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Hey all…
Looks like Dan’s quite interested in what Orion wrote.
Also…I REALLY need your help.
I have these sketchcards…remember?
Well I want to get them to those of you who can’t come to the cons I am guests at.
But…I found out while at the con…doing 10 sketches in a row is TOUGH.
It takes me about 10 minutes per sketch (Hey…I don’t draw these characters often…cut me some slack).
So I need to figure out a way to get you guys these cards…and not kill me too.
So…here’s some options….let me know your thoughts.
1) 10 sketchcards (no sketches) $?
2) 1 sketchcard with character sketch on it ($5)
3) All 10 sketchcards with 10 sketches…$???
4) All 10…but pick ONE to get a sketch on it? ($??
I’m at a loss here. I’d rather even give them away as I mentioned. And we gave out about 500 of them at the con. But that was gift with purchase. (and a lot were individual purchases too).
So…what can I do?
Also…I’ll be posting some color ones on ebay too. At some point.
Oh…and of course we’re still collecting cards from other creators for the First Book charity. But I’ve got more coming.
Anyways. thanks in advance.
Dan? Hello, Earth to Dan?
For just the cards with no sketch maybe $1 or $2 each?
Then $7 for a sketchcard with a sketch seems about right. That’s $30/hr sketch for your time.
Uh oh. Orion asked that this be between him and Dan. Alex, I think will respect that, but Nicole will want to know what’s on that paper!
If you’re concerned about overexerting your hand, you could always limit the number you do per day and set up a waiting list. People will understand if they have to wait a few weeks if there are a lot of orders.
I’m waiting to see the paper the letter is on. Is it BIG or little? Can’t wait to see Nichole’s face when Dan pulls out a large parchment the letter is on.
I’m dying to know what it says!
What if it’s something so eloquently written that none of them can even consider that Alex wrote it himself? Wouldn’t that be great? I mean, neither Dan or Nicole seem to think highly about Alex’s “schoolsmarts” so to speak.
Nice idea with the sketchcards. I couldn’t attend any of those cons – or any cons actually. It would cost my whole annual income. Average wages are that low here in Hungary…
Unfortunately I couldn’t afford buying the cards either, and even if I did, shipping costs would be like 5-10x the cost of the cards itself…
…still, I think that’s a really great and nice idea of you.
I would love to own all 10 cards and i could deal with a wait if i had to. I’d at least want 1 sketch. though i would love a few sketches as while I do have 1 favorite character i do really love quite a few of them just not as much as the one.
and nope I’m not gonna say here which 1 is my favorite ;-p so just let me know how to get the cards and i’ll order them because if you aren’t coming up to Canada and not going to be at PAX in September I probably won’t be able to get these cards any other way.
keep up the good work
I like the idea of purchase options. A pack of 10, not sketches for one price, a pack of ten with 1 sketch for an additional fee. Limit it to one sketch per address. This would help you sell the cards and save your hands. I also agree with the suggestion of creating a waiting list. Take your time, do it well and enjoy doing it. We’re happy to wait for the good stuff.
Are you still going to be shipping cards to artists who can’t make it to cons?
I like the idea of #4 – theoretically, it’ll be more affordable for us poor folks, and easier on your drawing hand, but we’ll still get a degree of personalization. A pack of cards without sketches would be nice, too.
Maybe you could sell the pack of cards, and then up to, say, five sketches as “add-ons” of $5 or $10 each – that way, people who can’t decide what they want can get a couple sketches, but you can ramp up the price reasonably based on what they want.
— Sarnuial
I’m going to see about that. Cost is a factor. Will let everyone know.
Dan is reading the parchment now. You an see it in his hands.
I would suggest separating your pricing. For example,
Each Sketchcard – $1 each
Perhaps $1 off for every 5 Sketchcards (so $4 for 5, $8 for 10)
Sketches – $2 each
Same rules ($4 for 5, $8 for 10) Let people choose how many sketches they want, and which cards.
As for the actual price value, I would take the total cost of printing the Sketchcards, divide it by how many were produced, so that you know how much each individual card cost to make and then figure out your pricing from that.
Oops, math doesn’t line up in my last example, Sketches should show $1. But again, the pricing should be figured out based upon your total costs of investment. You don’t want to loose money on this. Then adhere to a policy as I outlined above.
Nicole is still in denial, looks like. But it’s interesting that she assumes Dan is going to agree with her. Somewhere in her head, I’m betting she divides the world up into people who are rational/logical and people who aren’t. She’s put Dan into the first category; now she’s finding out it isn’t that simple. Funny too – she’s made a concession about Felicity and herself but her worldview is still stuck where it was.
“Are you sure you won’t change your mind?”
“Why? Is there something wrong with the one I have?”
The cards look great – and I think the deal of picking one for a sketch out of set of ten is doable. Actually, all of the options look good – you’ll just have to differentiate them enough by price to make it worth your time. And if you get the pack with the Golden Ticket….
Man, the hours can’t go by fast enough for me to keep reading.
aww.. Dan looks like he’s about to burst into tears~~ I can’t wait til we see what orion wrote! What can Orion, who doesn’t know Dan, write that would touch Dan so quickly and convince him immediately that it was not written by Dan’s own twin?
And once again, although disappointing for us that Nicole seem in denial still, but again, confessing to dreaming of the same people as you is different from believing you brought something physical back. And different from believing Alex won’t do something once in a while just to trick them. I think it makes a difference for Dan’s faith in this to have heard how his silly brother came up w/ a coherent + detailed story from dreamland since childhood, and to be able to read the letter now. Back to what I was asking before: what can Orion write that would touch Dan so quickly? If Nicole had a chance to read it, would she also be immediately convinced that it could not have been written by Alex?
Hmm, or maybe it just makes reference to Dan never having been to dreamland and now Dan just feels sorry for himself XP
i say option 4 scott.
everyone wins with that. 10 cars, sketch of someone’s choice, someone gets what they want and it saves your hand. Plus you can charge like $5/additional sketch if someone wants, but put a limit on it, like 3 total. Plus keep in mind you will get faster at it with time if you do a bunch of these!
I’d say 10 with no sketch should be about 20. I agree with your price for a single card and sketch.
Perhaps you could offer a deal with all 10 cards but the buyers choice of 5 sketches for about 35-40? If I hadn’t already gotten a set from SDCC this would definitely be something I’d consider, as I would love to support you but still restrained by a tight budget.
Just throwing out ideas
I’m no businesswoman, but I do know several people who provide their talents to others for three times less than they are worth. The last thing I think anyone who visits the site wants is to overwork you with no compensation. I’m sure you’ll find a price that will please the majority of readers.
So, what’s it say, Dan?! Huh? Ack! More suspense? What’s in the message, DAGGNABBIT!
Yeah, I think number 4 is the way to go. That way, the one with the sketch becomes more valuable as time goes on. A rare collectible since few people would have all ten cards with an artist sketch on the back.
I know this is completely unrelated…. but shouldn’t the three of them keep their voices down? They’re in a library after all.
… “Candy-Gram! Candy-Gram for Mr Mongo!”…
@ sythiar: maybe that’s why the pink haired girl behind Nicole couldn’t stand it anymore and left, haha XD
I have three suggestions about the cards.
1. A complete set, each with a drawing, shipped to your loyal followers at your expense. You can throw in either a book or plush with each order, or both, at your discretion. Valuable household items added to a shipment are a nice touch too, and appreciated.
2. 10 for $12, pick one to get sketched, we pay the freight. Extra sketches are $5 per card. That way you sell a ton of them, even to those of us that are ‘money challenged’ at the moment.
3. I can’t think of a third one right now, I’ve been awake way too long and my up arrow is broken so I can’t get back up to change the ‘three’ to a ‘two’.
Sketch idea, draw that note on the back of a card, but to the fan, not the Dan. See how I made that rhyme? Sweet.
Dan it seems is pretty well convinced this ain’t Alex’s work.
Well, Dan was the one who created the chronicles in the first place, and who convinced Alex to return. Nicole has been the naysayer from Day One, but she HAS admitted to traveling there as a child. I guess that until proof positive, Nicole should be skeptical. Still, she has experienced Dreamland, where Dan hasn’t. But, Dan believes what Alex tells him, ‘cuz that is what brothers do.
BTW, TDC has dropped another notch at TWC to #9, and we need to keep the vote going at TGTWebcomic if Scott is to prevail there. We did put him ahead, but the competition is closing the gap…
Considering how it took (PAINFUL) months for Nicole to acknowledge Dreamland and her role in it, I think she’s quicker to accept Dreamland when it’s just her and Daniel, since they are both science-minded. Alex, however, well, he ticks her off just being near her. So when Daniel makes it clear the bag is from Dreamland, she’ll have an easier time accepting it (I hope) but I do predict her to fight it a little more.
Scott, I was wondering if you could keep the vote button a little more noticeable the rest of the month. Sometimes I forget to scroll and look for it. If you don’t like re-posting it each time, could it maybe fit between the comic and your post? I really enjoy your comic. It is by far my favorite.
My vote is for all 10 cards w/ 1 sketch. And I agree, folks aren’t going to complain if there is a waiting list to get the sketch.
Daniel should find his sketchcard delivered to him via medicine bag.
The sketches are incredible… I actually got a set of cards with most sketched at San Diego (I felt bad for continuously going back, and Scott even did more than I had hoped…) and they are definitely worth anyone’s wait.
Thank you, Scott, for such wonderful entertainment and your patience!
I love the subtle changes in Dan’s expression on this page.
I vote for 1 sketch card with sketch for 5 or even 10 bucks !!!!
Its worth it!
Thanks Michael!

It was my pleasure doing them each time.
I think you should practice so you’re faster at it.
Did I ever actually draw on your cards? I think I only did mine… oops.
I wonder if this is the revelation I’ve been expecting. Daniel IS the OLDER brother, after all…
Yeah Scott…you said you wouldn’t grace my stinkin’ cards with your brilliance. And left me with two drawings on YOUR cards.
Fortune and Fame have really changed you, man.
NEWS Flash: TDC has been overtaken by Starship Moonhawk in the TGTWebcomic Tournament! Do we all want to hear another interview with Scott C Sava? If so, then get over to and give him a vote. I can’t do this by myself, we need numbers to vote and keep Scott in the lead, and he’s already in the 1st bracket. If you love Scott’s work, then take the 10 seconds to go and cast your vote. If you read the fine print, the top 3 finishers will be scheduled for interviews after the competition ends. So, let’s make it happen!
Yes, you guessed it, I am a Browncoat. We are used to be the underdog and then doing the impossible!
I’d love to buy all 10 cards, maybe with one with a sketch. I’d also like to buy one with a sketch at a time! I think they’re really cool little keepsakes!
Wow…I’ve been reading for so long but never commented XD
I vote for the all 10 with a sketch of one…no idea on how much though x] I’ll leave the up to the artist
Awww, poor Dan. I agree with Elliot, maybe it is the revelation
So… Good thing those Centaurs speak English, eh?
I would love to be able to get even one card ,I dont get to the cons in the US as I live in Australia. My wife got me your first two books an I take great delight in the fact that you have put a sketch in them so I dont know how you are going to do it but I would love to be able to get a card or two. Alan.
ps still great art
you know what’s so awesome about this comic? the subtlety of expression and motion. I mean, I know this is a weird thing for me to notice, but I read through every page a couple of times. The first time, I noticed Nicole, obviously. Second time I noticed Dan’s expression, because what Nicole said in the last panel made me realize he must be pretty engrossed. And the last time I just watched Alex. It’s realistic the way he looks from Dan to Nicole and back to Dan.
Like I said, really random thing to notice. Anyway – I’m way psyched to find out what’s in that letter!!!!
Ha ha. Oh yeah. I’m pretty awesome like that. Send me some and I’ll draw on them for real this time.
…what’s the letter say??
I wonder what it says? O_O
I love the way his expression subtly changes from panel to panel
as for the cards, I guess you can practice drawing your characters more often
the waiting list sounds like a good idea though
Candy gram from the easter bunny would rock.
Sorry I can’t help with the prices, but everyone else seems to have good ideas.
No, Nicole, Dan isn’t really going to fall for that…oops, he already has! LOL