Hi all!
I thought I’d give you a desktop from today’s page. I kind of like how the second panel came out.
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Ooooh, Nick’s in trouble now.:D
Love the page and love this webcomic! Been following it since 2008 (at least) and the care that goes in all pages has never ceased to amaze me. Top notch job! 🙂
Nice. The last panel I would love as a desktop!
For a moment, I thought the dwarf there was holding some kind of Dreamland-technology bomb. XD Either way, he’s quite angry! 😮
Erm… The desktop picture seems rather pixel-y, rough around the edges. It’s not as bad when you zoom out, but it’s still pretty noticeable on Staj’s cape and such. :/ I don’t see this in other images… Maybe you forgot a smoothing effect?
Bognok 1, Nico 0.
Ooooo! Name calling! 😀
uh oh, Nick just started the most deadly battle of all. A name calling battle… who ever loses will literally die of shame from such terrible insults
OOOh burn!
“Hairy midget!”
“Overgrown lizard!”
“I’m more of a REEEEEEED!!!”
Heheheheheheheheheh! XD
More than murderous, say I, for he did trap Arthur in limbo for a long time…
dwarves ain’t for word games. They strike. talk later. That’s all there is to it.
Is Alex recovering perhaps or is that a scrum of dwarves in the background swarming around our unconscious hero?
Uh oh, hey Nicky boy! Seems your cornered – might want to get your dragon rear out of their if you want a final climatic battle with the hero later(that pounding him into the dirt right now didn’t count:P)
Adjective NOUN.
Is it my imagination or the (really angry-looking) king of the DWARVES is a giant-like creature and with the same height as Nic the dragon?
I mean…is the dwarf king some king of mutant dwarf?
I had this question from the time i saw him pages before 😉
When he was growing up some of the other dwarf kids used to call him “Hulk” because of his green hair and large size. Now they just call him “King.”
On another note: Lord of the Rings: Where did the Hobbits come from? (I don’t remember the answer) Also, the Dunedain were were taller, fairer, and lived longer than other humans. So why can’t there be exceptions in the Dwarven kingdom. Especially in DREAMLAND where anything “should” be possible.
By the way, if Nic dies soon, then what will happen to the story? Done? or will Alex get to travel to the Nightmare Realm and the island of the Guardians?
Or… I’m gonna have to find something to fill up the gap in my life when this is over.
This cannot possibly be the final battle… it’s just too early for that. I expect many more twists to come.
Insult Sword Fighting is a go!
Yay trashtalking!
Nice to see people stop being polite to Nicodemus and saying what they really feel.
“You fight like a dairy farmer!”
“How appropriate. YOU fight like a cow!”
nick is more then a snake. O.o
the thing is, Nic can fly and breathe fire….wonders if he considers flame-broiled warriors as a tasty snack? XD
so i wouldnt count Nic out of the fight just yet. i think he will fly away and regroup with the nightmare gang. this isnt over by a long shot yet! yay lol
Lovin this chapter so far! keep up the awesome work
Great page Scott …. keep it up!
I hope Alex is ok in all of this.
Where’s Kiwi? I really really miss her 🙁
its hit the fan and now we see what nick’s made of now.
will he stand and fight or run to get help from his nightmare buddies.
Adjective noun!
Razor sharp!
Po-tay-to, po-tah-to
The famous “insult-sword-playing” of the Monkey Island!
Good old memories….
I thought calling Nic a murderous WYRM would of have more impact and sound more degrading.
Thank you all!
Working on Friday’s page. Sorry for the delay.
WHERE IS ALEX!! I don’t see him underfoot!
In this case, I think it’s both distance and perspective. He knocked Nic a fair ways away with that punch/hammer-strike. And we’re seeing it from close behind Bognok and at a slightly up angle (with regard to Nic, not Bognok).
I know it’s got to be a force like the ones closest to the camera on the left, but it does look amusingly like a huge crowd simply standing at the edge of the Alex Crater and peering down at the mess. *giggles*
I noticed it most on the yellow arrow thingie; I was assuming they came from someone’s old atari game dream. Also, in the real world, a bow’s string does not stretch. The archer’s power comes from the bow itself, which bends, like a very stiff spring. In dreamland, of course, archery can work any way one can dream up…
that was exactly the same reaction i had, lol XD
Nastajia: You dare insult purple? *shoot both the dragon and dwarf for their insolence as her purple hair flaps in the wind*
i personally think bognok is growing =3 or nic is shrinking >.>
In earlier mythology, Dwarves were simply another race, not a smaller one. Bognok is much bigger than the other Dwarves, though, so I guess he’s just tall for his race?
@LotR reference, I’ve read both the trilogy and the Silmarillion, and I don’t believe that question has ever been answered.
Might I say, that Bognok really is enormous. lol.
Epic, naturally…..however, shortly after the battle with Nic….
Miracle Max:Go away. What, what?
Nastajia: Are you the Miracle Max who worked for the Dragon all
those years?
Miracle Max:The dragon’s stinking advisor fired me. And thank you so
much for bringing up such a painful subject. While
you’re at it, why don’t you give me a nice paper cut
and pour lemon juice on it? We’re closed. [knocking]
Beat it, or I’ll call the brute squad!
Bognok: I’m on the brute squad.
Miracle Max:You are the brute squad.
Nastajia: We need a miracle. It’s very important.
Miracle Max:Look, I’m retired. And besides, why would you want
someone the dragon’s stinking advisor fired? I might kill whoever you
wanted me to miracle.
Nastajia: He’s already dead.
Miracle Max:He is, huh? I’ll take a look. Bring him in. [pause.
Holds up arm.]
[They enter. Alex is laid on the table. Max
examines him]
I’ve seen worse.
Nastajia: Sir…sir??
Miracle Max:Huh?
Nastajia: We’re in a terrible rush.
Miracle Max:Don’t rush me, girlie. You rush a miracle man, you
get rotten miracles. You got money?
Nastajia: Sixty-five.
Miracle Max:Sheesh! I never worked for so little. Except once,
and that was a very noble cause.
Nastajia: This is noble sir. His brother is… crippled. He
can afford nothing but junk food, and his cousins are
social outcasts….
Miracle Max:Are you a rotten liar!
Nastajia: I need him to help avenge my father, murdered these
two years.
Miracle Max:Your first story was better. Where’s that bellows
crammed? He probably owes you money, huh? Well, I’ll
ask him.
Nastajia: He’s dead. He can’t talk.
Miracle Max:Hoo hoo hoo! Look who knows so much, heh? Well, it
just so happens that your friend here is only mostly
dead. There’s a big difference between mostly dead
and all dead. Please, open his mouth. Now, mostly
dead is slightly alive. Now, all dead…well, with
all dead, there’s usually only one thing you can do.
Nastajia: What’s that?
Miracle Max:Go through his clothes and look for loose change.
“Nobody’s ever drawn blood from me and nobody ever will!”
“You run THAT fast?”
Best games ever.
They never look up until it’s too late…
That’s right. Can’t see him because he’s still “under foot”…
ROFLMAO XD That was perfect!
LOL!! Awesome, sir, I applaud you!
Is it sad that we ALL know the princess bride so well?
Never ;P
Even the wise didn’t know. The first recorded appearance is near the time of Deagol and Smeagol, in the upper Anduin River near the Misty Mountains. They seem related to humans, but Fallohides are somewhat Elven and Stoors tend to have Dwarven traits.
Hmm not wanting to complain, but her hair comes across like it is made of plastic in the rain. The desktop image had that effect so strongly that I am now seeing it in alot of the others.
I think that Bognok will forevermore sound like Andre the Giant in my head, now.
And Nastajia has inexplicably developed a Spanish accent …
Nicodemus: “Treasonous scum.”
Bognok: “Murderous snake.”
Nicodemus: “Stunted human.”
Bognok: “Overgrown lizard.”
Nicodemus: “Hole dweller.”
Bognok: “Thief.”
Alex: “Is this going to take long?”
Huge eyebrows are STILL huge.