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Happy Monday everyone!
This week…we go back to Dreamland.
But not before some “SHOCKING” revelations!
Also…I wanted to thank all of you who’ve waited patiently for the last 5 months for me to reply to my emails.
Since my spine injury in February…my inbox got backed up to over 600 emails waiting to reply to.
Over the last several months I’ve been trying to get that down. And as of last night…I DID IT!
I’m all caught up.
So thank you all who’ve waited for a reply without a word. You’re all so awesome.
I wanted to respond to each and every one of you. And I did. It just took me some time.
Thanks again. And hope you have a wonderful week this week.
Haha dear Dan… XD
I think I see the necklace! =D Now how about the bag….
Congrats Scott XD It’s awesome that you try to personally reply to so many emails =)
Re: Today’s
You’re an eviiiiil man, Mr Sava.
Re: Email.
Nothing says “Email me!” like claiming you’ve caught up on your email
You have my thanks for replying (and answering my questions about composing/word balloons/colorspace). Next round of questions about publishing and distribution to come, just so you’re prepared.
Here’s my new e-mail to Scott.
“Dear Scott,
I understand that you are terribly lonely without a several hundred e-mails waiting for you in your Inbox. So I’ve started not one, but 65 viral campaigns to get people to send you their wishes. Some might be a bit confused about what you are suffering from, but that’s to be expected, since I described you as suffering from conditions Amnesia to Enlarged philtrim. I’ll do F through Z in the next few days. Isn’t it great to have fans that care?
Good night!”
I bet the necklace stays put as it’s more like a key. The medicine bag however… I’m going to guess that one vanishes as it carries it’s cargo into the realm of Dreamland.
Someone once suggested they try to copy the bag and make it larger. This isn’t possible as it was created with both centaur and Native American magic – the knowledge of which has been since lost from both sides.
It does open up some interesting ideas of something like using a dreamcatcher made by an elder Native American to make a window into Dreamland that Dan and Nicole can see what’s happening to Alex. What do you think Scott?
Hope your spine is still doing well!
hey i thought he reads as brain dead when he enters REM sleep (see the last page of chapter 2, what happened with that?
Mr. lmnop you are partly correct. He was ENTERING rem-sleep, so there is still some brain activity before it turns flatt. Anyway, the sword seems like it is still there, question is if the bag is still there. I will guess a NO here. (or more like hope it’s gone
Guess I shouldn’t be complaining when I have only a 100 e-mails in my mailbox; great comic, and I await with baited breath for the shocking revalations(sp?) this week.
why do i get the feeling that they won’t be able to remember the bag now that it’s back in dreamland?
Argh! We have to wait a whole nother day to find out whether Stuff vanishes or not. T_T I feel like I’m on a cliffhanger roller coaster.
hahaha! I was so not expecting Dan to forget what they were supposed to be looking for. I’m so looking forward to seeing Orion’s response.
Yay!! Time to e-mail Scott again… and on three everyone hit “send.”
Lol, ok, all 600 of you, time to hit him again, EMAILS AWAY!!
Oh…you guys are so MEAN!

You are the Best Scott … we are just glad you are better now!
What happened to the sword? What happened to the medicine bag? Arrg! The anticipation…
Wow! 600 emails is a staggering number! And you replied to each one! Yep! You’re one of the nicest guys on the ‘net!
Yeh, well, if there really are 600 of you emailing Scott, give the poor guy a break and vote for him at:
TDC has slipped OUT of the top 10, and I ma sorely disappointed that this has happened. I make sure to vote for Scott before I even partake of the comic, and I do this for more than 2 dozen other comics there. Heck, I may have some small part in bringing Girl Genius closer to the top 10, they are just 2 slots below TDC at this point.
If you go back in the story, you may actually see what happens to sword when Alex enters Dreamland. However, I believe that this may be the very first time that we have a perspective OTHER than Alex’s when the event occurs…
My main point is that we ALL need to get over to:
and vote for Scott! He couldn’t have made it any easier, the link takes you right into HIS voting gateway. If you don’t vote there for any others, then you have no idea how great a thing that is!
Sparc: Actually I was thinking more along the lines of trying to replicate the original through trial and error…they have one so they know what’s supposed to happen, so they need some master shamans on both sides, with a dreamer running the bag back and forth… “Does this work? How about now?”
I thought they couldn’t monitor him when he was asleep? Or is what they’re monitoring and the brainwaves issue a little different >>; I don’t wanna ask dumb questions but I don’t like being confused either.
Shocking revelations such as… NICOLE IS REALLY A MAN!
But it’s okay because Dan is a woman anyway.
Even if he’s braindead when he’s dreaming, Nicole would still be able to identify when he’s going into REM sleep. The signs of him being all the way in REM sleep (braindead) are just different than those of the average joe. But she knows that by now.
Aww Scott, you just gave away a nice surprise in the story. The sword and the bag suddenly vanish, right? Right at the point when Alex goes braindead and Nicole and Dan get distracted by the monitoring instruments, and then they turn their heads back to Alex, and—shock!—where’s the sword and the bag?
I think the sword necklace stays with Alex since Alex’s physical body remains, as it has physical states in both worlds, a necklace in the real world and a sword in Dreamland. But I think the bag disapears as soon as Alex reaches complete REM state, meaning that he and the bag have traveled on, and since it has only the one state, a medicine bag, it disapears to Dreamland, and I think it can travel between the two worlds because not only is it a product of materials and skills from the two worlds, it’s magic and special, much like the sword is special.
I hope Nastajia is still in her new outfit. I just love that outfit.
man! do you remember when The Dreamland Chronicles were at the number 3 (i think) spot on TWC?
@Rory: I’m wondering the same thing!
Huh. I just got a look at the Extreme Tracker stats, Scott. And I have to say, if all those visiting the site voted for you on TopWebComic or a TGTWebcomics, you’d be number one everywhere! Your TDC is by far the best comic out there for story arc, artwork, production and consistency. So, why aren’t you leading in ALL of the contests?
Another cliffhanger!! Wow Dan, you’re supposed to be the smart one! Maybe they will both forget what they’re looking for because when the bag travels to Dreamland, it causes all to know about the bag to forget about its existence until it returns to Earth so that Dreamland would remain a secret to others who know nothing OF Dreamland. Epic plot maybe, but, I’m not Scott so I can’t do that. Congrats on finishing all those Emails and for recovering for that nasty spine injury :).
@Seribi Yeah, his brainwaves stop when he enters Dreamland (and often when he opens a school book, but I digress) but what they’re monitoring is the transition into Dreamland, and the actions of the sword and magic centaur pouch.
At least that’s my take.
Just keep your eye on the necklace…
Well, looks like he is keeping his eyes on the necklace, at least… even if he’s getting confused… but he really should look for the bag, as well.
Here’s to Scott’s spine. *clink*