Page 1073…
Wow. You guys are amazing.
First off…
Thank you so much for your donations.
I know money has been tight all over. And I can’t thank you all enough for helping support us in this difficult time.
It means so much to Donna and I.
I’m so glad you like the painting. I’ll try not to abuse your generosity. But honestly I’d love to do the following.
1) Do paintings on request.
2) Do prints (using the 3D characters) for you all
3) Make sure everyone gets a print or original at some point
I’m totally open to as many suggestions as you might have.
But here’s one I would love to throw by you.
I have these prints of The Dreamland Chronicles pages that I made up. About the first 4 chapters really.
They’re on beautiful 13×19 inch watercolor paper.
These pages have embossed Blue Dream Studios logos. So you know they’re “official” and they do NOT have the lettering on them.
So they appear more as “original art”.
I can’t tell you how nice they look in person.
I have a couple hundred pages. And I can make more for the newer pages.
Would you want the option to purchase these?
Or to recieve a random one with donations over a certain amount?
How cool would it be if I had a way of getting you all your very own page?
With over 1000 pages (we’re coming up to 1100) everyone could “stake their claim” on their favorite page.
And own the ONLY print of that page.
Anyways. I so desperately want you all to own a piece of Dreamland with me.
You’re my family. My fellow Dreamers.
I want to share this with you.
Any thoughts on how?
Oh…and YES…he said “King Arthur”!
Ah, dang. I was hoping the old snake still had some loyalty in him.
I get the feeling the rock giants arrived just as or immediately after Alex faded out, otherwise paddington might have been a bit more toasty.
SHUNK! What are you up to, Orion?!
This story just keeps getting more fun! I like the little bit of mystery you throw in among all the humor and the gorgeous art work.
I would LOVE to own a piece of artwork from Dreamland! How exciting!
Let us know what you would charge, and please be fair to yourself and your family!
I would be very interested in owning some of Dreamland in your art, as described on the watercolor paper. Most of our family are HUGE fans of Dreamland and it would be so exciting to have an original print hanging in our home!
Blessings! -shana
I know Sheldon’s Dave Kellett sells his original artwork, and, with the exception of a few strips he’s turned into posters (and his books), those are the only “prints” he sells, and since it’s his actual artwork, it works for him. But since Dreamland is made entirely on a computer, it would be easy to make prints of any page, so having the “only” print of a particular page isn’t really noteworthy. Also, his artwork sells for $125 a strip, which is fair, considering it’s an exclusive piece of artwork, but still out of a lot of people’s price range.
Since you do have the option of making multiple copies of the same print (and therefore able to sell them at an affordable price), that would be the best way to do it. I can even predict Your Biggest Seller.
Regarding the prints, that does sound like a great idea! Here are some options:
– If we could choose the page that we wanted (while still available) that would be worth a premium. You could even put a “Artist Proof Avaiable” on each archive page!
– Cost would have to cover postage, shipping materials that don’t fold (even if your postman really wants it to fit in the mailbox), and your labor to get it in the mail plus manage the online list if appliable.
– How many splash 2-page spreads have you done? Just a couple. That would be a big premium also.
– Of course, if it’s too big of a hassle to track all of the different pages and answer a zillion questions about whether page xxx is still available, you can always just send them out sequentially instead.
Maybe $25 each which would include shipping? Maybe twice that for the Chapter number pages? I’m curious how everyone else would value them.
Ahhh. Time for more chanting tomorrow, I suspect.
Wait. King Arthur. Sword. Stuck in ground. I think I see where this is heading…
….I did not see that coming….
Thank you, Random bird.
Scott my idea is put the prints on sale in you store. I too have seen original artwork going for $40- $120 depending on the time put into the art. So in reality think about how much time you put into the prints and price accordingly. You have your batch of pages for sale with the embossed logo.. Take them with you to the Con, Sell them in your store, Offer them as High Donation incentives($100+)… The ideas are endless. We want you, we want your Art, we want your daily adventures in Dreamland…
Now For King Arthur… Nic I guess isn’t happy he is butting his head into Dreamland again? Will you bring with Arthur his inevitable cast of characters associated with him ie. knights of the round table, Merlin? I hope so…
Nice one! I hadn`t thought of that!
That was the first thing that crossed my mind when I saw the sword slashing into the ground… what will happen if Alex can’t pull it out? He ISN’T the real king, just a substitute… or will the sword acknowledge him for the time being like it did before? I LOVE this story ^^
@MaXX – there are people in England who believe Arthur never died. He is just resting somewhere up to the time Englannd needs him again. Probably this “somewhere” is Dreamland, and he isn’t resting, but held captive for centuries…
I`m really glad to see you`re experimenting with the donations Scott!! Nastajia is beautiful in paint! 😀
I love all the ideas you`ve thrown in! I do agree with Lazurwulf though, but I also understand your idea for the printed pages. It sounds awesome! But be sure you ask a price that fits the art, if you sell an original piece then we should expect a higher price.
Awesome page btw, I`m so curious about this whole Arthur thing! I love Orion, he`s so dramatic 😀
ooh so nic’s afraid of the stone giants? I sure would love to see those guys in action
He already pulled it from a stone once.
The button to the store does not work.
It does not show the store nor the page stating your updating it (
It would be nice if you just kept it at a sort of “raffle” draw. Like with the Nasti-painting.. if only for the fact that sending a drawing/print in an a4 envelope to f.i. Europe MUST be cheaper than make multiple prints for a web-shop with the added risk You’d be stuck with them if people back-off.
The lottery-draw of a “lucky recipient’ is more fun too….
On the story: Aha..Nic is really scared of rock-giants..this could get interesting..
I meant a raffle for donations ofcourse.. The idea of “special print gifts” for big donations is also viable me thinks. Signed Prints are always nice. I got a few from a Famous Dutch comic artist: Henk Kuijpers from “Franka” (Check it out, if you have time. Henk works in the legacy of “clear-line” technique like Herge of TinTin fame. Henk’s art would also translate very well in 3d..
Page 887 – panel 4. A desktop-sized pinup of that panel or similar would be something worth donating for I think. Whew! 🙂
Hey Scott! I saw your promo for the ‘anything over $5’ drawing before I read your journal topic and loved the idea 😀 that’s a great way to have people donate ‘guilt-free’ 😀
Hmmmm.. what are you up to now Orion?? Will we be seeing King Arthur soon??
As far as donations, if you don’t want to leave anyone out, what about doing a personalized character sketch for a $1 donation, the original page for $5 & over, and then for a larger amount, maybe a painting or something along those lines at your discretion? And speaking of donations, I forgot to e-mail you yesterday, Paypal didn’t give me the link to the wallpaper…. errrr… or else I deleted it by accident. O_o May I please have the link again??
Yes. I’m redoing the store. It used to go to IDW’s site.
But I’m updating my personal store so I can have signed and sketched books for you all.
Hopefully ready by next week.
Thank you all.
Wonderful ideas.
ANd thank you for the constant encouragement.
Scott is currently revamping the store. It will be up and running again soon.
That’s a point. There is a way to have Paypal show a URL on the “transaction completed” page. Don’t know if this can be made for only donations greater than X dollars.
I did not see that link either. For an example on how this is done, see the Foglio’s site, or ask one of them how they set it up.
Scott – this is a brilliant idea of producing high quality pages. I would love to own a piece of the Dreamland story. And, if I could say – I have the only print of this page that would be awesome. But, I would say you don’t have to limit it to one print per page, but maybe 10 or so, that way the more popular pages can be owned by more.
Email me Christine. I’ll get you the link.
It’s a redirect. So next time just wait for it.
you should not turn down free money – there will be several pages that many people will want – the obviously popular. These should not be limited to a single person, but instead, promise a limited run of 1,500 or 500 or whatever you decide.
like elvis said… evlvis’ comment was not there a minute ago – great minds i suppose
He is just putting it someplace so that he can talk to it.
Ooh, I would definitely want a print of a Dreamland page! If the donation amount was something I could afford on my student budget…
Yesh! The Mad Clicker strikes again. lol! I am waaay too impatient.
Thanksh Scott!! 😀
I had considered suggesting that depending on how donations went you could look at buying an art printer. Or possibly try to run a Kickstarter for it so that the initial cost is covered. If you are planning to do many it would be cheaper but require more work than ordering from a third party.
For prints I think that doing a more expensive/higher quality print that has a single copy, embossed, numbered, signed certificate of authenticity would work. Then you should be able to offer prints of the same page on demand at a lower price with an unlimited number of copies.
He’s making it stable so he can slice up some ham for sandwiches. That’s all.
Goodness you guys have some active imaginations. 🙂
Oops. I guess I should have refreshed before replying. 🙂
Thank you very much, Shana
Thank you all.
We have the BUY PRINT buttons working.
But we’re still checking out the shipping costs.
We also do NOT have the ability to sell a ONE OF A KIND version right now.
So maybe give us a day to figure all of this out.
Could be a LOT of fun.
I hope I can get a job soon. Owning these prints sounds like fun. I’ve been clicking on ads like crazy instead.
I assume Orion will get the sword to talk. I wonder what it’ll say/
The two-page splash of Nic going “FWOOSH!” is listed as the same price, $25. Just want to make sure that this is correct.
Yeah, but that was before it was implied Dan might be the true king. Maybe the sword will change its mind.
Good point. I forgot about how the sword liked to be buried when it talks. Odd fellow.
For those of you like me who can’t (yet) afford all of these wonderful new features Scott is adding, don’t forget to show your support by VOTING over at TWC, clicking ads, and anything else you can think of!
Quick question for Scott about today’s page: when Orion says Nic flew off “shouting curses to King Arthur”, would that be the “you rotten no good razzle-snorter” kind of curse, or the “may the fleas of a thousand camels infest your beard” magical sort of curse? Not suggesting any change of wording; just curious …
Can’t wait to see what the sword has to say about these new developments …

It kinda helps if you give a link to the page you’re talking about, or at least describe what’s on the page in question. Page 887 is the page where we first see Nastajia in her Native Centaur garb.
My gosh… I just started reading the Dreamland Chronicles about two days ago and just couldn’t stop reading… I kept clicking the ‘next’ button after this page but no 🙁 I guess now I have to wait untill the update, just as all the other readers… 😛
I really love it, the story and the characters are totally awesome! I laughed and cried and I truly hate Nick. He must be about the meanest dragon I’ve ever seen!
Oh.. And I’m totally a big fan of Paddington! Love him!
😀 Just wanted to tell you (A)
Scott, I’ve got the killer fund-raising idea.
Send people a drawing of an invisible horse for $25! It’s a proven winner!
The drawings can be exactly the same and noone will care! You can do it all online with no postage expenses!
All you have to do is decide how to spend the $2 million you will make in the first 4 hours.
All prints right now are NOT the one of a kind.
THey haven’t figured out a way to implement that.
So these are the ones that are identical. 13×19 on watercolor board. Embossed logo. Signed. But they’ll have the lettering on it.
LOL. Either is fine with me.
Thank you so much. And welcome.
Hope you continue to enjoy the story.
Sorry. I wasn’t clear.
Is the two-page splash image also reproduced on a 13×19 on watercolor board at the same price? Or is it twice as large at twice the price? Or can the two-page splash image not be reproduced at this time?
I know that I’d buy at least two prints of whatever options you have available. I don’t have any particular page in mind; they’re all awesome!
I want to emphasize Shana’s point: be fair to yourself and your family when you start posting costs. We want to support you so that we can continue to be Dreamers with you.
Thanks for a wonderful comic, and a fun new page.
– Fr. Maurer
Love where this is going. 🙂
Aww man somehow i never got to see that one. 🙁 Oh well ill just have to go back and start at the begining. Sometimes its just nice to go back for a refresher after so much time has passed.
I know some of the other webcomic authors that I read also sell their original prints. What you could do is have a price below each page, perhaps with some line like “This original print is on sale for $x,” We could have a way to contact you with each page number request as well. $25 is actually quite cheap for a print that size because you have to consider things like printing cost and shipping. I am sure some of your readers are international, you are very popular. 🙂 Depending on the colors some authors sell theirs for $40-$60 on average.
For paintings on request, I know a lot of DeviantArtists get commissions for their work, and I have seen sketch cards of 2.5 by 3.5 go for around $20-$30 each depending on the details like background and such.
I know you are offering this because you want to share Dreamland and have some kind of monetary gain, so I am just giving you this information so you can have a little more idea of the market and you don’t end up selling yourself short. I think I can speak for everyone in saying that we all want our favorite Dreamland writer to continue his work 😀
Good luck!
I would love to get a print of the village at the top of the website or a print of the elven castle
I totally did not see the “buy print” option, so you can ignore the first couple sentences of the first paragraph, sorry!
double page splash is all on one 13×19 page
just horizontal.
I’m only a kid so I can’t buy one:(
It took about two days, but I’m finally at the end and I have to say…
As a fan of Reboot, I like CGI stuff (even Ninja Turtles look cool in CGI), but I’ve never seen a CGI comic before. I actually wandered over from another comic, thinking I’d just check it out, see what it was about. And was hooked to reading from yesterday until today.
The story is awesome, but above all, I can’t imagine the work you put into this to deliver a new page everyday. Just…just awesome. I’m only sad that I’ve just caught on to this, especially when it’s been around for about four years!
flees of a thousand camels? I like that! Oh dear, I wonder what the dwarves would say?
All these new ideas sound really cool! And to own a little peice of Dreamland? WOW! That would be so cool! Keep up the great work Scott! BTW, any new news on the movie? Let me know when the auditions are!
Wow you got some big plans! I’m hoping for a Paddington print sometime. He’s my favorite. 🙂 I’m so thrilled about the role he’s had recently in the comic. It’s awesome to see more of him! Not that there is anything wrong with the other characters! Haha! I like them too they keep me coming back. Paddington is my type of guy… big, funny and sweet! Not to mention a hero! Just like my husband. 🙂 Haha!
Well thank you very much Agent 66.
So glad you found me and so glad you enjoyed the story so far.
Hope you stick around for the next 1000 pages or so.
Actually, there is a very similar (probably just a modified version) curse in Dwarvish in one of the Forgotten Realms books (I forget exactly which one). In that version, it’s reindeer rather than camels, and the infestation is … um, specified for a different anatomical area that I won’t mention here.
The original Dwarvish, as nearly as I can recall it, goes something like this: “Bander crayog aug reindeer beyoo eggloo kest gronn”. (I make no apologies if I butchered the spelling or even the wording; I think I read that book about 15 years ago … )
Have I mentioned before that I’m openly geek? I think so …
[EDIT] I debated on correcting my paragraph above, then decided to add this “edit” section instead, for comparison. My OCD got the best of me, and I looked up the curse I mentioned above, and I wasn’t all that far off considering I was drawing from memory of a book I read 15 years and probably 200+ books ago. As it turns out, the curse is from “The Crystal Shard” by R. A. Salvatore, first in the Icewind Dale Trilogy, and is from the Northern Barbarians rather than the dwarves. In original form it is actually: “Prayne de crabug ahm rinedere be-yogt iglo kes gron.” (Hey, I was pretty close phonetically!)
If anyone is curious, a Google search turned up the full text of the book in a .pdf file here:
I have no idea if this is a legit site, or whether any copyright was violated when it was published there, but the .pdf file appears to be genuine, at least.
I have no objection to the deletion of this post if the above link makes Scott and/or his legal team nervous in any way …
I checked the date on that story twice. I fully expected it to be 4/1/2010 …
Welcome, fellow Dreamer!
The fact that Scott (the artist) was the first one here to greet you should give you some insight into this wonderful community and our unique relationship with the creator of this amazing … (epic? saga? tableau? grr! find a word! … ah, here we go: ) … graphic masterpiece.
If you want to show Scott your support for his wonderful gift to us, I recommend you start by clicking madly on all the ads on his sight, then going over to TWC and voting every day:
If you can buy stuff, check out the fancy new Donation and “Buy Print” buttons ^up yonder^, and keep an eye out for the newly reopening Store (coming soon).
Well, if you want a Paddington print, here are a few possibilities:
There are probably plenty more (including the last few pages!); these are just the ones that caught my eye on a semi-leisurely trawl through the archives. They all feature Paddington prominently, sometimes alone and sometimes with one or more of the others.
(Yeah, my OCD is in overdrive tonight for some reason … )
(Hey, Scott: I think your anti-spam system killed a reply comment I tried to put here … probably due to the fact that I put about 8 hyperlinks in it. They were all to archive Dreamland pages, but still … )
I hope that you have a few pages set aside for your own family? I think you should let the boys and Donna pick first before we do.
Welcome to the club!
What Tek said! 😉
I know which one I want: But, perhaps I should wait? Perhaps, the best is yet to come!!!
“our unique relationship with the creator of this amazing … (epic? saga? tableau? grr! find a word! … ah, here we go: ) … graphic masterpiece.”
Could the adjective you are looking for be… “dreamy” ?
Orion: “He flew off shouting curses to king Arthur.”
Nicodemus’ violent tendencies were well known. His literalness, less so.