Business Trip to L.A.
Hey all…
We’re hopping a plane in an hour to Los Angeles. I have several meetings with studios (thanks Scott and Lily from William Morris) and while I’m bringing my shiny new mac…I may not be as responsive on the forums and blog as usual.
The pages will still update…so please play nice amongst yourselves and I hope you continue to enjoy how the story is unfolding.
Good luck with the studios, Scott!
Nastajia is quite the quick thinker, isn’t she? Starting to think she’s too good for the rather dim-witted Alex…
She looks quite innocent in that second frame but i like it
Is it just me, or are N’s expressions really good on this page? WTG Scott
b’hatzlacha – בהצלחה – break a leg – we’re all rooting for you!
agreed, the pages are good, but no, elliott, she’s not too good for him – he’s the future king of dreamland, after all, right? *and* he’s constantly surprising us…from his somewhat stupid youthful college boy persona, he’s always ready and willing with his sword and in fact, not doing too badly, despite the fact that he’s had zero training. plot-wise, i would wrap up that end and get him some at some point along the way. but he’s also been rather thoughtful and had the right answers lately when nastajia was sad. for a guy, he’s doing pretty well!