Well…good news.

I’m finally off of the Blood Pressure Medicine!


One down…one to go.

Still working on the spine injury…but I think it’s coming along nicely.

Chapter 14 script is coming along really nicely. It’s REALLY big. So I’m a bit worried that Book 4 may need to be turned into two books. Which would throw my whole 6 book series out the door.

With Chapter 13 over 120 pages….and this chapter looking to be just as big…I have a real dilemma on my hands.

Not a bad one. But a dilemma nontheless.

But lots of fun character interactions and discoveries in the upcoming chapter. I hope you’ll like it.


In other news…

Today starts the first day of the NHL playoffs. What fun.



I hope you have a wonderful day and see you guys on Friday for more Making of Pages.
