Page 1540…
Happy Thursday!
Boy, I had to go back 5 years to find the models for Oberon and Titania!
Luckily I keep so many backups.
Hope you’re enjoying the pages
Happy Thursday!
Boy, I had to go back 5 years to find the models for Oberon and Titania!
Luckily I keep so many backups.
Hope you’re enjoying the pages
Those are three characters we haven`t seen in a while. Good to see them again.
(yes, even you Nick, he looks awesome in the last panel)
Eh, Nick is not dead. We never saw the body.
It’s good to see some old cast again.
Why does it always lead back to Nick?
Things look bad at TWC. We keep sliding down.
#3: 13,208 <= us
#4: 13,030
Dreamland needs your vote NOW!
Probably. But maybe not. The fact that they never found the body neither proves that he’s dead, nor proves that he’s alive. There are many cases were a person drowns or a body is dumped and is never found. And not just oceans, in rivers as well. (Though, Nick’s body is red and so big it might be hard to miss… assuming they looked really good.)
I forget: Was that just a moat where Nick “drowned”? Or was it part of the ocean?
I still find it WEIRD to see male elves with beards… O_O
Nearly every modern depiction I’m familiar with, particularly in fantasy games and stories, has them without any facial hair (unless half human). Perhaps it’s a stereotype, but I still think it’s dwarves who are supposed to have beards, not elves.
The last picture is simply awesome. You should re-render it as a wallpaper!
Hey Sava,you should have a special file for your character designs so that way if you need a particular character,it’s right there…!
Schrodinger’s Dragon: dead AND alive.
Love the light exuding out of the “torch” in both panels. It really allows for fun with the shadows during this scene.
Good ol’ Nick, he never fails to make quite an entrance. If you’ll excuse me, I have to change my pants.
It’s amazing to me how long this comic has gone on, it’s been such a constant in my life. I’ve checked in every single morning since Chapter 1. Through that time, I’ve graduated high school, got married, graduated from college and had a kid – who now sits on my lap and “reads” it with me. It’s hard to believe how far the story has come, but what a truly wondrous trip it’s been!
Ooohh, CREEPY final panel! But what nice art…
This does cause a slight revision in what we thought we knew, though. Previously it appeared Nic didn’t know the Astoria tablet was in his treasure trove, and only figured it out soon before Alex and Fel broke in looking for it. Now it’s clear he knew it was there and what it said all along. And also that Nic was responsible for Oberon and Titania’s disappearance…
*waves index finger in air and shakes it.* “I ain’t got no body”
remember this is a flash back of sorts.
Wow! very nice.
And I’d just like to thank you again, for this wonderful comic.
I LIKE him with a beard. It makes him look distinguished.
Hey: that would work well on a WANTED poster:
Wanted: Nicodemus
Dead AND Alive.
I love the last panel where you can barely see all of him. I admit I dont check in every day, just because I love reading this story so much I just gotta have more than one. Ive been impressed with your artwork from the first time ive seen it and i try to tell everyone i know who like comics and has kids or has grandkids or any kids they enjoy reading to.
Wow! Thank you!
What a wonderful story.
Thank you for being a part of my life as well.
Thank you all. Such wonderful things I’m reading from all of you.
I’m running from one chore to the next (taking kids here and there) so I can’t respond to everyone. But wanted to say thank you for reading. And your kind words.
You’re welcome Scott.
I don’t post everyday how wonderful I think Dreamland is, but trust me, me and my son (and soon my daughter too) love every second of it.
Thank you!
Yeah, it’s kind of scary to think how far back in his files Scott had to go to find these models, but kind of awesome as well. Talk about inspiration for where hard work and dedication can get you.
Oh, and as others have stated, last panel is beautifully well done, composition, lighting, you name it. Really feels like a scene from a CGI film, a VERY well animated one at that.
Cirdan in the Lord of the Rings had a beard
Yes, everyone, vote, vote, vote!
Regarding the second panel.

I literally spent 4 hours re-posing, re-lighting, and re-framing the shot.
I had an idea of what I wanted in my head…and it took me half of the day to get it just right.
So glad you all liked it.
Looks like Friday pages have been particularly difficult lately.
I’m going to be late as I’ve got a LOT of clouds to paint in Friday’s page.
Please check back in the morning.
Dreamland is well worth the wait- take your time. I’m sure it will be beautiful.
Love the suspense of the last frame. But Nick’s already gotten his scar from Alex?
Yes, because Nastajia`s parents were still there when Alex stopped coming to Dreamland.
Drama 101. If you don’t see the body of a villain after his death, he is still around. And if we are talking superhero comics, death proves nothing.
Exactly. ^_^
Tolkien’s elves aren’t so much incapable of growing beards, as they are very slow to age, and apparently facial hair is a later stage of life for them than for us. Perhaps the only other Elf currently on the mortal side of the pond who’s old enough would be Galadriel, were she male. :p
Tolkien’s elves didn’t wear donkey ears, either. That is, before the movie.
That last panel does not bode well for Nastajia’s parents.
Looks like Friday’s page (once again) has become MONDAY’S page as life has just piled things on me today.
Sorry folks.
I hope you have a wonderful weekend and hope the 4 page weeks haven’t been too much of a disappointment.
Donkey ears? Are you referring to the points? If so, that wasn’t specified one way or another, that I can remember.
No worries. Besides, a page ending with Nicodemus stepping out of a shadow like this pretty much demands to be the final page of the week anyway.
4-day weeks are better then 0-day weeks, so no worries. Your comic is well worth the wait.
I second that
Best cliffhanger ever even.
fo shizzle ma nizzle
me gunna second that ^^
Take yer time, Scott. Thursday’s Cliffhanger is well received and me’s a lookin forth to monday.
Stay safe, your family and you.
…in fact…I might…>:3
I third!
If a dragon and his treasure are never far apart, did he already know about this tablet in Astoria? Or was he just ticked that someone had found a secret in his castle he didn’t know about, esp. since it was discovered in his treasury?