Page 990…
Two weeks from today is our 1000th page.
I honestly don’t know what I should do to celebrate this.
How does one celebrate 1000 pages in webcomics? I’m sure others have come up with fun ideas.
We’ve got 2 weeks to figure it out I guess.
if you had the time animating it would have been real cool, like 20-30 seconds
but i’m sure it would prolly take more than 2 weeks.
Awesome sutle joke with the “I’m with stupid t-shirt.”
Did Dan try to put some hilighting in his hair? If so, he didn’t do a very good job. It almost looks like he developed some gray hair overnight! Maybe he’s trying to look more studly for Nicole.
At least he ditched the “Hi, My Name is DAN” sticker. . . . or maybe he just had to wash that shirt.
Nastajia in a princess leia jabba’s slave girl bikini outfit?
I kid, I kid… Mostly… Somewhat… Okay, I don’t kid, a man has to have dreams you know! Don’t judge me. XD
I think that stupid is probably a complement – a level of intellect he can only aspire to. 😀
1. That’s the lighting.
2. That wasn’t a name-tag, it was a t-shirt with a name-tag as part of the design.
3. It didn’t say “Hello, my name is: Dan”, it said “Hello my name is: Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.”
Man, it must be a pain to have to design all these extra characters you aren’t likely to use again.
Someone needs to ask Alex if he got the memo concerning cover pages on those TPS reports…
nah…. he’s too busy looking for his stapler and moving his desk around the office.
…I don’t think being a courier ranks up there with the other stuff on the level of concern it induces… o.O
The non PG comics generally put ‘fan service’ on their women chars (or men chars).
The others usually just make a comic saying ‘happy 1000’.
My personal favorites have always been the ones where they integrate it into the actual story line and just have a small comic at the bottom of the normal one to say it is 1000 🙂
eg one of the chars having a birthday being 1000 yrs old or something 🙂
on the storyline however :p
i thought the sword would only work for alex..him being the only person able to pull it out of the stone aka arthur style.
seems like he will let nicole borrow it so she can visit dreamland?
or not. reread. its write not go there 🙂
(this page needs a delete posts button so no one knows Ive been a muppet in a reply :P)
Fanservice is no service to this fan. 😛 Not that it’s much of a concern at this site. I would vote for some OoC comic or something. Maybe something hand drawn. Or a flash animation, if your models are versatile enough.
For your 1000th webcomic I suggest breaking the 4th wall and have the characters talk to the audience. Perhaps pretending they really are actors and giving us a behind the scenes funny documentary. You can even put in a joke at your expense as your characters take you to task for all the stuff you put them through.
Now question about the medicine bag. Is it really that small that they can’t stuff a couple sheets of paper in there so that both can correspond?
Wow. I love their shirts. Especially the Initech one.
“I’m with stupid” ^^
I agree with Brent.
Stand out, in two weeks start releasing 10 pages a week, just kidding.
go nuts and take a vacation.
You could make a group shot of all the important characters, or a map of dreamland.
I love Dan’s t-shirt.
Rule number 34 of being a character involved with anything relating to dragons, knights and princesses…
Then we have the doubt, the crying, the hatred, and the desire to join the dark side, and the return to the light…
[be glad I didn’t do an impression of Frink from the Simpsons. it was very tempting.]
How about on your 1000th page. You can have the many guest artists that has help you in the past, and fan artists too, pick their favorate character and do a page or panel with a link to the page?
celebrate the 1000th strip any way you like! ^^ make them cosplay characters from Princess Bride? XD
Extra weekend pages.
I like the idea for a Map of Dreamland for the 1000 pg. So we can see where Alex and the crew have been so far. (and to foreshadow where they have yet to go)
A tour of Dreamland strip with Kiwi as our guide would be cool too.
A bonus non-story page would be cool. Or maybe some 2 inch by 6 inch pictures for us to print as bookmarks. (I’m addicted to bookmarks.)
Seems we are all just a little vindictive this morning. That or bored… I can’t decide.
I thought it said “Hello my name is: Intigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.” Oh well. I bet the shirt is getting washed and will make a return by the time Alex wakes up.
I am going to have to disagree with that idea (the vacation one). If Scott does go with the first idea, then I hope Donna doesn’t mind him ending up a husk of the Scott she is used to. But then, now that I think about it, that would also bring up problems for the 2000 pages comic… Oh no. I need to stop thinking through complex stuff this early.
I sense a fellow SW fan. 1-3 Never happened. I refuse to acknowledge that it did.
well the truth hurts. we’er not vindictive just truthful. I just love the shrit.
Definitely animation – Sluggy Freelance has been doing that yearly since its inception over a decade ago, so if that’s not a webcomic tradition, I don’t know what is. We also know you can already do it and do it well. 🙂
Scott mentioned in an earlier discussion that the only item that can be transported between worlds inside the bag is the special piece of parchment. When the parchment gets to Dreamland, the ink on it can be cleaned off (through magic or some other means) for reuse.
So much for the idea of Alex climbing into the bag to forever transport himself to Oz 🙂
I second the vote for a Map.
Scott’s probably built one for the Movie project, but may not be able to release it because all materials related to the movie are probably kept behind a locked door with a three-headed dog guarding it.
Phew. I just spent the last 2 weeks discovering and catching up to everyone. And here I am, finally.
This. This is truely amazing, this comic. So glad to have found it, so glad to see its not dead, after all this time and effort. 🙂
See you tomorrow!
There IS a map in each book. Just so you guys know.
If you want a bookmark you should order the books. They have glossy, beautiful bookmarks shipped with them. 🙂
About that 4th wall part: I got images of Alex’s actor either asking “Line please?” or saying something like “I’ve had it. Why do I always get the part of the dense moron. I want to play someone unstupid…” XD
What 1-3? There are ONLY and will probably NEVER be more than episodes IV-VI.
Welcome ALex!
Glad you found Dreamland.
I have an idea for a guest comic I could do in celebration 8D
Oh plleeaasssee do guest comics/guest art!!
I find it funny how Dan is talking about all this serious stuff with Alex while wearing a “I’m with Stupid” shirt
I think that you should release a t-shirt, with maybe some awesome dreamland scenery, over the ENTIRE shirt. This would require that you have a special type of shirt printer however, this kind that prints inks into the shirt. I forget what model the printer is, but i know Fred from megatokyo uses this printer…
Anyways, thats my idea!
Is that the same red haired girl from back when everyone was in the library? Wouldn’t it be awesome to have something of a sub-plot with her? Like she overhears them and wants to know what the heck they are talking about?
Why can’t the pouch carry more than one letter at once?
You could do another review like the one a bit back for “Pride and Prejudice”, I think it was. Great bit of non-canon interaction!
Love the environs here! Incredible detail!
The greatest part of the battle is fought on the eve before the campaign. I’ve a hunch that the question “Are you ready?”, is going to confront Alex more and more in the future…
I was thinking that a cast poster would be nice – maybe a two page or wider spread for a change?
Put Alex and Nastajia in the middle, in the foreground from just the waist up, maybe side by side, each with an arm behnd the other’s back at waist level . A little farther back, put Dreamland characters on Nastajia’s side (Kiwi, Paddington, Felicity, maybe Arvamas, Bognok, Orion too.) Put the daytime characters on the other side: Dan, Nicole, Mrs. Carter, their cousin Louis. Have Nicodemus behind them all, maybe in profile, and other elements from Dreamland, such as the castle at Astoria, a Pirate ship in the air, etc.. Put some kind of text headline/banner across the top or the bottom: “A Thousand Days (and Nights) of the Dreamland Chronicles, 11-17-09”
You could make it available as wallpaper, and maybe have it printed up as a poster as well for the store (30 by 24 or whatever size works for you.) I suspect people would want to buy them – especially if you added the option of having them signed by you.
Yeah, that might do it. 😉
haha priceless! i’d love to see that
or she knows Felicity too! omg!
Make it “1001 Dreamlandian Nights”
This reminds me… didn’t Scott used to have PDFs we can download sometimes of a page with a frame that he animated? Haven’t seen those in a while~~
ooooh I really love this idea! doooo et!
Another good T-shirt you might want to use:
Celebrate it with an animated short, or an interactive 3D doll of felicity… Maybe a new item at the store?
A 3D-panorama view of somewhere in dreamland, perhaps? something in flash would be nice.
Straying from flash, maybe a poster with all of the dreamland chronicles characters and the crew that made them (dreamland style). Or a party at the area of creation… Maybe you could just go with an artistic filler?
If you’ve got a coder on the team, you could make some sort of application for reading the comic online?
I’ll gather these ideas up:
Animated short. (2 minutes at the very most, and trying to do silent humour. It means we can still imagine their voices)
Interactive 3D doll. (interactive only in terms of viewing)
A new item to buy. (or a collection, or maybe a toy?)
A 360º view. (of somewhere nice)
All the characters and crew. (and the crew could be modelled)
A party. (just having fun, you’ve done the work)
Filler. (I’m talking of art, here. Maybe a crossover)
Just a few ideas, because it’s worth celebrating.
And… why am I young Nastajia? She’s pretty awesome I suppose.
Here’s an idea. Have your readers who haven’t bought your printed books donate a measly ten cents a page for *only* the ones they have read. THANK YOU in advance of this great milestone. Or put up a THANK YOU donate box for One Dollar. I’ll be glad to test it.
Hold a fan art contest.
I think that the guest pages would be cool, but in order to make that totally awesome there’d have to be 1000…not sure you could do that in two weeks…lol. I’m not sure what you should do to celebrate. I like the idea about having them be actors…that would be funny. I love this page and that it’s outside of their bedroom/the lab. Being outside does so much and I love the way you’ve done it 🙂
I third the vote for the map. I also found some good music for a map scene. Mystica by Epica on The Score — An Epic Journey. Its kind of reminiscent of the Indiana Jones map theme. Its very good music, so if you just want to check it out, I suggest you do to see exactly why I am even mentioning it. For those of who have ordered a book, next time you look at the map page, imagine Indiana Jones theme music. Seriously, if you start humming it and some one who notices you and looks at the map page, and knows the theme, then they will get the hidden joke in it. For those of you who could careless about doing that, hope you have a good read any ways.
Alright, because I am tired of seeing comments only about Dan’s shirt (nice positioning by the way, Scott), I have the one that will sum up most of them in a detailed explanation. The shirt says “I’m with stupid” with a finger pointed at Alex who happens to be at just the right position through out this page so that it always points at him. Every one knows Alex is maybe a 3 or 4 watt bulb in a socket in the middle of a dead volcano which has formed a cap (a dead shield volcano to the geology nerds and geeks reading) with about five miles needed to be lit up by just the one light. Now, I am done with explaining Dan’s shirt. I am going to go have an early dinner and get some sleep so I can get through the lines at a few stores tomorrow morning (have you started your *insert appropriate winter religious holiday here* shopping?).
Hmm… Maybe she could end up adding some real world against Dreamland drama in Alex’s life. Take Nastajia’s place when he is awake. Then maybe stumble on to the “secret” of Dreamland and how it connects to Alex, Dan, and Nicole? I don’t know, these are just random ideas I had on reading these comments that I have seen done in books (I am a nerd and a geek) in the past that I thought were pretty good. A prime example would be near the beginning of Orson Scott Card’s book Homebody. I suggest you go read it if your bored or curious.
waaaay i caught up!!! i suppose i should get an avatar! how long till 1000th page?
Welcome to the Dreamland Fan Club, would you like a card or will you be making your own? Sorry, that came out sounding pompous. What I meant is welcome to the insanity and excitement and randomness of Dreamland. Now, I am going to be quiet before I shove my other foot in my mouth.
Episode IV, Episode V, Episode VI. Never argue with a Star Wars fan about Star Wars movies. The books are open game for most cases, but they are not numerated, there is no set order to them. So your argument is now dead, or at least as far as I am willing to care at the moment. Maybe tomorrow I would be willing to push a little farther, but not today.
Cool… but I’d still like to make some more. Did I mention I’m addicted to bookmarks? 🙂
Seriously? Is there that much of a difference between the definition of vindictive and truthful? Never knew… I always thought that vindictive was brutal or cold hard truths that are not desired… Thanks for correcting me. *insert GI Joe catch phrase here*
you dont know how many people get that wrong when wearing that T-shirt it does and is correct with the movie. Inigo! Inigo! Inigo!
Anyone else think that Dans shoes look a little feminine?
Scott mentioned in an earlier discussion that the only item that can be transported between worlds inside the bag is the special piece of parchment. When the parchment gets to Dreamland, the ink on it can be cleaned off (through magic or some other means) for reuse.
Now that you mention it… it DOES look like he’s wearing high heels!
make a movie!!! Just a short one!!!
Make a video of 30 seconds and let each character talk to us
What’s so bad about I to III ?? I kinda liked it.. [said while picking tar&feathers from body, sustained while defending the genius that is Yar-Yar on a SW-con..]
on the comic page: I like the diffused de-saturated lighting of these “real world” shots..
It looks as if the real world gets more and more greyish and the dreamland scenes even more colourful and sharp…could be a thought behind it.
I liked 1-3 too. It helps to remember than ANH and RotJ had their fair share of odd writing, too.
That would be awesome ^^.
A teaser of the Live Action Movie would be nice. I would really like a shirt though! Two more weeks!!!!
A map would be so awesome, unless it contained spoilers.
A fan art contest would be cool. The prize doesn’t have to be anything particularly awesome – it’d be more for fans showing appreciation. 1,000 pages is awesome!!
Map could be Indy Jones style?
There was a really well done Pirates of Dark Water DVD cover that someone made that you reminded me of when I saw this that had a bit of a cameo of the main characters with a shadowy face of Bloth in one of the Twin Moons of Mer. You might have to google it. It was on a fanpage, as I recall. Last I saw, there was really only one fanpage that was done well, as far as tributes to the cartoon series go, and that page was the one with the DVD cover. It’s a massive pic…..
Wow, I can totally picture that.
Nastajia as Buttercup.
Alex as Westley.
Paddington as Fezzik!
Felicity as … Inigo Montoya?
And, of course, Nicodemus: Humperdinck, or Vizzini?
Lots of possibilities …

You know, I’m just thinking- some kid in Dreamland has got to be wishing he had Spider-Man’s powers. Not that Scott would know anything about drawing that sort of thing…. 😉
BTW, Dreamland Comics is currently at #17 on the list. 500 people voting today could potentially bump it into the top 15 on Top Web Comics. Follow the link, push the appropriate button for the picture, and vote! It takes like 15 seconds of your time, and allows you to help Scott get some publicity to his comic (since this is how he’s making money, these days)! Help him feed his wife and kids and vote!
If all 44 people who have commented on this made sure to vote BEFORE commenting (so they don’t forget) that would be a decent boost to voting numbers! Just a thought….
Lovin’ the INITECH shirt!
OOH I liek your lineup! XD
lol. that i’m with stupid t-shirt so fits dan. XD
Hm. This reminds me of ‘200’ from SG-1, where not only did they do a very amusing episode for their 200th, they also had the relatively new team leader celebrating his 200th trip through the Stargate as the in-character reasoning for the episode title.
Dan’s shirt sums up the last 14 chapters.
Having or showing a strong or unreasoning desire for revenge.
1. Honest, and always telling the truth.
2. Accurately depicting what is real.
Seams a significant difference in definitions. A vindictive person would have a strong motive to lie. When telling the truth one would not expect the vindictive person to tell whole truth.
Nastajia was in a bikini top for 13 chpters. The green pajama pants match the CGI shape of an exposed leg. I was quite happy with the outfits so far. Leia is much lower league than Nastagia IMO.
I’m with stupid ->
LOVE YOU’RE SHIRT DAN!!!!!!! Can I get on in pink for when I’m standing next to my sister?