I’ve noticed for a while now your panel layout has basically just been stacked horizontal strips with little variation – was this a conscious decision for widescreen cinematic appearance, or just about time saving? I sort of miss having different layouts, I guess 🙁
It just happens sometimes. I write the story in advance. But without indication of pages or panels.
When I go to cut up the pages in my thumbnail sketches…I usually look to the dialog to tell me where the end of the page is. If it’s 4 panels…it’s usually going to look like this. If it’s 5 panels or more…then things get different. Also…if something needs a tall frame…or if Alex’s helmet is going on…I accomodate.
But yeah…it’s a bit of time saving…bit of widescreen…and a bit of habit…as well as the above excuse.
Quick question, Scott – I know your layout is pretty much finished now, but would it be possible to move or duplicate the “previous/next” links at the top of the comic, as well as at the bottom? I think it might make them a little easier to find, and permit quicker skimming (right now it’s necessary to scroll down every page in order to search for a particular one).
I agree with Alex Taerg. Is it possible to add a “Previous/Next” button at the top? I like to go a page back before I start reading the new pages, so having to scroll down the new page sort of ruins it for me. D:
I’m not sure if anyone else feels this way or not. ^-^; If not, then just ignore me… I’ll live.
I’m sorry I don’t comment more often. Since I’m here, though, I might as well say that I love this comic. ^-^
+1 for a previous link at the top too.
Things seem to be warming up 🙂 Still, if I were a thief, I’d be placing myself _behind_ Paddington’s foot, and not in front >.°
You know, if I were being accused of leading a gigantic army against a kingdom of warriors, I wouldn’t mind nearly as much if the person accusing me had abundant, green hair.
Bognok: “Never mind that. Together, we can overthrow Nicodemus, and rule Dreamland as father and son!”
Nastajia: “…” (open-mouthed blank stare)
Bognok: “Er… I mean, father and daughter!”
And SilverwolfDude – what happened to the Elfquest avatar?? Without a smirking Skywise, how will we know the insightfully snarky comments come from you?
I’ve noticed for a while now your panel layout has basically just been stacked horizontal strips with little variation – was this a conscious decision for widescreen cinematic appearance, or just about time saving? I sort of miss having different layouts, I guess 🙁
It just happens sometimes. I write the story in advance. But without indication of pages or panels.
When I go to cut up the pages in my thumbnail sketches…I usually look to the dialog to tell me where the end of the page is. If it’s 4 panels…it’s usually going to look like this. If it’s 5 panels or more…then things get different. Also…if something needs a tall frame…or if Alex’s helmet is going on…I accomodate.
But yeah…it’s a bit of time saving…bit of widescreen…and a bit of habit…as well as the above excuse.
King of the Dwarves. I totally called that. (Even called the part about Staj’s father…)
‘Course, it’s not like it was hard to call.
Quick question, Scott – I know your layout is pretty much finished now, but would it be possible to move or duplicate the “previous/next” links at the top of the comic, as well as at the bottom? I think it might make them a little easier to find, and permit quicker skimming (right now it’s necessary to scroll down every page in order to search for a particular one).
I agree with Alex Taerg. Is it possible to add a “Previous/Next” button at the top? I like to go a page back before I start reading the new pages, so having to scroll down the new page sort of ruins it for me. D:
I’m not sure if anyone else feels this way or not. ^-^; If not, then just ignore me… I’ll live.
I’m sorry I don’t comment more often. Since I’m here, though, I might as well say that I love this comic. ^-^
Have a nice time Charlotte!
You’re not the only one. Sometimes I don’t get a chance to read every day, so having the previous/next at the top would be an awesome addition.
@ Alex, Tangerine & Dogboy:
not the most user-friendly, but there’s already a way to navigate the comic book pages just below the comic, inside the ‘comment’ balloon:

Hope you enjoy Charlotte! I live in Raleigh, but sending the good vibes your way.
+1 for a previous link at the top too.
Things seem to be warming up 🙂 Still, if I were a thief, I’d be placing myself _behind_ Paddington’s foot, and not in front >.°
Being King makes him bigger >.>
The look on her face however doesn’t seem to bode well for the group.
For navigation, just install Firefox’s NextPlease! extension and press the hotkey.
You know, if I were being accused of leading a gigantic army against a kingdom of warriors, I wouldn’t mind nearly as much if the person accusing me had abundant, green hair.
Bognok… no wonder he’s a bit grumpy. (“Grumpy, King of the Dwarves” – now, that’s a dwarven name 😉 )
Bognok: “Nastajia…I AM your father.”
Nastajia: “Noooo…that’s not true! It’s impossible! Seriously. It is. Isn’t there a genetic incompatibility?”
Bognok: “Never mind that. Together, we can overthrow Nicodemus, and rule Dreamland as father and son!”
Nastajia: “…” (open-mouthed blank stare)
Bognok: “Er… I mean, father and daughter!”
And SilverwolfDude – what happened to the Elfquest avatar?? Without a smirking Skywise, how will we know the insightfully snarky comments come from you?