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Happy Wednesday!
Thanks for the advice on the thought bubbles yesterday.
You guys are so great!
Hope you’re enjoying this week’s pages.
And thanks to Felicity for asking the “duh” question I’m sure everyone else would have asked.
Felicity, ever heard of the two key system in a nuclear silo? Yeah. Like that.
Felicity I do believe stays out of the nightmare realm, so has probably not heard of nuclear weapons. 😉
Felicity: Okay, any decent thief can steal two keys. I get that, but what’s a “new clear sigh low” got to do with it? >^..^<
Does this seem out of sequence? Yesterday she just climbed out of a trap alone. Did she return to the entrance right away for more talk?
No, this is a sequence of her thoughts from the previous pages.
Here we see her thoughts as something happening now, but it is a kind of flashback.
She is still in the pyramid.
Did we already know that the Nightmare realm was invading Earth at this point in the timeline? I thought that was only just revealed by Nic for the first time a few pages ago.
I was just wondering that myself, but the archives set me straight. He’s referring to how Abaddon has wanted to invade Earth ever since the portals were shut down centuries ago (as per page 1539). He doesn’t know about the impending invasion.
I am going to guess that since Merlin was not an idiot and probably foresaw something like a huge red goit destroying the tablets, he probably wanted the one with any info regarding his well-being safest of them all.
Perhaps there’s a reason why that table is kept in that temple.
there’s always a reason… just is it a good one of just to make Felicity jump through all those hoops… I’m voting just to make her jump 😉 LOL
I know this is a flashback and reading the book, this would make more sense… but maybe putting a bubble boarder around the panels might help