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We’re all snug in our hotel beds. The boys won’t sleep (they love going to hotels).
I’ve been looking forward to going to Heroes Con for years. Can’t believe I’m finally going to go.
I hope to see some of you here soon.
Thanks again for reading…and hope you enjoy where this story is going.
He’s pretty tall for a dwarf. How’d he get so big? Are you sure he’s not two dwarves standing on top of each other?
He’s….. not the sharpest ax in the mine, is he?
I agree with lanzer hes too tall for a dwarf
I think that Scott has redesigned the dwarf like J.R.R. Tolkien redesigned the elf. Were not the elves before J’s time short and stocky workers for Santa? Scott is causing a trend lol X3 I probably got my facts all wrong though XD
I just hope Staj has got evidence to back up her father’s claims or else they’ll be very dead adventurers >_>
They are the new Giant Dwarves! Anyways, it seems like they all fell right into a trap!
hehe, dwarfs sure are a stubborn bunch 😛
So, I guess nightmare creatures chasing the Princess of the Elves and banging on your door aren’t enough to convince him…. hmmmmm.
Sounds like he’s been hanging out with politicians too long. 🙂
“Curse the dwarves and their stubborn necks!” — Legolas
Maybe the tall one got a gem of Cyttorak?
he could be an anomaly, maybe he’s a half-breed of some kind, or he could just as easily be a full-blood human (who just happens to have the big nose of a dwarf….) Remember, in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king. In the land of the short people, the tall man is, well, obviously, king.
I’m with Lazerwulf, definitely hiding another dwarf on the lower half. Dwarves are stubborn, always have been, but Nicodaemus is also a slick talker, and since the dwarves don’t do a whole lot outside of their caverns, I’m assuming Nic’s lies aren’t nearly as obvious.
I guess he’s a Mountain Dwarf – literally! 😀
I don’t think it’s 2 dwarves stacked on top of each other; I think it’s just to make him stand out.
Elves were’nt redesigned by Tolkien, except to make them friendly. 🙂 And while the little guys you’re thinking of are Fey (fae… etc.), they weren’t elves exactly.
Three cheers (exactly) for pedantism!
As for comments; Hooray for the awesome material variable lighting effects!
Pfft most of your guesses on why he is big are wrong and no he’s not 2 Dwarves on top of one another. It is to make him stand out plus he is begger to represent power and leadership among the dwarves…
That whole “Santa’s short elves” thing was actually a relatively new take on elves, when you compare the years it has existed as compared to how long the anicent Elf Myths existed. If you look in all the mythologies about elves, they’ve always been tall and human-sized. Just look them up under “Fae” and you’ll see what I mean.
As for that Dwarf… There’s been a few “tall dwarves” in folklore, so he’s not the first. :p It’s true that that type of Dwarf isn’t common, but it’s not as if they can’t exist.
I pose a new theory, he’s either my grandfather in his younger years with his beard died green, or my great grandfather (in case my grandfather is too tall. You see, genetics in my family go like this, I am 6’2, my dad is 5’3, my grandfather is 4’4 (no joke), so it would stand to reason that my great grandfather was 3’5 and thus making me the tallest heir to the dwarf throne. 😀
natastajas hot lol
Hahahaha, he is bigger because he has been drinking his milk.. XD Milk does a body good.. 😉
Giant dwarf?!? Isn’t that something like jumbo shrimp?
Ahhh, buy him some ale, get him tanked, he’ll change loyalties like the seasons.
did you know gullible is not in the dictionary
It’s NOT? OMG that’s amazing! *blink blink*
Sarcasm, however, IS in the dictionary. :p
Oh, and LOL at Ian.
Alex: “But wait…if you’re the king of dwarves, how come you’re so tall?”
Bognok: “Human royal families get hemophilia. Dwarf royal families get Gigantism.”
The reason for the excessive height of the dwarf king is clear; before approaching these intruders, he had someone cast Enlarge Person on him.
We won’t be taken in! The dwarfs are for the dwarfs!
Maybe he’s like the Tall Ones from Zim?