Happy Monday, all!

I hope you had a wonderful weekend.

We had a great Christmas. The boys got lots of cool toys.

We had our first White Christmas ever. It was beautiful.

I want to thank you all once more (I doubt this will be the last time I thank you) for unblocking your ads.

The revenue we brought in last week alone was more than we’d made in a month previously.

This revenue will help me continue to produce the pages daily.

Thank you all.

Some of you have been asking me about the iPad app we’re making.

Here’s a preview of the library page.

I’m so excited. It’s going to be so cool.

The books look spectacular on the iPad.

We’re getting the last of the Kickstarter pre-orders for the Dreamland Chronicles Book Four out to you this week.

I have a hundred or so sketches to do. But looking forward to hearing from you all. We’ve already received several dozens of emails and photos from families who gave the books and toys as presents for Christmas.

What a wonderful thing for me to see. I feel like I’m a part of all of your families in some way. I guess the same way you’re all a part of ours.

I hope you enjoy this week.