San Diego Comic Con Wrap Up…
Hey all…
I had a few minutes, so I thought I’d post my Comic Con wrapup.
I apologize that it’s mostly pics of my kids…but I’ll try to fill in a bit of other things that went on along the way….
Wednesday: Preview Night…
I hatched a plan to buy the boys some costumes. Six total. So they each got a new costume each day.
The first day…Logan was Iron Man. Brendan was Spider-Man.
They practiced their poses in the hotel room.
One of the first places we went was to the Peanuts booth. It’s been a yearly tradition (since they were born) to get a picture with Snoopy.
Thursday was Star Wars day for us. Logan…Darth Vader.
Brendan…Boba Fett.
Being the cool dad I am…and the fact that some guy was selling them for $5…I picked up a couple lightsabers.
Needless to say…I spent the better half of the day apologizing to everyone we walked by for the bruised knees and elbows the boys produced with their swinging sabres.
We met Liana from Liana and Ed the Sock show in Canada. Liana was wearing a batgirl suit and was kind enough to pose with us.
Brendan got bored of Boba Fett and changed back into Spidey at some point (lunch I think)
Our friendly neighborhood Joey’s Pizza owner (Joey) said his favorite heroes were the Hulk and Iron Man. So we got a signed autograph and picture with the Hulk himself…Lou Ferrigno!
Day two of pictures with Snoopy. Brendan’s introducing Snoopy to Woodstock.
Thursday night we had a dinner with some friends. It was still sunset…so please excuse me trying to keep the glare off of my bald head from blinding the people on the other side of the room.
My buddy Kevin Grevioux (Underworld, Planet of the Apes, The Hulk) was sitting next to me. He spent the whole time asking Marv Wolfman (Teen Titans, Blade) about the history of comics.
The pizza was excellent and we had a wonderful time.
My buddy Charlie Jackam eventually made it and we bumped Kevin over so he could continue to geek out with Marv. Charlie introduced us all to Fellippe’s pizza years ago.
Friday was Power Ranger Day.
We went with Mystic Rangers. Logan was in Red, Brendan was in Green.
The Hot Wheel booth is always one of the boys’ favorites. Cars for miles.
One of MANY Captain Jacks we saw.
The two Spider-Mans give us their best poses.
My buddy Mike “the Hunkel” Kunkel (Herobear and the Kid) signs his new Shazam books at the DC Comics booth.
That night…Mike’s family and ours had dinner at pool side. His kids (Alec and Leigha) were so wonderful with our boys. I wish we could see them all the time.
Katara from Avatar came by. The boys freaked. You can see…Brendan couldn’t stand still. He was so excited.
Every night. Just as the boys would start to fall asleep…a fireworks show happened right out our window.
SO out the twins came from bed and poked their heads out the window to watch.
It’s a beautiful sight over the water.
We got exhibitor badges so we could go in before everyone else.
We went to the Star Wars booth to see Jaba the Hutt. He actually talked. Brendan was scared. This is the closest he would get to him….and it wasn’t for more than a second.
They had the COOLEST Iron Man suit at the Hasbro booth. I want!
The boys do their best to make a Hulk pose. Unfortunately it looks like their simply punching him in the crotch. Poor Hulk.
We got to play in the Lego booth all by ourselves for a bit. Until the flood of people came in.
Overall. It was a great con.
I was a bit off put by not having a dedicated booth.
I hung out with my buddy Kevin Grevioux at booth 2002 (which WAS my booth originally) and Benderspink (the production company that sold Hyperactive and Pet Robots last year for me). But I also spent my time at the IDW booth. Where I did signings and such.
I did get to walk around a lot. And spend time with family.
I met lots of production companies. I met with Hugh Jackman’s company and Will Smith’s company. They were really nice. I’d love to work with both actors one day.
My buddy Tim Russ (he played Tuvok in Star Trek Voyager) came by on Saturday. I haven’t seen him since Voyager was cancelled…like 10 years ago. It was great to see him again.
I also got to meet Tracy Baily (Catena, Gary the Pirate) and Joseph Bergin III (Hyperactive). What really great people.
I met the creators of Girl Genius, Penny Arcade, Halfpixel, Blank Label, Keenspot, Devil’s Panties, Far Reaches, and so many more.
Erin and Steve from Frank Cho’s forum were just the nicest people in the world. I wish I could have spent more time with them.
The meetings in Hollywood went great. I met with Sony, Dreamworks, and Disney.
Pet Robots should FINALLY get moving forward. I’ll keep you all updated on that as I get more info.
Other than that. It was a successful con and I hope this wasn’t too boring.
Sounds like you guys had loads of fun. And for the Iron Man suit – I SO want!
Wowza…sounds like you guys had a great time!
Thanks for sharing with us–the pictures were really nice. (Glad you had some fun.) ^-^
hey scott, its great to see you with family at the comic con. arg, the kids grew SO much…
best wishes from germany
that looks like a fun time…
Like I always say, no matter what superhero costumes
they’re in, those are the two cutest kids in the world!
I love when you con pics. Sometimes I look forward to them more then the comics!
Your boys are so cute and I love their costumes.
In case you’re interested, the fireworks show came from VG Live’s concert. They were playing video game music with the San Diego orchestra.
Glad you guys had fun.
Thank you all!

You’re too kind.
I’m hoping my kids will be into geekery as much as I am. It’s great to see parents sharing such a wonderful world with their children.
Noooo!!! Catgirl say it aint so!!!
I think that was Batwoman, not Batgirl