Well. You guys really opened my eyes regarding ads yesterday.

I had no idea so many of you have BLOCKED ads.

Those of you who turned off your ads blocking for Dreamland…

You literally DOUBLED our revenue for the day.


Now…I don’t know if you all realize this, but we are LIVING off of the ad revenue (and book sales) from the site.

It’s been a tough year for us. And knowing that we could double our ad revenue simply by those of you who have ad blockers on…turning them off for our site.

You don’t even have to click on anything. Just the impressions are enough.

I know not everyone will do this. But if you read the Dreamland Chronicles. Please help us out.

It doesn’t cost you a thing.

1) Turn off any ad blockers. You should see an ad at the top, right, and bottom of the page.

3) Come back every once and a while (we get paid for how many hits a day)

4) Tell your friends.

We lost a good 10,000 regular readers from last year to this year.

I’m sure in part due to my extended layoffs between both chapters 14 and 15…and 15 and 16.

Help us grow our fanbase again.

All I’m asking is that if you like Dreamland. Help us keep it going.

Ads are a FREE way of supporting us. And I’m more than happy to keep it all free for as long as you guys are willing to support us.



Thank you all.
