Hey all!

I just wanted to update you on things.

Chapter 16 is written and I’m in the process of storyboarding.

I’m also making some much needed updates to some of the models.

All in all…it looks like we may see the first page by the 15th or the 22nd at the latest.

For those of you who are NEW to the Dreamland Chronicles…

Once I get to updating…I’m pretty regular with the 5 days a week.

I just need time in between chapters to prepare all that goes into the story.

It’s a LOT of work. So thank you for your patience.

I’ve been on a short hiatus since October 14th.  So it looks like it’s going to be a month hiatus when we start up again.

The next chapter is 150 pages. So that’s 30 weeks of pages to follow.


Thanks again.
