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Please check it out. I made a video and EVERYTHING!
Plus…I think I came up with nice packages and stuff.
Please let me know what you think!
I really don’t have any grandiose expectations of making a lot of money. I’m happy with just enough to print the books. Really.
But…I was wondering…IF we were to make enough to do Nicodemus Plushes… how many of you would like to do a DESIGN CONTEST for the plush?
I thought it might be fun. With the winner getting their name credited on each plush…lots of free plushes…and other stuff.
What do you think?
Anyways. Just dreaming, I guess. But…that is what I do…ha ha.
Anyways. Please help us get the word out on this. I love to hear when people get the books and toys.
It makes me so happy.
Oh. And please tell me I don’t come across TOO goofy in the video.
First? First!! Love flying dragon plushies!!!
Scott, I just watched the video. It was great, not goofy at all. Hans is sleeping right now, so as soon as we get a minute to discuss it, we’ll figure out which package(s) we need/want and how much we can contribute. Yay! I like the idea of Nicodemus plushies. You put together some really great packages. I hope you make the target, and congratulations on book 6!
King Oberon’s thighs look too thin. Especially when compared to his well-built upper body/barrel chest.
The video is great, with only one thing to be improved. The volume is too low. With my speakers cranked, I could barely hear you.
Made my pledge. C’mon everyone! Let’s help get Scott to the first goal by Monday! I want a chance at a scaly, soft, fire-breathing squishy!
Squeeeeeeeeeee! (and I’m a 6-6 male so thats a big squee!) I’m definitely getting Book 6 and a Paddington Plush at a minimum. I am so excited to load the PDFs on my tablet and read them to my nieces and nephews!
These are pretty moody images. A symphony of colors!
Nice video! You come across very calm and collected.
I’m in at the Alexander level…and I’ll probably pick up the regular edition of Book Six from you directly at MTAC next year….
The video is just fine – nice job, although I agree the sound level is a little low. But then again the speakers on my laptop aren’t exactly the loudest either. The images from Dreamland look really good even in the small video window.
I’m in – and am anticipating how far you’ll be able to go with this!
Will we learn more of Lord Abaddon’s plans? Is the earth doomed? If so,who needs this 2012 end-of-days crap?!?!? (Unless Lord Abaddon IS the 2012 prophecy?)
TWC status update.
#5: 3,614
#6: 3,335 <= us
#7: 3,070
Do vote, gentle Readers!
Woo-hoo! just ordered my copy of book six!
So how do we communicate with you about what we want if we chose something off the à la carte list?
Also, really enjoying this new nugget of history.
I’m amused by your comment for one reason. Literally ten minutes ago, I described myself as “hammer hands” to a co-worker…and here we’re being called gentle readers. *giggles*
The volume was fine for me. Jakesdad, are you sure the volume on your computer itself is up? Not just the speaker volume?
The video was great! I wouldn’t change a thing.
You did not come across dorky at all, just very friendly and professional.
Thank you all! I really appreciate the feedback!
At the end (when the Kickstarter Drive ends) everyone gets an email with a form to fill out (through Kickstarter). You just fill in what you’d like, special requests, who to sign the books to, and what characters you want sketched.
Donna will put it all into an excel sheet…then I sketch for the next 2 months.

The volume is indeed low on that video. I had to maximize the volume on the video itself, the main volume on the computer and the Wave volume in order to hear it at an almost reasonable volume level. Great if you’re trying to listen at work or with kids sleeping in the background, not so great if you’re listening with competing background noises.
Yeah, not dorky at all. If anything you may have come across as slightly monotone. A hint of enthusiasm in your presentation would help sell people on checking out the story if they haven’t already. Otherwise well done. You do a good job on highlighting all the “selling points” of the story, and the selected images are a great visual lure for grabbing people’s interest, especially the variety in them that shows that TDC is not just a one-trick pony.
That WAS me being enthusiastic!

I had my buddies filming getting me to be more expressive. That’s as good as it gets with me in front of a camera…ha ha.
I’m so shy.