Yes. Bognok hit him. He hit him good too…

Thanks all for liking where this is going. I know I’ve been saying how excited I am about this chapter. So I’m so glad to hear you’re enjoying it.

I’ve been trying to think of how I can wrap up the Baltimore Con nicely. But honestly I didn’t take any pictures or anything. I just socialized for the first time. It was really cool.

But still…I’ll try over the next couple days.

First off…

There was a webcomics panel with Halfpixel, Danielle Corsetto, and myself.

You can read about it here….

Secondly…I got to meet Kris Straub…

Brad Guigar…

And Dave Kellett…

They (Along with Scott Kurtz of PVP) form Halfpixel.

They were kind enough to take me out for desert on Friday night and treat me like an equal. As a pal.

Then at the panel the next day and at the bar that night after the Harveys…I got to hang out more with them.

These are seriously FUNNY people. Really nice. And totally talented.

I can’t thank the Halfpixel guys enough for “taking me in” for the weekend and letting me hang with them.



Then there was Danielle Corsetto…

She and Katie hung out with me and chatted me up so I could pretend to be social.

We never got to do dinner (because I just couldn’t bring myself to eat Sushi…yuck)…but they went out of their way to invite me everywhere they went.


And finally (for this update)…

There’s the guys at Kids Love Comics…

I got to hang out with Rich Faber for Dinner on Saturday. It was great just paling around with a friend. We had a great time.

Cons are always great with these guys. They bring so much enthusiasm and joy to comics and especially KIDS COMICS.

The walking through the pouring rain with 50 pounds of books and the outdoor book festival I could have done without. But I was glad that Jimmy Gownley and Frank Commuso could “share in the experience” with me.

Dinner on Sunday night with John Gallagher, Rich, Harold Buchholz, and Ted Tucker and his wife Marie was great.

Ted and his wife were SO cool. They even gave me a lift to the airport. Thanks you two. It was great meeting you.

So much more to talk about. But I’ll leave that for tomorrow’s update.


In the meanwhile. Please feel free to check out the links…and I’ll try to post more tomorrow.

Thank you for reading. I hope you’re enjoying this. I need to keep working. Gotta stay ahead of the schedule you know.
