Page 1069…
Happy Wednesday all!
Hope you enjoy today’s page.
I always love seeing these two together.
Not much to report today.
Thanks for the votes.
Thanks for the advice on cons and donations.
See you tomorrow for more.
Happy Wednesday all!
Hope you enjoy today’s page.
I always love seeing these two together.
Not much to report today.
Thanks for the votes.
Thanks for the advice on cons and donations.
See you tomorrow for more.
D’awww, aren’t they so cute together?
I’m reminded of what I think of as their love theme(slightly parodied):
I just wanna close my eyes,
I just wanna fall asleep
’cause I miss you babe,
and I don’t wanna miss a thing.
True dat, true.
Looks like everyone made it in one piece after the dragon’s last fireball, so that’s good to see!
On a completely unrelated note, was just looking through the “welcome to the comic” section at the start, and saw a couple comments about how they didn’t want to click through the intro stuff there. Hitting next chapter to just skip to the start is already there, but maybe there should be a more obvious note about that in the first intro page for those that don’t want to click through it?
Think I’m first, but someone will probably get in while i’m typing….
Vair romantic moment right there.
Ha, yep fourth.
Typing, too slow.
You really expect to get first at that speed? Though from first to fourth is kinda a big jump.
lies we don’t know if everyone made it out in one piece. How is Paddington Rumblebottom III? We have not seen him yet he could be seriously injured or worse.
don’t get me wrong though I am glad to see that Nastajia made it out in one piece and is unharmed
btw, the logo for Windsor McCay University, Rodents of Unusual Size is done, I’m just waiting until the scanner gets fixed to put it up. Sry ’bout the delay.
Woah! Unexpected, but quite pleasant greeting there! Very nice. It’s nice to see that the romance between Alexander and Nastajia has grown so much.
so darn cute
you do amazing comic,i cant wait to see more ^^
I was just thinking that. I suspect Paddington may have acted as a shield for Nast. If that’s the case he may be dead (or seriously injured).
Well in this perticular case he would HAVE to close his eyes, so what about this?
When I want you in my arms,
when I want you and all your charms
Whenever I want you, all I have to do, is
Dream, dream dream dream
I’m not so sure rock burns that easily. Even if he is a rock giant…
Oops, you did change the lyrics. Oh well, two lyrics won’t hurt ^_^
Hey Scott!
You’ve very nearly perfected the vote button – you could try moving it to the top of the comic for a week or so and see if your votes go way up. I’m pretty sure they would!
Dang… I thought the “slow run” was reserved for then ends of stories.
I loved the rock giants in the background looking on… it made for a wonderful backdrop.
Yeah that was unexpected, almost anti-climatic. I don’t know that I have ever felt so…. let down (maybe that is the right word) by finding out a character who could be hurt or dead was alive. I hope something bad happened (yes i know that is morbid) because I think there needs to be some sort of consequence to his failing utterly and disapearind/waking up right as the “heat” is on.
Usually the timing for dramatic events is just spot on. For example he woke up just in time to interupt his brothers kiss that we have all been anticipating since the beginning of the strip.
I think it’s perfect. Everybody needs a bright shiny moment now and then, especially these two. After all, how many opportunities for this will there be now that the war is on?
Well, OBVIOUSLY she’s okay. There was a big walking boulder jumping between her and the fire, last I saw. Don’t know how Paddington survi—
Oh no.
Oooooooh no.
Scott wouldn’t do that, would he?
Considering that Paddington was laying on his back in the first panel, we can figure that he’s not feeling his usual dancing self.
However, that kiss scene makes up for Alex’s face-palm worthy slowness in the last few pages. Alex for the win!
Love this page!
Woohoo!!! Last day of PSSA’S!
That last panel makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. What a wonderful way to start the morning.

Man, I didn’t see Paddington in the first frame. Hope he is going to be all right.
LOVED this page. Great emotion!
Aww, that’s so cute. Love the last panel.
Easily one of the best pages in the series. I hope Paddington’s alright.
Once she thought about it, she got it, but Nancy’s first comment was, “If a boy ever kisses me like that and then tells me I’m just okay, I’m gonna hit him.”
Maybe Alex should have said “You’re okay!” first, and then kissed her.
Or he may just have a slightly melted butt …
Aaaawww…. ain’t that just tweeet. Nice page. Now for the “while you were awake” filler.
Wow, I didn’t catch that either.
*looks again*
Are you SURE that’s Paddington?
*looks again*
Yeah, it does look like him, just lying there …
*looks yet again*
Could be a boulder. Probably not, though. Paddington hurt would explain the presence of the Rock Giants …
They didn’t waste any time with the kiss. It’s nice to see how their relationship has developed.
I found that sequence awkward too, but I suspect it’s leading in to tomorrow’s page, where Nastajia responds with something along the lines of “Thanks to Paddington!” and the focus transfers to the background again.
Once the next page is in place, I think this page will flow a bit better. And, needless to say, switching the order of the last two panels would make the transition to tomorrow’s page even awkwarder.
…and perhaps stir them into action…
I’ll chime in with another “Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww”.
Maybe if his line was changed to something like “Thank God, you’re OK”, or “I’m glad you’re OK'”, then there would be no way to interpret that as an evaluation of the kiss, but clearly as relief to see her alive and well.
Lol pervy rock giants.
Was it just me or does anyone else find that the shadows detract from the dramatic-ness of the kiss? They are very visually distracting.
Lol. Why is Nancy talking about kissing boys? HUH???

I hadn’t thought about how that may be perceived by a girl.
Ha ha. What else is new.
I do.
I was thinking of lightening them up.
“Don’t… be… hasty.”
Wow. The emotion of this page actually made my eyes water slightly. I can’t say that I’ve EVER had a comic do that before. Scott, you are amazing.
* emotion = emotional intensity
Personally, I thought it added to the “realism” of the scene. But, that’s personal opinion. Not being an artist, I suppose I don’t have the trained eye for that sort of thing.
I’ve never commented before but I have to say this is definitely an awww worthy moment.
As for what Alex said to Nastajia after the kiss, think about it. Alex isn’t the most articulate person in the best situations and he has just found out the love of his life isn’t burnt to a crisp and he just kissed her. I highly doubt coherent thoughts are working well for him, the fact that he is so overcome with emotion that’s all he can choke out.
Just my interpretation but I am a hopeless romantic so I could be wrong lol
Or a severe case of sunburn/dragonburn.
That last panel is absolutely gorgeous! The intensity and love portrayed in it really releases the tension. Awesome job!
I tried to reply earlier, but I can’t see my post anywhere… So here we go again:
Maybe if the dialog was changed to something like “Thank God, you’re OK”, or “I’m so glad you’re OK”, then there would be no way to misinterpret that as anything but relief to see her alive.
It does a little like Nastajia has a mustache….
Boy am i picky today!
OMG I love how passionate their kiss is :D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! best page EVAAARRR (yet)
OMG YAY! Huzzah for kissing couples!
Yay! She’s OK. Now show us that Paddington is OK too :s!
Aw. Thank you!
Thank you all.
Yay for kissing!
dam, she sure missed alex. lol XD
now that i think about it, what happened to nick?
yeah thats Paddington look at the feet and belly now i am worried. i really hope he okay.
no fair I still have a reading and 3 science.the only good thing about pssa is no homework.
*warm fuzzies*
awe Its about time. now its dan’s turn
panel 5 is beautiful. i like the shadows. to make them less distracting you could just make them more like they would appear in the real world, which i think would be fuzzier and lighter.
looking at this page, i can’t help but think how uncomfortable it must be to hug/kiss with that armor on.
lol Its gorgeous. However I find it funny that Alex wakes up in time to interrupt DAN’s kiss then gets one of his own in dreamland… hardly fair, no?
i, as a girl, think what alex said is just lovely. in a situation like that, it’s so much less about the actual words than about the tone they’re said with. i can hear it being quiet, a little surprised, almost not believing it. very sweet, and super cute.
Paddington?!?!?!! P-p-padington??? no! NO! please no please no pleeaaasee no!
ninjadragon5 see here, and cross your fingers that this is what actually haooened.
I mean what happened
nice catch there. I missed it the first… 3 times I looked at the comic.
Nice catch. I totally didn’t see that, and I’d looked at the comic a couple times. Even when I knew what I was looking for, still took a moment.
Ha, ha! That’s great! Don’t make mom angry!!!!
Looking closer, and comparing it to Paddington;’s size… I think it’s coincidental rock formations.
And so, being Captain Obvious, he inadvertently says the right thing.
aww sweetest reunion kiss <3
Love it!
Even though she is not yet a teen Nancy thinks about EVERYTHING, especially boys.
It will be interesting to see if the first boy she brings home is smarter that she (oh, how I hope) or a pretty air-head. I fear the smarter than is a very small pool though.
Welcome, fellow Dreamer!
I happen to agree with you, Alex did just the right things in just the right order: physical reassurance + romantic reaffirmation, THEN verbal reassurance.
Are Nastajia’s eyes open in the fourth panel? I know her head is bigger than Alex’s but it seems to be too big in that panel.
Otherwise, I loved this page!
…I’m done squealing like a thirteen year old now xD But this moment is SO well done! Oh those two…so good
Literally just fell over on my bed, squeed, kicked my feet in the air and said in a higher pitched voice “YAY! Cutesy Dreamland comic!” This page has pretty much made my day. ^_^
Ha, ha! That’s great! Don’t make mom angry!!!!
No need to be a jerk about it. There are a LOT of reasons people cannot always type as fast as what YOU may prefer.
No that is a focus effect. If you take a close up picture of someone sitting on the ground and facing you his/her knees will look bigger than his or her head. Nastajia is closer to us than Alex so she is amplified a little. Look at Alex’s thumb size compared to his nose. Alex’s hand is amplified more because it is closer.
Many cameras will not focus right at 6 inches you can get special lenses.
Also notice how the rock giants go out of focus as the “camera” approaches Alex and Nastajia. When a camera is focused on a nearby object distant object go out of focus.
Your eyes do that too but it is less noticeable than the double vision. So close one eye, hold a pencil ~20 cm (~8 inches) from your face and look at something with sharp edges or lines that is 8 meters (25 feet) away. You can only see either the pencil or the distant object in focus. You can hold a pencil (or any two identical small objects) in each hand and place one 8 inches from your face and the other 24 inches away. The closer pencil will look bigger.
woo!!! Got to the scene in the ad!!!
Dialogue is different I see but yay!!!
The second time they kissed! Whoo!
…Can we trade the kisses in for a good sword fight? Or other violence?
Like this page. Like, like, like.
Whoa! Give ’em some space!