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What a day…
Last night (Saturday NIght) I had a bad headache. I don’t usually get them. My wife does.
So she gave me two of her Excedrine Migraines.
I awoke around 1am cold and shaking. I got some sweats, put on 4 blankets…but couldn’t stop shivering.
Then about 2 hours later…I got a fever.
It was miserable. I think I had a bad reaction to the Excedrine.
Anyone heard of this before?
I’m feeling a bit better tonight…but funny enough…I was worried last night I would be too sick to do today’s page. Ha!
Thankfully I got the page done in time…but in my quest to stay “professional” and not let personal problems dictate the schedule of my comic…I think I DO worry about it too much.
It’s not that I think you guys would leave me. I know you’re not like that. But I’ve always tried to be professional and on time in all of my years in games and comics and animation. It’s a character flaw. I’m nuts about it.
Well I hope you enjoy today’s page and I hope I wake up feeling better. I have more pages to do!
Wow Scott… what a way to spend a weekend. I hope you’re doing better than Felicity’s doing. Hope you continue on the mend, and don’t overexert yourself!
My friend got sick when her dad gave her some of her mum`s headache medication as well. She had very much the same reaction as you.
Hope you’re feeling much better!
i wish you a speedy recovery, as well as for Felicity.
Not sure I’d call your promptness a “character flaw.” More like a rare asset. It’s one that will ultimately make you successful. People like being able to count on you. Like your kids. And your wife. And your audience… aw heck…we’ll be your kids too!
Try taking only one next time – I know there are a lot of people (including myself) who are fine with one but get really messed up taking two.
Feel better, that’s a rotten way to have to spend a weekend.
Are you caffeine sensitive? Those pills pack a lot of it in them. Caffeine can cause what you described, but usually when you are sleep deprived or have been sleep deprived within the last few days. It’s not unusual to have a very bad headache a day or two after staying up and not getting sleep at your normal time. Hope this helps.
I hope you feel better soon… that’s terrible if the medication made you worse.
You don’t need to stress about updating on time though – in all the time I’ve been reading the comic you’ve been really professional and punctual. As an avid reader I appreciate that. 🙂 It’s not like you constantly skip out on updates – so there’s no need to stress if you don’t feel up to it. Just get better. 🙂
That happened to me once, only replace the medication with lack of sleep, and replace the weekend with a full week.
They’ve got both Caffinne and Asprin, i wouldn’t call it a lot (less than a 8 oz cup of coffee) but if you’ve had reactions to either of them, you’ll react to Excedrine.
My wife is asprin sensative, and she’s had bad reactions of she takes more than 1 excedrine.
:O Headache and major-league fever? Yeah, I had that…I had pneumonia! Dragged my achy body to the emergency room, and they informed me that my temperature was 102.5º. 🙁 Get to a doctor, if’n you can.
I always take extreme care even with aspirin. I hope you continue to improve. Poor sad Kiwi.
Last I looked (which was a while ago) Excederine was loaded with caffeine. It does boost the effect of the asprin, but it’s not the thing to take at night.
Hope you get well soon, Scott.
Your health is VASTLY more important than getting new pages up, so look after yourself, OK?
Scott, you are uber-professional. One day isn’t going to damage your reputation. I have always admired your commitment to your comic and readers. =)
Actually, you are describing exactly what my wife and I went through recently. There’s a “bug” going around that follows that pattern. A headache, then BAD chills, scary-bad, then a fever. I was bundled up like that too.
Personally, I doubt it was the Excedrin, as that’s pretty run of the mill stuff (acetaminophen, aspirin, caffeine.) Presumably you’ve had those things before?
As Eric said above, you may have just had something coming on and the headache was just the start of it. (Fevers give me headache, frequently…)
Feel better!!
where did all the kids come from? I thought they left the field on the 10th…
Yeah, Goodys right. Although if you drew / put some in at the bottom of the page, in the final panel, no more continuity glitch.
Thanks guys. Maybe it was a bug. Maybe the caffeine. I don’t drink coffee. So maybe I’m sensitive to it.
I’m feeling a bit better today. I got sleep. That’s always a start.
I’m going to start tomorrow’s page and see if how it goes. Thank you for the encouragement and advice.
glad to hear you’re feeling better. Hopefully it wasn’t the coffee. stay well.
Glad to hear you’re feeling a bit better. ^_^ And if you’ve never taken Excedrin before taking two can be a bit of a jolt… at least you didn’t take four the first time you ever used it. O_o Thought my heart was going to pound out of my chest, oye!
We can probably all tell you until we’re blue in the face that you don’t need to worry so much about your update schedule, but if you’re anything like my Mom (who I love dearly!), it won’t help much. lol! I could tell you what I tell her, and that’s: “Shushie!!” so there. :-D~ We adore Dreamland, and if you were ever to miss an update you’d probably find your inbox flooded with concerned e-mails and offers of help, so no worries!
oh no! I didn’t know I was this close to the last installment! I just spent the last 3 days online doing nothing but reading this. lol. This is my new favorite webcomic.
@ChristineA: I know what you mean. My mom is the exact same way. I may have to try “Shushie,” actually… 😉
Glad to hear you’re on the mend. Now we just have to worry about Felicity. :S
Bad reactions to Excedrine Migraine are not unheard of. I am allergic to one of the inactive ingredients and have symptoms similar to yours when I take one. It sucks, especially getting them on top of a migraine.
Glad you’re feeling better.
Merry Christmas!
Sorry you were so sick, glad you are getting better. Hope Felicity gets well as quickly.
I think you’re mistaken, Scott. That’s called character. Some people have it and others don’t. Those who don’t are the flawed. Keep up the good work. You’ve set yourself a high standard, and we all appreciate it immensely.
no felicity!!!!!!!!!!!!
i hope she isn’t sick!
because if she is. then we got two sick people around here…
i hope you feel soon better Scott!
Somehow I don’t think a bunch of centaurs and a rock giant can move about quietly. I hope Felicity gets better and soon (and you too, Scott!)
Oog… That must stink. I think the worst reaction I’ve had to medicine is an upset stomach from Advil (common possible side effect with Advil, I think taking it with food helps prevent that). Then again, Advil’s probably the worst drug I’ve had.
Like CrankyTiger said, maybe you should go with just one next time; the reaction could have been from overdose. It helps to be cautious with anything that could be considered a drug. (You could also try some other kind of pain medicine altogether.)
Ewww, headaches. I used to suffer from them bad when I was younger, in High School especially, at one point my attendance rating was 40%, meaning I was THERE 40% of the time, not good. <_<
All I can say is that they tried every kind of drug you can think of, and one of them almost killed me, almost. I’m glad you’re okay now though, but needless to say yes I’ve heard of that reaction and more, and personally I never take medication now, instead avoiding anything I know promotes headaches. In my case that includes chocolate and a few other things like running for any length of time and so on.
Anyway… I’m rambling, sorry! If you are going to take medication for the first time, always take it in the smallest dose possible, no matter how bad you feel. At least that way if you do react to it you won’t suffer so badly.
Oh and by the way, you’re ‘problem’ isn’t a character flaw, in fact the opposite. You know, a lot of aspiring artists could learn from that, it’s one thing to have raw talent, but being able to marry that with responsibility is something else. 😉
Poor Paddington. Has to go somewhere else to dance…
Yeah, caffiene is in a lot of headache relievers because that was originally the purpose for it. That’s what is in many of those powder medicines specializing in headaches. It’s a pain reliever in itself, (even though it is also a stimulant). Even so, it sounds to me like you picked up some kind of monster flu or something. Never hurts to be careful of over the counter meds, though…
It would appear you got a flu through your nose which caused the headache then the medicine you took masked the symptoms (stomped on the fever and dulled the pain) think of a dam holding back a raging river but when the dam broke (the medicine wearing off) instead of a slow flood that is annoying, you got a wall of water several stories high that was destructive. Sorry dude its oj, asprin and vitamins for you. stay bundled for a few days after it “looks” like it is gone most people get a relapse in that time frame.
Welcome to the wonderful world of the Flu. We mortals get them and looks like you do too, Sorry just got over one. Drink lots of Liquids ( Juices)
and eat some proteins but not junk food and you will be better. Love the Comic keep up the good work. Also stay away from the Baby He doesn’t need your germs. Take care oif yourself and rest as best as you can.
I know a lot of people are saying it’s probably the caffiene or that you might be allergic to it, but honestly, if you hadn’t eaten anything for an hour or two beforehand, that could’ve done it. One time I took two ibuprofen, but hadn’t eaten anything for about two hours, and I got a bad case of nausia (sp) later. I was shivering, dizzy and couldn’t stand, and then I got a bad fever. After a while it passed though. So, may not be an allergy or cause for alarm. It’s good to take pain relievers with some food already in your stomach, unless it says otherwise. Glad you’re feeling better! 😀
I still have my headache…but feel ok otherwise.
I’ve been taking Tylonol and that’s been ok.
I just hate taking drugs in general. So I’ve only taken 4 tylonol today.
I hope I’m all better tomorrow. THank you all.
Flu, Bad reaction, alergic reaction, whatever…it wasn’t fun.
Sounds more like a 24 hr bug. Headaches before the real sickness hits is pretty common.
Since you normally don’t have headaches my guess is that it was part of the sickness, and the medicine didn’t help with the rest of the symptoms because that’s not what it was made for.
Wow just started readin your comic today and props to all the people who work on it! It’s entertaining!
Hi Scott, yes I’ve had a strange reaction to Excedrin Migraine before, it made me intermittently dizzy, very lightheaded, woozy and a bit loopy. I wouldn’t take it again unless I had no other choice. I hope you feel better soon. 🙂
Glad you are hanging in there …
I just read the post from yesterday. Your reaction doesn’t sound like a problem with Excedrine Migraine … sounds like symptoms of the illness you were having. Excedrine Migraine only has pain relief from Tylenol and Aspirin plus a therapeutic amount of Caffeine (equal to a cup of coffee or a Coca Cola or two) , none of which cause a fever but rather they help counter act a fever.
just my 2 cents worth … hope you are better
Hey Scott,
Well believe or not I had a similar reaction to my wife’s Excedrin minus the fever. I remembered that night specifically because I woke up in the middle of the night, with my heart racing! The combination of acetaminophen, aspirin, caffeine was too much for me, who usually takes just regular tylenol (acetaminophen) to “fix” things. My wife takes those to help her with her time of the month because all other pain killers were too weak.
So yeah when someone says, it’s regular run-of-the mill, becareful. The combination maybe ok with some people, heck even needed like my wife, but for those who don’t usually take it, like me, and probably you, it’ll be like getting kicked in the head.
Probably something bad you ate that caused that reaction — food poisoning. If so, the answer to the following question would like be yes, “Did you throw up?” The “One Day Flu” is typically food poisoning, caused by eating spoiled food. Maybe it had sat out too long, maybe the salmonella count was too high. Whatever it was, your body rejected it.
first thing, love the comic, and the creativity behind it
as for your reaction, sound like me when my blood sugar gets dangerously low, i get headaches and muscle aches, get hot and sweaty then cold and sweaty, that when i know my bloodsugar is below 40 points and minimum should be is 75 points or in the range of 75 to 150 points
that might just be me tho and hope it was nothing serious
hope you have no more attacks
How loudly does a rock giant tiptoe?
Bomp! Bomp! Bomp! Bomp!
Agreed. It must be rather noisy in the centaur village, with the equivalent of horses running around during the day.