Thanks all. Yesterday was a bit stressful and your well wishes helped get me through it.


I want to take a moment to mention my good friend Stefano…who’s work you’re seeing above.

Stefano and I met working on this project and over the years…though we’ve never met in person…we’ve become really good friends. He and I both have become fathers during this time and send eachother pictures of our kids. We dont’ talk as often as we’d like. But he’s actually moved from Taiwan to London to work in a gaming company.

Through all that he has to do with a new country to live in, a new job, and raising a family, he still finds time to help me fulfill my dream of finishing this series. Working at nights and on weekends to bring me Hilmdel’s dwarven tunnels…and currently working on Aethos where the Centaurs live.

Without his talent (as with the other artists) I could not do this. I would not be here speaking to you thusly.

So…please check out his website. Tell him hi. And thank him for all that he does and will do.