I’m still pretty much crippled by this back injury from hockey last week.

I went to the Chiropractor on Saturday. But they want me in every day for the next 3 weeks. At $150/visit.

Then I went to the “doctor doctor” who gave me a perscription for some pain meds and muscle relaxants. That didn’t help either (though I’ve been very sleepy all day).

I’ve been icing and what not. But just want to get back to work. I barely managed a page today. And with Wondercon coming up…I need to make sure I have a good buffer.


Anyways. All that to say…despite health issues…I’m still working hard to keep Dreamland updating 5 days a week as always.

It’s amazing how now that I’m 40…I seem to be suddenly falling apart and such…ha ha.

But it’s all good. We’re doing fine otherwise. And we had a fun birthday party in Logan’s class yesterday. Brendan’s was on Friday.


In movie news…

Yes. Things are moving along very well in getting Dreamland (and 5 other of my books) as movies.

Other than the fact that we have a production company, funding, actors and actresses, and a screenwriter all signed on…there’s not much more to tell.

We’re talking about a live action feature film (ala Narnia or Harry Potter). But I also have been poking my nose around looking for the possibility of using my animation connections to do it as a series online. Animated.

Either way. There’s so much news I can’t tell. But wanted to let you know what’s going on as it seems to come up quite a bit in emails and forums.

So…that’s that. Hope you have a good day.
