What a week!
So… next week, we find out what’s going on with Nastajia!
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
See you on Monday!
Don’t forget! Next weekend I will be a guest at

I hope to see some of you there!
Please come visit!

cut to: Niviene’s pool. Either that or Alex hitches a ride to Egypt…
Time to go find Merlin? (Or, you know, Egypt for the portal…)
But I’m more inclined to agree with statements made over the previous pages regarding the bracer thing that Arthur and Merlin were attempting to create… that’s gotta play a part here. 🙂
I’m excited… also, ol’ Dragon-butt is a jerk 😉
I am stuck wondering if muscle memory from his training in Dreamland will carry over to our world and if his sword skills will suffer for lack of it. >.<
Why all of a sudden I got a sneaking feeling that Excalibur has a bigger role than I thought… just wait until it gets to dreamland! …
either that or it turns into a necklaces there
Go Alex, GO!!!
Nice! Go Alex!
I just hope that it is not in Egypt. As for one it would take a while to get there and I doubt the airport security will let him take Excalibur with him on the plane… lol
Hopefully everyone will make him see reason and help him with the last statement.
Can’t wait to see how Nastajia reacts that Alex can no longer come to Dreamland!
Should work. I’ve trained a lot in my sleep, and I think it helps. Not so much as real exercise, of course, but then again, I’ve never been guided by a Centaur while at that.
Any comic where the protagonist strides through the bedroom, announcing, “I’m taking Excalibur!” has got to be good.
“My sword is useless, but I’m taking it with me anyway!”
It’s not that Alex can no longer go to Dreamland, but just that he cannot use the Sword of Kings to do so. There is Niviene’s Pool (but that is temporary access and he does not have the training to use it), the portal (but that is in Egypt and likely guarded), Merlin (but his tree is in France), and finally my favorite choice: the bracelet that Arthur completed just before he was trapped in limbo that lets anyone travel between Earth and Dreamland. It is likely still in the hall where Alex found the Sword of Kings and Dan can now use the Sword of Kings to appear in Dreamland so he can enter that hall, find the bracelet, and bring it back to Alex.
Yep, the pool is currently the only working portal to Dreamland, unless the royals know if and where their way from Dreamland is located.
It’s worth pointing out that Alex probably doesn’t yet know about the earthside portal in Egypt. That was revealed to Daniel while Alex was still sleeping, and Alex hasn’t been awake to discuss it until just now. So maybe he’s going to see Niviene?
I learned to fly there on my own will. Strange how hard that was for me. Unfortunately it absolutely haven’t helped me flying in real world. 🙂
If returning to Dreamland was as simple as jumping through the portal in Egypt, why didn’t Oberon and Titania do that 5 seconds after they arrived on Earth? Someone sit that cute butt down and talk some sense into him, please!
Oh snap!
Now, realistically, Alex isn’t going to get far walking around with a huge sword like that… But it’s nice of him to try. 😀
“Officer, you have to believe me! My elven girlfriend is being held captive by a gestalt entity made up of nightmare beasts, and a dragon with Machiavellian tendencies took away my magic sword necklace and gave it to my brother, so you have to let me out of this jail cell and give my back my human-sized sword!”
Nice dramatic exit, Alex. But shoes. Put on shoes before you go. (sigh)
Is this the first time we’ve seen Nicole without glasses?
Ayup! 😀 Or, well, either really good or really really bad. I’ve seen a few comics where an author has had some concept like this but was unable to make it work. TDC isn’t one of them, Scott’s shown many times over he can make it work, I think. ^_^
“I’m taking Excalibur! BRB, gonna slay a dragon, possibly several hordes of nightmare demons. On second thought, don’t wait up.”
It’s known that the portal is in Egypt. The Pool is not a true portal as only Niviene can cross between worlds…and she can only do that for a short time. 🙁
Actually, Alex got to have a chat with the elves…remember? He told Nastajia that they were in his room and they’d travelled through the portal to get to Earth. 🙂
Hey! I think you’re right! I don’t recall seeing Nicole without glasses (unless she’s been without glass for the past few pages and I just missed it). 🙂 I guess she just didn’t bother to put them back on after getting out of bed.
like 🙂
True, but it’s after Alex goes back to sleep that Daniel asks, “Where did the portal put you on Earth?”
Maybe by putting Excalibur in Niviene’s pool he will create a portal?
Nerds are cute and so vulnerable without their glasses.
At least he’s not giving up. I wonder what his plan is?
Except wasn’t Alex around for the story of Serapholis(sp?)? And didn’t they mention the earth portal was in Egypt?
…erm, that’s a genuine question altho I probably should’ve termed it the portal’s earth access point. My memory was a bit fuzzy. But given the whole first invasion came through Egypt to start with, I would think Alex would make that connection fairly quickly. Altho, this being Alex, it doesn’t do to assume.
Oh man, I can so picture all of that. =)
Plan? What plan? Alex is operating in pure Alex-caveman mode right now. I really do hope he doesn’t get picked up on the way to the pond.
Reminds me of the scene from Mr. and Mrs. Smith.
Brad Pitt walks out of his friend’s house carrying an intimidating weapon, “I’m gonna borrow this.”
Vince Vaughn, “I like where your head’s at.”
On another note, good luck getting into Egypt with a weapon like that… let alone the airplane/airport. 🙂
“And in the News an Young College student was arrested earlier this morning after brandishing a large sword on campus. Sources say the youth was ranting about finding a portal to dreamland and that his elven girlfriend was in danger. He became more violent as Police apprehended him. He is being held without bail pending a Psychological Evaluation.”
Er…so…you’re going to walk out of the house and do what? Or maybe he’s going to march to his mom’s purse, borrow her VISA and buy some airplane tickets?
Hopefully, the kid will come to his senses!
Because it leads to the nightmare realm and they were trying to escape, whereas in Alex’s case, that’s exactly where he needs to go. Although one would have to wonder about his wisdom in going there without backup given he knows there’s an invasion about to start. /shrugs/ I am suspecting he’s not going to have to go as far as Egypt tho, given the story is almost over. The nightmare realm has had the portal how long? They’ve been stealing kids how long? If they’ve cracked the magic-tech used to make it, they could have a couple portals in other places and nobody’d be the wiser. Capturing the current king and tossing him into limbo would be a primary objective if I were in charge. Then there’s that little episode with Excalibur glowing – I really don’t think a cat set that off. It would amuse me to no end if Alex gets jumped as soon as he walks out that door…esp given the nightmare realm doesn’t know Nic just transferred sword ownership.
Aye, tried that too. No real-world flying, of course, but teaches you to focus, doesn’t it? Mundane things, such as playing clarinet or doing taiji forms, are much more practical, however. And you don’t get everyone around mad at you for repeating the same tricky piece of music all night long.
They’re different swords.
I don’t think an air port is going to be an issue. My bet is the nightmare realm has had the portal long enough to figure out how to set other access points up. Remember the incident with Excalibur glowing when Dan blamed it on the cat? They’ve already got a local presence and they don’t know Alex is no longer king, assuming what Nic said is true and he’s working against them now. So my thought is that if there isn’t a local portal already, he’s going to get a free ride to the one in Egypt very, very shortly.
Unless his college is like mine and has a fencing class. The bylaws specifically allowed swords because of it. I could have gotten in trouble with campus security over a pocket-knife, but carrying a sword or two was perfectly acceptable.
Already thinking of the next step? He’s certainly fast to act. 🙂
“If no action is taken, nothing will happen.”
Can you picture that?
anyone going to point out the Transor Z poster on the wall?
I like the change I now see in Alex (And from the looks on Dan’s face he sees it too). I hope Nastaja’s parents do see it as well. And might come to action inspired by his ‘new active state’…
This is the first time I think I’ve seen Alex decide so forcefully. I think this a turning point for him.
Alex should stop and ask Oberon and Titania how they got to the U.S. from Egypt…!
I was really hoping to see Dan dual-wielding.
Observe Alex trying to smuggle a glowing sword into a predominantly muslim country.