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Sometimes I think things would be funnier in motion.
Today’s page plays really well when I act it out.
Alex trying to prove he’s right…but adjusting his direction based on Felicity’s head shaking.
Until he finally gives up.
Anyways. It’s a fun page…hope it works visually for you guys.
I wanted you guys to know I put up my “kids comics” into the store.
They’re WAY cheap, too.
Click on each of them to see a preview.
You can find them all (and of course the Dreamland books and toys) in the store.
There’s a link on the menu bar above. Or you can just click here.
It’s a new month.
So anyone who wants to vote for us on TWC (new vote incentive is up)…thanks.
Nicely done!
Any way to put some sort of graphic emphasis on Felicity’s head turns? I didn’t get it until I read your comments.
I understood what was happening… Though I would have understood the effect even if she had just been sort of staring at him sympathetically.
Yeah, I didn’t get it either until reading the comments, sorry 🙁 I think the sympathetic facial expressions would have done the trick 🙂
I didn’t get that Felicity was directing him, instead more just giving him a look. Nevertheless, I think it worked, and it’s so funny. One of my favorite pages in a long time; it made me seriously laugh.
LOL! This whole interaction with the two of them is so cute! I’ve missed the old Felicity. Glad she’s feeling like herself again!
I tried the typical head shake with “3 faces” and motion blur.
Didn’t look good at ALL.
She’s just shaking her head no.
I know I got it, at least. Took me a moment of looking at the panels stacked like that (which I think helps to imply the intent), but still got it.
Now, if only a sense of direction were a dream power Alex could have.
Heaven knows I’d be in exactly the same boat.
I thought it was rather plain that that’s what was happening. Besides, the three Felicity panels stacked on top of each other, with her facing one way, then the next, does a pretty good job of implying a shaking ‘no’ movement. That whole scene worked fine for me.
Of course, having eliminated three directions, Alex could have worked out the real one, but I guess his dignity was already shattered, by then…
I get the effect you were going for when I look at each column (Alex and Felicity) separately, just looking at the drawings top to bottom and ignoring the words. I find most comics take a few read-throughs to fully appreciate, so this is no different.
I got it just fine…but then again I’m an animator, so maybe I’m wired to think that way…? 😉 And yeah, I immediately imagined this playing out in motion…it’d be hilarious!
You got to love that smirk she has
At first, I didn’t get the effect, but I was scrolling up one frame at a time. When I look at the whole page at the same time it is easy to see. It should be good it print.
Thanks all!
Got it by the third panel and laughed. Love it. 🙂
I totally followed what was going on. And laughed, causing the other students across from me to look at me funny (I’m checking this between classes on campus).
I like.
Long-time lurking reader here. I have to say, this struck me as a pretty ingenious gag, and incredibly funny. I love it.
As an aside, I’m really excited about where the story is going and I expect the climax is going to be incredible. Can’t wait to see more!
Or perhaps staring at him with a smirk?
I got it right away! That really made me laugh at the way poor Alex was trying to make it look like he knew where he was going when he so clearly had no clue! XD I hope Felicity will teach him how to tell directions in Dreamland sometime. 🙂
At first I thought it was a bit like an expectant tilt of the head, sort of a mockingly waiting for a correct answer.. Buuut I am happy You didn’t use the blur-shake effect, it usually makes a picture look too busy, especially when there are sooo many details around.
Don’t change it. Felicity is starting to flesh-out nicely as a character. And to those that are afraid that Felicity is “hitting” on Alex: I don’t think so. My BFF does the same “mock-flirting to me, and she’s been married for years. She basically sees me as the big, goofy brother she never had. Same goes for Felicity, me thinks. She just loves him to bits, especially because Alex was the one to get her out of her coma and connect her with her youth-friend again (I still tear-up a bit looking at those famous pages.)
Ayayay..looong comment…
I think there’s more than one way to get the essence of this page across. You could have also had her giving him that all knowing feline stare with arms crossed each time he spoke. In any event, the way you chose works great so that’s all that matters. Good work, Scott!
I got a similar impression as JurgenS. I didn’t notice the head-shake, but between her expression and the position of her head, it’s still pretty clear that she’s going ‘Nooope, try again!’ to me.
On the note of the ‘kids comics,’ well… it’s hard to read them because the pages seem to be shrunk, quite a bit. In my opinion, that makes it hard to really ‘taste the free sample’ and see if I like it because it’s harder to tell what’s going on. :/
i thought she was just tilting her head in diff. directions pretending that she’s giving him hints while smirking… and he would adjust his pointing depending on which way she was tilting… close enough i guess… except it was head tilt instead of head shake =3
Shopping time!! 🙂
The head shake was pretty clear to me, so no worries. 😀
I got it too! 🙂 Felicity shaking her head works. I think it would also work if she just gave Alex the arms-crossed smirking stare.
Totally understand.
You can see higher versions here…
Thanks for the orders, Julie!
the vote insentive is the same as last month for me.
You did a fine job of conveying the action and the hillarity in freeze frame just as well as anybody could have done it with motion. Facial expression is excellent!
yeah, i didn’t get it first either, i think what confused me was alex saying “thhhrrreeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr”
I would have loved it if Alex went a whole 360 degrees. Still, it’s hilarious!
I’ve heard you can fix this problem with the following procedure:
– right-click the image after you vote
– select “view image”
– refresh the page (F5)
I’ve never had the problem, but I’ve seen many others that have on other comics. It seems to be a cached image issue with TWC.
been having problems with my comments…
that didn’t work
Would it help just to have her ears and earrings moving, like at the end of a shake? I’m just guessing here…
I agree. I got it right away. Felicity’s hair was a certain give away about the movement when I first saw it.
However, I think it works either way. Whether you think she’s just giving him looks, or if you catch the movement of it. It’s still funny, and posesses the same enjoyment. 😀
Hmm …
Well, if the problem hasn’t yet gone away on its own, you can try closing and reopening your browser. If that doesn’t work, try the same procedure I outlined above, but use CTRL-F5 instead of F5 to force a refresh. If that doesn’t work, you probably need to something like CCleaner to clean out your Temporary Internet Files.
Hope this helps!

LOL! It worked really well, Scott. Although, I followed his arm and didn’t even notice felicity shaking her head =P I was too busy laughing. (p.s. this is the same megan with the [email protected] e-mail except I stopped using hotmail =x )
I had no problem interpreting the situation. Although it occurred to me that the art (awesome as it is) leaves it open to interpretation.
I figured she was shaking her head at him… But then I thought it would be even funnier if she was just trying to help him out in the ego department by hinting at the actual direction by turning her head every so slightly…in that “hot” or “cold” manner until he found the direction by himself. LOL
Also… It’s kind of odd to say this… I’m not one of those freaks who likes animals or anything but…
Felicity is HOT in this scene. THAT THERE is the kind of playful demeanor that can definitely get a guy going…if he wasn’t an idiot. LOL
(P.S. I’m married. NO I wasn’t turned on by a cartoon character! Just thought I should clarify before the trolls come out to eat me. LOL!)
Alex: “I didn’t forget! The spawn points are all random!”
haha this is great 😀
We’re all having problems with your comments, CyanMage…