Hi all…

Had a wonderful time this weekend at the Middle Tennessee Anime Convention.

My first Anime Convention and WOW was it weird….ha ha.

But also…the people were great and very supportive.

We sold out of pretty much everything.

So I’m definitely interested in doing a couple more Anime Conventions in the future.



My lovely cousins Gary and Judy are moving away from Chappaqua, NY.

Chappaqua is about 40 minutes from NY City. It has one of the top 10 schools in the nation.

Why am I telling you this?

Because they have their house for sale….and need to sell it.

So if you’re in the market…or know someone who IS…

Please pass this link along.



I know it’s a long shot…but it’s family…and we love ’em.

Plus we love their home and have fond memories of staying there.



Update on things:

We started a new anti-inflammatory pill on Friday and it’s making life SO much better.

For the first time in months I’m able to work relatively pain free.


So I think my productivity will start to improve soon.

I’m still writing the next chapter….and will keep you up to date as I progress.


Hope you had a wonderful weekend. And for those of you on Spring Break…be safe…but have fun.


