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Oh my. I can NOT wait until all of this fire is gone.
I really should have thought this out a little better…
….ah…who am I kidding. I wouldn’t have taken the easy route.
The Dreamland WIKI page is coming along nicely.
Thank you all for chipping in and getting this thing going.
I know that with the hundreds of characters and environments we have…this could become a fun way for you all to help build this world up even more than I ever could.
SO please join in and have fun. There are HUNDREDS of background characters who need names and backgrounds and such.
Thank you especially to Sven Geusens for taking the lead on this.
I’m still “pimping” my Dreamland Facebook page all this week.
So thank you to all who have joined. And I know some of you have mentioned you joined FACEBOOK just to join in.
I’m quite flattered. Thank you.
It’s great updating again. And I just want to thank you all again for waiting for me to get back to this.
I wish the time off was restful (one of these days I WILL need a vacation). But it was needed.
Have a great day. And see you all tomorrow.
I getting the impression that Nicodemus was some young, European king’s/prince’s dreamland buddy circa 1100~1300AD, that things went sour, and the entirety of Nicodemus’ issues trace their source to a single kid “abandoning” the sole dragon of dreamland and this caused Nicodemus to have sand in his cloaca for all eternity.
Considering he met Solomon and David, I doubt it.
is…is.he is isnt he…he just laid down >.< rofl. Awesome and epic Scott. BRILLIANT!
Speaking of pimping Dreamland goods, how does one find the Xbox game? I tried to find in using the Xbox marketplace, with no luck.
– Fr. Maurer
So Nick is that old ? In this case, he didn’t read the Bible … he lived through it !
Well, ya know, I shouldn’t be surprised at all, since dragons are usually immortal, but I didn’t think about that before …
Meeting Solomon and David does not discount anything other than the time frame I thought of. Perhaps not even that, as we know many dreamlanders are friends to many children over time, one could say he knew Solomon and David back in his years before meeting someone else.
And my sister says, “It was King Arthur! Pendragon and wot! Sword in the stone! Nicky helped him defeat Moses and then they partied with Beowulf at KFC!” Which I must admit is funnier when coming out of a drunken 24 year old.
Dude, I love how he’s practically hugging the fire! I wish I could do that. 😛
Scott, first pane: do you mean “counsel” as in advice, or that the kings have gone to a meeting with him that he’s chairing?
(Sorry, I haven’t taken my anti-pedant pill today)
And I love the fire too, briliant.
Nicodemus: “Many human kings have sought my council. None have found it yet. I really should give better driving directions.”
Alex: “Does this guy ever shut up?!”
Nicodemus: “…some wise, some foolish, some just, some unjust, and all good with ketchup.”
Reign on Nick, Reign on!
Given the context, I think that what the dragon actually said was “counsel” but that it was garbled in translation….
I’m starting to see perhaps why Nicodemus thought he needed to take over Dreamland. After watching and advising a constant stream of kings who’s style of ruling varied as greatly as snowflakes from the sky (sorry we’ve got so much snow it’s all I could think of. LOL.) he must have felt he needed to give Dreamland a stable, secure rule. One that would never vary. A good idea I suppose to him, but not for Dreamland as a whole. oye!
Is it Counsel?
Is that the proper term?
Here you go.
It’s under Indy Games
“Welcome to another installment of ‘Firetop chat with Nicodemus’…” 😀
Love the way the lights and shadows are represented on his wings.
A council is a governing body or an organization. Counsel is advice. So yes, the correct word to use is counsel.
Well, Nick has just (within the last week or two, Dreamland time) had an epic battle with all of the Dwarves at once, including their huge king, and flown to at least three different regions (including this one) to torch the tablets and everything around them. So, yeah, he laid down; he’s tired!
[Yoda voice]
“When thousands of years old you are, fly as well you will not, hmm?”
[/Yoda voice]
Don’t forget to VOTE!

Loving the fire, Scott! Your hard work really paid off!
I don’t think he’s lying down as much as he’s leaning over the edge of the mesa. Apparently, he can’t see his audience in the darkness, but he knows they’re there!
Sure is.
I don’t know, he sure looks like he’s lying down to me. And that pose – reclining, with “arms” folded, but chin not quite resting on them – is a classic dragon pose, and confident in a way that can only be managed by non-humanoid physiology …
“Do not annoy dragons, for you charbroil nicely in that armor, and are deliciously crunchy.”
It’s nighttime in a desert and he’s coldblooded. He needs the warmth of the fire.
Or perhaps he’s just overconfident.
I just found this comic yesterday and after plowing through the archives in about 3 hours I am now officially hooked. (^_^)
Agreed. It’s such a beautifully, archetypal-y draconic pose: And combine Nicodemus’ obvious age (or at least knowledge) with the way that things in Dreamland seem at times to be tied to their archetypes (Felicity IS a thief, after all) that makes it even more awesome.
I’d say it’s par for the course for Scott, but something about this particular bit is even more fantastic than usual. I think it’s the visuals mixing with Nic waxing poetic – there’s a kind of terrible glory about it.
The fire…. is AWESOME!!! Nicodemus poses, waiting for Alex to take his bait. Pyre said it best, there is some sort of terrible glory about this page. Why would human kings want his counsel? *sing-songy voice* foreshadowing…
I love how Nicodemus’ pose and how he’s just relaxing in the fire.
AHA! The ole folded arms pose, eh? Okay, now that you mention it, I can see the classic dragon recline going on here. Wow, it is pretty awesome!
Wait…. If he was a trusted councelor for dreamland for all those aeons, if he was evil from the begning, if he manipulated things so that the last human king was a weakling so that he did not have that much support… We are talking about a more than 3000 years of ploting to just get the rulership of Dreamland. Explains why in relatively little time he was able to destroy the true history of Dreamland. How long has he really been king? 100 years? 200 years? Who was the last king of Dreamland, Napoleon Bonapart? It could be…. Ok, shuting up to think a little bit more.
he is laying in the fire? i hope his scales are well fire proof.
He’s been king for over 1000 years.
King Arthur was the last.
More later in the story…
Welcome Hylian!
Thanks for reading.
ahh so not all kings of dreamland were perfect? 🙂
I say Nick is full of himself..
Yes he is. Yes he is.
Well since he is a dragon I’d think he prefers the flames to the chilly nightair. Dragons are usually associated with fire and flame and by extension heat. 😀
Actually, it’s now generally believed that dinosaurs were warm-blooded, and it stands to logical reason that dragons would be too.
And now I think I may be overdue for my anti-pedantic pill …
Welcome fellow Dreamer! 3 hours!? 😯
You should now go back through the archive more slowly, savoring each moment, and especially reading all the comments. Sometimes we’re almost as entertaining as the storyline! (Well, not really, but the comments are still worth a read … )
And don’t forget to go to Top Web Comics and VOTE!
I think Nick is also lying down on the flames, maybe trying to keep warm, a little dragon nest thing going on?
If you’re actually a priest Father Maurer, +1000 cool points for using the word ‘pimping.’