nastajia can kick some sense into Alex to focus and learn, and then return to school and suddenly become an Honors student…which would probably lead into a massive investigation concerning “cheating.”
awesome!! Welcome back! I miss FL
I was raised in Daytona/New Smyrna Beach. I love it there
Dude, family comes first. Always. I’m glad you had fun. Even though you spoiled us with pages despite not being there…
Welcome back! We tried not to make a mess while you were gone.
Yeah, Orion’s got his work cut out for him, some people just can’t focus on . . .
. . .hey look, a quarter!
hehe … such snide remarks. maybe orion should send alex straight to bed. being tired has quite some effects on concentration. ^^
Aw man… there’s no feather on this page.
Wait, you’re on vacation AND making pages?
What kind of laptop do you have and where can I get one?
man Alexander got trouble focusing on questions no wonder he suck in school
Wow.. heavy guilt Mr. Man… heavy guilt.
ROFL!! I must be from the northland, eh? The view from your balcony looks like snow =P
I had to basically talk my self into believing it’s actually sand and that it’s a warm picture, not a freezing one.
The other pics are nice too
Glad you guys are home safe and sound. Ooooo… I’ve always wanted to go to Sanibel Island! I adore collecting seashells. I am now hugely jealous. XD
After torturing Orion with a feather in his butt and a small animal noming on his head you now make him have to teach Alex?? You are a mean man, Scott. XD
Ah, good old Alex and his powers of concentration. Well, lack thereof rather.
Didn’t even notice you were gone Scott! (Well at least not from the page, knew from twitter) Sounded like a great trip and lots of fun.
I live there! I love our Florida beaches; I’m glad you did too!
Good Morning all…
Thanks for the warm welcome home.
I’ve got lots to do to get back to work here.
So we can keep the update schedule. So…see you guys later.
Welcome back, Scott!
It’s probably a silly thing to say, but the way you’ve made Alex’s armor literally shine in the first panel kind of takes my breath away. I love this comic! Keep being awesome =)
I vacation in Sanibel in October when the tourist season quiets down. The ocean churns up more shells then and we have found some really huge Horse Conches in addition to the regular shells after storms. IMO, Marko isn’t quiet as nice as Sanibel. Marko seemed too built up, while Sanibel still has an illusion of being a quiet and laid-back island (at least in the fall, might be really busy in summer).
You have to really like shells to have a blast in Sanibel. Since that’s about all that’s there. We make a game out of it and watch the tide charts (getting up at 3:00-4:00am with the head mounted flashlights) to get the best stuff before the rest of the tourists wake up. The whole visit turns into a shell competition with evening poker card games to haggle over the best finds of the day (shells replace poker chips). Occasionally friendly pranks erupt, prize shells may go missing (temporarily), shoelaces might be tied (to slow each other from getting to the beach first!). It doesn’t matter that these shells are cheap IRL, you have to treat them like they’re gold, to have a good time doing it. They are rare artifacts that must be recovered before your rival finds them!
Of course, anyone finding a Junonia gets braggers rights for the whole trip.
Lots of fun!
Really random comment here, but I wanted to say THANK you for posting. It was the only thing out of a crappy day that made me smile. (Root Canal. Ugh … *shudder*)
So yeah, keep writing. This story is amazing.
glad you and your family had fun on your vacation.
Thanks Noraa…
3-4am may be a bit too early for MY family…ha ha.
Becca…I hope you’re feeling better. Root Canal’s are never fun….ugh.
I’m speculating…could Alex have ADHD? As a teacher, I have discovered that kids with ADHD have an astonishing wealth of creativity and imagination. It might just take someone with those gifts and the ability to drift to get to Dreamland….
He’s too calm for ADHD. I know that for a fact.
Rose has a pretty good point, but you find that most of the bad eggs have that.
I’m glad you had a great vacation! I ate at Animal Kingdom Lodge one time at the Boma restaurant! It was awesome! The animals are really cool!
Gasp! You were in my neck of the woods! (Disney World Cast member here) Glad you guys had fun!
I love how he says that Alex was distracted, and the audience (us readers) was also distracted by the conversation between Kiwi and Padington (not that I found it distracting; twas actually quite fun). So, if we’re following Alex’s story, we didn’t really miss anything, except what he missed too! Or maybe I just over think things.
Ahh, Alex…I know how you feel–I’m ALWAYS being distracted. ;p
Sounds like you and your family had a good time! I’m glad you got a bit of time to yourself. =)
omg! I LOVE Sanibel Island! I used to go there every year when I was a kid!
Omigosh, Miramar! I live there, lol
It’s so cool that you love a pizza place in my hometown ^_^
Orion: “We are going to use the ancient medicines of the Centaurs…starting with something called Ritalin.”
Orion thinking” And why couldn’t we get a smart king again?