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Happy Wednesday!
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving for us “Yanks!” here in the U.S.
So, if you’ll indulge me…I’d like to take the day off to be with family.
I’ll have a new page up on Friday.
In the meanwhile…I hope you’ve enjoyed these pages…and thank you for reading.
I’m definitely thankful for you all!
Hilarious! Love the expression on Alex’s face.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family, Scott. Hope you have a peaceful day with your family.
Straight boy freak out in 3…2…1…
You’ve handled this brilliantly, Scott. π
Har har har! Request for kiss from Mermaid? DENIED!
We are thankful for you too, Scott. I think a few readers might back me up when I say that you are the coolest and friendliest webcomic author in the known universe.

Now, about the comic: what I would love to see Alex say is, “Dastan, I’m trying very hard to understand and embrace cultural diversity; however, in the culture in which I grew up there is a fairly strong taboo surrounding male to male kissing, for males that are heterosexual – which orientation my unfortunate physical demonstration of a moment ago proves, I’m sure. This taboo would make a kiss from you, however innocently intended, VERY uncomfortable for me. I mean no (further) offense to you by any means, and I will accept your kiss if you insist, but I would prefer to be kissed by a female if that is possible without giving offense.”
Is Alex smart enough to say that? I doubt it. I doubt Dan could come up with that on the spot. Heck, I couldn’t come up with that on the spot; I have the advantage of typing this at my leisure.
If Alex gets out of this without either kissing Dastan or causing offense, I’ll be surprised. If he gets out of it without kissing Dastan and without causing offense, I’ll be impressed.
No see, what’s going to happen is probably a cutaway to 10 minutes later or something and alex is still trying to scrape his lips off or something, with Nastajia facepalming to the side. π
I would LOVE to see Alex accept the kiss.
I would be VERY disappointed if he ended up kissing a female.
I feel like our society is already messed up. Homosexuality being “wrong.” And yet girl to girl is somehow okay in certain instances because women are “touchy” anyway, but guy to guy is never okay. Please don’t bring our social/societal issues into this wonderful comic, and make it wrong for two men to kiss.
You have a point, but that doesn’t change how Alex feels about it.
Though if he tried to switch now to kiss a mermaid, I think Staj would punch HIM out. And deservedly so.
I’ll also be disappointed. :< This can be funny, but please don't make it narrow.
“come to me sassy, you know you cannot resist”
I swear these faces reminds me of the famous buttlord gt comic
I smell a wake-up call coming, very quickly. That way, Alex can be ‘thankful’.
I love you so damn much, Alex. You’re doing your best to be king but at the same time, you can’t escape your upbringing.
By all means, please enjoy Thanksgiving with your family, Scott. Let’s have Alex cruelly sweat with fear for two days. *evil grin* I just got a bad image of Nastajia pushing Alex toward Dastan, LOL. I should go to bed.
Dastan is taking his revenge here!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
………… Aaaaand the fangirls get the service they cried out for in previous comments; much to Alex’s chagrin.
As a gay man, I think that Dastan is being really super creepy here. Homosexual issues or not, if that guy tried to kiss me like that… Well… Alex should slug him again and then proceed to drain the ocean to circumvent any more weirdness.
Looks like someone forgot to brush their teeth
Seriously, did nobody think to explain WHY Dastan was trying to kiss her after Alex’s misunderstanding? And now, Nastajia is going to get all angry with Alex about his reaction to this attempted kiss. Poor lad just can’t do right, can he?
Oh… this is going to be so much fun… I see another punch flying. π
HA HA HA, I can see Alex sitting up in his bed screaming “AAAAAAHHHHH!!!!”, waking up Dan, who asks what’s going on, if he’s about to be eaten by another vicious monster or whatnot. Then Alex responds: “No, WORSE! I was about to get KISSED!” X-D
No, I’m sure Nastajia will INSIST he proves his apology by kissing the merman… grinning happily in gloat(/mischief/malice).
I’m betting Alex wishes he were taking tomorrow off too.
Thanks Scott! I hope you and your family have a great turkey day!!!
“eh… would it be okay if I greet one of the female mer-people instead?”
Remember, it’s not an intimate kiss, but a peck (closed lips, and Alex doesn’t have to close his eyes).
There are several cultures of greeting in this manner, but the merman should either be holding Alex’s hands or shoulders in greeting when the kiss is applied.
I still think it should be underwater, otherwise the spell would be broken.
It’s the continuous seafood diet. Murder on the breath. π
Seeing the ‘King’s’ discomfort, the merman could offer a mermaid for Alex to kiss.
Is being kissed by another male the issue or being ‘seen’ kissing another male the issue? Stop and think about it, if no one sees it, then where is the embarrassment and if it is just a kiss/peck, then there is no deeper meaning. If Alex realizes it is the custom and has no other meaning, then he should be able to put aside his ‘resistance’. After all, isn’t this an instance when a kiss is just a kiss?
Pucker up, slugger!
it would look really really bad if Alex denied Dastan’s kiss.
Dastan doesn’t seem to have changed expressions in the last few pages, that’t kind of creepy. other than that, this page is hilarious!
Have a great Thanksgiving, Scott! and a merry Leftover Day as well π
Alex, time to buckle down and prove that you’re mature enough to really respect your subjects’ cultures, and worthy of being king.
Give ’em some tongue, Dastan! π
I definitely agree with you here.
great strip Scott. Almost fell off the chair. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone.
Key word is “should be”. Alex isn’t exactly high up on the culturally aware list. It’s his brother that’s the smart one, but he’s barred. He may eventually get it, but for now, he’s inept. That’s part of what makes a good adventure like this likeable. The hero isn’t a Brad Pitt character… more of a Morgan Grimes…
Happy Thanksgiving !!!!!!!!!
Fanboys already got their service with the girls kissing in the previous pages, now please let the fangirls get theirs, too, with the boys! ;-D
Seriously though this is already super funny, that expression on poor Alex’s face in the second panel is priceless. Also, is it me or is that mermaid on the left of the last panel thinking ‘Heh, OWNED!!!’ ?!? π
Welp, have a happy Thanksgiving Scott, and make sure you eat some cake for those of us unable to do so! ^_^
AH, HA, HA, HA, HA! His facial expression is just . . . perfect. And how those lips look bigger than life to him . . . great.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and the family, Scott! π
that made me almost spit tea all over my computer π
Alex’s expression is hilarious! XD
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family, Scott!
I keep picturing panel two with the caption “Do not want!”. That is all.
Really though, hilarious. XD And Happy Thanksgiving!
I called this, two days ago.
Run away Alex! Run away!!!!!
That or just grab one of the other mermaid girls and smooch them π
Happy Thanksgiving!
Hi, Observer! I don’t think it matters where the magic begins (above or below water) seeing as what the magic does is turn you into a merperson and they can clearly breathe air. What probably matters is the second time you breathe air following the magic. That’s my thought anyway.
Watch… It’ll be just a peck on the cheek or something. Sigh of relief? LOL!
Yeah. That mer-dude IS a little creepy. π
Wonder why it couldn’t have been the lady? I guess that putting a bit of explanation behind it would help things along? At least to put things into perspective. I mean. π
Happy Thanksgiving =)
+1 on the Chuck reference. π
Go back a couple of days and look at Staj’s kiss with the mermaid. That weren’t no peck. Just sayin’….
(Incorrect grammar used for effect. I know it should’ve been “ain’t”. π )
I think the excellent eyebrows on the previous page count as a change of expression… I’ve been known to engage in eyebrowspeak on occasion.
Oh wow, poor Dan! But he has it coming!! LOL, it would be amazing if he startled awake at this exact moment, leaving poor Nastajia to make up some sort of apology and excuse for him. XD
I’m not sure why a straight guy being uncomfortable with being kissed by a man is supposedly homophobic. Yes, for the mers, it has about the same emotional weight as giving directions. For Alex, it’s…not. Part of the messed-upedness about sex in modern culture is the idea that one has the right to tell others how they should feel about sex. Whether you agree or disagree, sure, but you don’t get to dictate others’ sexuality in all but a few extreme circumstances.
In this case, the gap between Alex’s intellectual knowledge and his emotional reaction creates tension, which is pretty funny.
Also, that mergirl in the last panel looks like she’s really into it.
And the idea that the Merfolk view of kissing should override Alex’s view you have no problem with? Recognizing the differences between people is the first step to understanding. Ignoring those differences is…well, I don’t know what that is.
To the mer-men. Not to Alex.
Asking Alex to ignore all sorts of cultural meanings attached to a kiss on about five seconds notice seems rather optimistic. It’s like telling a Hindu to stop being silly and have a hamburger, or a Jewish person pork.
I think our society is kinda messed up in the head about this whole issue..
Men traditionally and possibly biologically seek leadership type roles in their lives and in their homes. Many chicks will hate to hear me say it but we have a desire to dominate, hopefully in a loving and protective way not in an abusive way.
When a man kisses another man it forces one to take the role of a submissive partner. This is revolting to many men and an insult to our own “masculinity” and self respect in a leading type role.
With the merman forcing himself right now it is even more so painting the image of the merman being the dominating force right now, obviously alex is not happy about this. Some chicks dig seeing men being dominated and get off on that. I think if you are being rational about it though you should feel bad for Alex in this situation, a young guy trying to be a leader in his relationship, as a king, and as simply a young man. This comic is like a slap in the face.
Just my 2 cents.
I should also say this is exactly why many guys don’t have a problem when 2 chicks kiss vs 2 guys. It has everything to do with the leadership role and we don’t see a conflict when it’s two girls.
Hate me if you like, I just say it how I see it.
It is quite possible that Dastan would have preferred having one the mermaids kiss the dude. Having been punched for attempting to greet the king’s “girl” Dastan should be worried about the safety of the maids. Nastajia is armed and recently cut a dragon’s heart out.
I think the only way Alex’ll accept “the gift” is to get knocked out again. :2)
I ask myself: does the imparted magic wear off? Does it even wear off on merpeople, and thus even merpeople need to “refresh” the magic now and then by kissing another one of the merpeople?
It would explain, why it became common for the merpeople to use kisses as greeting gesture.
This page made my day! The expression on Alex’s face is hillarious π The terror in his eyes. Great page!
Happy Thanksgiving, Scott.
Nice page, you get Alex’s fear across really well, hahah.
A ‘King’ has to look at it from all sides (the broader picture) and be able to set aside his feelings, issues for the greater good – I realize few realize and can actually do this.
Hmm … WWKAD? — as in .. What Would King Arthur Do?
Okay, I guess that depends on which interpretation of King Arthur. Depending on the way I’ve seen him portrayed in fiction, he would:
a) Be very diplomatic and regally accept the platonic kiss, showing everybody he’s a great sport, impressing both the natives and his girlfriend in the process.
b) Punch the male mermaid a second time, then, just to show he’s the king and can do whatever he wants, grab a female mermaid and make out with her in front of everybody
c) Show he’s a REALLY good sport, and wrap his arms tenderly around the male mermaid and give him a sensuous liplock, which makes his girlfriend respect him in ways never dreamed of otherwise (thanks to Marion Zimmer Bradley for this image. *grins*)
But what will Alex actually do? Probably put up with it, but make it clear he’s totally grossed out, like a five-year-old kid who had to get smooched by his least-favorite aunt AND eat Brussels’ sprouts at the same time.
Alex is a child. He continues to show that in every way. Thank all that’s holy that Staj is there with him, being the true power behind the throne until (hopefully) Alex someday finally grows up. *smiles and crosses my fingers*
Maybe Nastajia will come to Alex’s rescue and punch the merman? π
For trying to kiss her boyfriend, or by saying, “For Freak’s sake, Dastan! You cannot kiss the King of Dreamland without getting his permission first!”
dastan is so gay….
seriously, why not get one of the female mermaids to do it? it would much less awkward for him.
I just hope Dastan doesn’t turn out to be a certain red dragon with “an overdeveloped sense of vengeance” that “is going to get him into trouble someday”. I’m sorry, it’s just that the red eyes are quite freaky.
I am not sure I agree.
If that where the reason for menβs discomfort about kissing wouldnβt there be a equal discomfort in girls kissing?
If girls are naturally submissive then one would have to be the dominant one which is as much frightening as going from dominant to submissive…
I think it is a more cultural thing…
As an example there is the way people greet in France. (donβt know if this still happens but not long ago it was by kissing on the checks. Gender did not apply)
Wow. Objectification of women. Brash violence being dismissed without consequence. Now homophobia?
Remember a time with kids’s books were suppose to teach children good behavior?
I’d have to agree with you there.
Actually, it should’ve been ‘wasn’t’. Lol! π
Personally, its the beard that wigs me out.
Not that I go kissing guys as a matter of course (nor anyone else for that matter), but when I do they gotta be clean-shaven. >_>
I almost hate to say this, but Alex (with all of his preconceived *human* notions) really deserves this. Sort of poetic irony or poetic justice.
Suck it up, blonde boy!