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Hi all!
This is pretty big…
WOWIO is coming back.
Yes….that wonderful company that got SPONSORS to pay creators for FREE comics.
They are testing the waters again with a single sponsor who has kindly offered to give us 5 free downloads.
So just go here and pick 5 books and download them ASAP!
I have over 75 books up there currently. So choose wisely.
Once they get more sponsorship…they’ll let you download the rest. Plus I’ll have about 200 books once that happens.
If this works out well…I’ll start animating them again. That’ll be fun.
I get $.25 for each book downloaded. So please do download the 5 books. And tell your friends to do the same.
This is a FREE way to support us. And a way for you all to get FREE books.
Tomorrow starts MTAC! It’s the Middle Tennessee Anime Convention.
This is my second year going. I’ll have a table for the weekend. It’s a 24 hour a day extravaganza.
Of that…I’ll be there for about 4-6 hours. I can only handle SO much Anime craziness.
So if you’re in town…come by and say hi. I’ll be there all 3 days.
And finally…
I printed out a copy of the Felicity/Nicole desktop.
OH MAN, is it beautiful.
I want ALL of you to have a chance to purchase a print.
So click the image to order a print!
Thank you. And enjoy.
That’s an interesting pattern down Nick’s back.
Methinks the lizard speaks with a forked tounge. . . . .
Once again, great dialog. The reader knows that Nic has already made plans, which makes the scene add tension rather then release it.
For everyone’s info, you have to create an account on Wowio and log into it before you get access to the 5 free downloads. You do NOT have to put in any payment info in order to set up your account.
I clicked on the button in Scott’s notes which opens a browser window on Wowio, then logged into my account, then clicked the button again to open another Wowio Browser window. Now when I click “Download PDF”, I get the option to “GET GIFT” from Logic Wireless, which is cool!
(Fairly new reader here – I discovered your comic in… November, and throughly enjoyed it ever since.)
Y’know, I’ve been wondering for a while – was ol’ Nick by any chance from the Nightmare realm? Seriously, children have had nightmares about dragons (more often than they dreamt about one, I would dare to say).
Just a thought. 🙂
And here, we see just how much trust has been established between king and counselor: Nick’s hand on Arthur (first panel) is big enough that he could crush him in no time flat, but it is seen as a comforting move, appreciated by the king…
“you are a GOOD man, rightfully chosen to rule…” I wonder what qualifications are needed, in order to be selected to rule Dreamland. Obviously, it’s not a earth king lineage deal, since we’ve seen names of past kings that had nothing to do with each other… That, and I don’t think Dan and Alex are of kingly lineage, either…
Scott? I looked at Wowio, and saw a number of books for Dreamland Chronicles… Two questions:
What does it mean, when it says “animated”?
How do they relate to the story? (I.e. there are 33 books, so they don’t seem to be tied strictly to the chapters as delineated on the web)
How much longer until we hear (and see) about the curse placed upon Authur?
Gonna go ahead and try out the animated ones, and see what they’re like. Think it’ll be best to just get the comics in order, especially if there’s a good chance this will become a recurring thing. Hopefully the quality will come out well in the PDF.
*few minutes later*
Just looked through the first one, I love the animated panels you do for these! Very nice. As for the quality of the pictures, I just compared the opening page of the webcomic (the one with the 4 of them flying as children) to how it looks in the pdf. Quality seems to be the same, only difference I see is that the PDF version looks like it’s been squished a little bit to fit the more narrow dimensions of the PDF.
I tried doing the wowio thing before but it will not let me use a yahoo or msn email addy, sorry.
King Arthur looks reminds me of Sean Connery. Very good choice.
The Animated versions have several panels of the pdf document that, once clicked, show a brief animation for that scene.
More fun than the static versions! Be warned, though! My kids keep asking to see the animations again and again (and again and again. . . . .).
Nicodemus: “Arthur, you are a good man. That’s why I’m going to eat you first.”
On second thought, maybe Nic is being sincere here. Over the course of the next 11 weeks, we might see a character change in Nic or the reason why he decided to take over Dreamland.
WOWIO? The guys who didn’t pay the creator of Misfile for over a year? Yeah, not going to happen. As much as I love free stuff, I want to see the creators actually get the money as well.
Such a shame I can not get the books on WOWIO … must be a US only thing.
It wasn’t just Misfile. It was all of us.
And it was simply because they ran out of money and were paying us out of pocket.
They paid EVERYONE in full.
It just took a bit to raise the money again.
Also…the creator of Misfile I’m sure will tell you…we have made a lot of money from them.
For something that was given away for free to you.
And that took us no time to create.
It’s not an evil corporation. We all benefited from Wowio.
good point there. I like how Nic could be sincere at first and have done the hostile takeover (lol) believing it’s for the greater good
Made my account and am downloading all five right now…thanks a bundle, Scott!
I’m using a Yahoo! account to get the books, so that can’t be the problem…
They are around 30 pages but that includes some covers, Making Of, or Fan Art pages so the actual comic pages come out to around 20 on most.
And yet First Knight has been deemed an unorthodox take on Arthurian legend.
I tried to download (I had an account several years ago and it’s still good), but it wants to charge 50 cents per download.
He may still believe that. I could see a character like Nicodemus usurping the throne because he felt placing his undying wisdom in charge of Dreamland would be a better course of action than relying on “corruptable” humans the way the natural order did.
Heck, he might even have been a Regent who simply tried to engineer a way to avoid the kind of damage a bad King can cause.
Well, crud. Tried one of the “animated” books, but Adobe says, “We’re sorry, but the third-party media player required to play the selected media file in your Adobe PDF document isn’t available for your system. No media player will be downloaded at this time.” Hmm… Any suggestions?
Welcome, fellow Dreamer!
You make a very good point; I have wondered the same thing about Nicodemus just about from the beginning. I suspect we will learn the answer to that in the next 11 weeks. Maybe he started out as a Nightmare Realm Ambassador, and lived so long that everyone forgot his origins …
Don’t forget to head over to TWC and VOTE!

Hmm well i did try a few years ago maybe they changed it. ill try again. Thanks
Weird, I don’t remember putting 2 smilies on the end of that. Must have typoed it …
I can’t seem to download the books for free, I made an account, clicked on the book, did the preview and then it comes to the payment part and I can’t get past it. How do you download it for free?
Thanks for this, JakesDad. I was agonizing over this; the conflict between my pathological paranoia and my desire to support Scott was balanced on a knife edge, and you helped tip the scales!
Downloading now …
I’m also in Canada, does this make a difference?
I love the play of light shining on Nick’s scales in the last panel. Very cool!
You missed step number 3.
1) Click on the Wowio button in Scott’s rant today. That takes you to the wowio site.
2) Log into your account (which creates a cookie on your browser)
3) Click on the Wowio button AGAIN. That opens up a new browser window. Use that to navigate to a book you want to download. When you try to download it, you should get the GET GIFT option.
If that still doesn’t work, most likely it is because your browser is not allowing cookies. You may have to change your security settings temporarily.
You need
QuickSlimeQuickTime to play the videos.Oh, and the warnings about using JavaScript and the “possible security problem” are all ok. Just tell Adobe to always enable JavaScript and always trust the document. Those are just there because malicious PDF files can do bad things with JavaScript enabled, so it’s off by default. These PDFs are clean, naturally, so there is nothing to worry about.
I have a hunch the next 11 weeks will serve as Nic’s “origin” story, telling how he went from trusted advisor to traitorous usurper. The best stories have motivations and history for the antagonist beyond just “he’s a bad guy who does evil stuff just because he is evil.” Thinking back to the best in movies and comics, the best heavies are the ones you can relate to. The High Lord Papal and his origin story from Jim Starlin’s Dreadstar series is a good example.
And face it, Scott can spend as much time as he wants to develop his characters!
Ah, Nic, you flatterer, you…
Interesting use of light from the windows…
Awww..The Felicity Nicole print..snif..I actually teared up.?!?!? Ordered it immediately. It is a nice illustration of the power that good story telling can have over human emotions KUDOS Scott for creating such relatable characters ..!
Shouldn’t Nicodemus have a tail in that last panel? The view of his back end is kind of odd without a tail.
I was in Fire Fox and once I used Explorer I got the get gift thing you were talking about.
Thanks for the help!
Nick’s tail is there in the last panel. It’s just a different view from behind that’s all.
They said they fixed the bug. It’s available to ANY account. And to ANY country.
They said they fixed the bug. It’s available to ANY account. And to ANY country.
Thank YOU, Jack.
Thank you. Yes. You need Quickslime…um….I mean Quicktime.
Thank you Jurgen. It was a lot of fun to make.
And the prints look incredible.
Personally, I don’t think so. IF he were scheming evil all along, he wouldn’t have waited kingship after kingship after kingship to get around to his Plans. I think we can assume Nic’s plans are relatively new. (in the Arthurian era).
His tail is that big thing coming from his butt that goes off to our left.
That is his tail on the left there. His left leg is stepping forward so it’s less obvious.
knowing our luck we get to see the start on Friday and have to wait for the rest lol
Also, wonderful view of a dragon arse 😀
Perhaps Arthur was the one who placed the curse, then. To prevent the more evil future kings from abusing dreamland.
In that case, Nicodemus would be the tragic hero who had his advice totally twisted around. Go Saint Nic!
He may not have been “scheming evil” all along. He may have started out, thousands of years ago, as an honest (relatively speaking) ambassador from the Nightmare Realm who genuinely wanted to broker peace between the realms. Then, as he lived through the reigns of king after king after king and saw more of the weaknesses and less of the strengths of humans, he gradually became disillusioned and began a very long term plan to take over which culminated during Arthur’s reign.
Or perhaps he was scheming all along. Very long-lived beings make very long term plans; I would imagine that someone as old as Nicodemus would think of generations the way you or I would think of years, or maybe even months. A plan that takes 1000 years to come to fruition would be unthinkable, unimaginable even, for you or me or most humans, but for Nick it would certainly be within the realm of possibilities and within his capabilities.
Or I may be way off base on both counts (after all, Nick hasn’t exactly shown patience to be one of his strong suits in the events of the story). The innumerable possibilities of a character like Nicodemus are what make speculating about him so much fun!
Honestly, I would love to see Nick as a twisted good than pure evil. It gives him sympathy and a hope that he can be redeemed. The print is awesome and I can’t wait to get some free books :D!
OMG! you know, thats the voice i thought of when reading king arthur
-sigh- he used to be such a cute little lizard =(
I mean, what happened?
You know, I have a feeling I know what happened…Nicodemus made some careless gesture, and then…
Guard: “We heard a noise!”
Nicodemus: *Trying to conceal the Arthur-shaped splatter on the wall with one extended wing and sweep bits of armor shrapnel under the carpet* “No, nope, no king here, nothing happened, nothing to see here, move along.” *sweatdrops, as he thinks* “Aw man, this is really going to look bad on my performance review this quarter…”
He just filled in, trying to cover up the accident, waiting for the next king to come to dreamland, then a couple centuries later, just snapped.
So Nick’s not really evil, but he needs some serious therapy.
Scott: I normally don’t comment (although I love your comic and I also watch you on DA), but I stumbled across this page that runs sites through a “geocities” filter. I decided to use your site to test it. So here’s what Dreamworld Chronicles would have looked like back in 1997:
Dancing babies everywhere!
I really like the face of Arthur. So full of gentle power… *niiice one, sir*.
Nick looks so gentle I almost like him… DAAAMNN YOU SCOTT SAVA, I’ll just cry when the final showdown comes to fruition… you’ll make us root for every character there is in this comic (because, like, we *haven’t* rooted 4 them all already… like… 🙂 )
I am a happy guy. Best of wishes for you and yours! 😀
The geocities version plays “Don’t Cry For Me Argentina”? Really?
Sorry. For some reason, that looked like his right leg to me. I guess I just couldn’t see enough of his right leg there hidden by the left to figure out his body position.
Welcome, fellow Dreamer!
Wow, that really brought back some memories … memories I thought I had throttled into oblivion …
As 23 March 2012AD, there is no sign of these animated pages on Wowio, this website, or anywhere else that I could find. Information on these would be appreciated. As usual, the finder gets a cookie.