Page 898…
I think some of it is getting through to Alex.
Just you wait and see.
I hope you’ve enjoyed this week. I think it was a powerful one.
Sorry I haven’t had too much to say here last couple of days.
Been so busy working…and of course enjoying the kids being home for the summer.
Hope you’re enjoying summer as well.
Thank you for reading.
Have a great weekend.
Awwe, poor Alex. *hugs him*
This week has been amazing. Thank you again for updating this. ^_^
Don’t forget to vote!
just want to say, RIP Michael Jackson. No matter what anyone says you did, you fought your way through everything thrown at you, and we love you for that. Now go perform on the big stage in the sky. We know Jesus can walk on water…but can he Moonwalk on water? (not trying to be sacreligous)
The blue teeth are a bit too distracting in that last panel. :/
I love this though. Could this be a real turning point?
I just read this whole comic today… 0.o… my brain hurts. It’s all like. “Woah! cool! i can see were this is going!” and then it stops.. ah well i guess i’ll just have to add this to my favorites so i can keep reading. Cant wait to read more. ^^
@Sarita: haha yeah i know what you mean, yay shadows XD
@Sarita: Yeah I noticed that too… but at first I thought it was his bottom lip or something haha
Great character building pages. Cool stuff. About summer… enjoy it for at the moment a FREEZING wind is blowing and we have clear skies. The winter is finally here!
She just told him she LOVED him, when she pushed him down! Is he just going to ignore that? I don’t think that has been said before!!!
See, this is why I avoid introspection. Too painful…
Get up boy there is chances for living still. Life is worth everything and share it with her.
Ugg!! cant wait til monday,lol. Oh well
Wow. so it takes violence to get through to him? Or just his girlfriend getting PMS and having a long hard talk with him?
As Sarita pointed out, it might be a good idea to recolour his teeth to look a little less flourescent.
Just like spider-man “with great power come great responsbility”
Alex has been very good at not thinking too hard about anything, not thinking any farther ahead than he has too. It doesn’t mean he can’t, just that he’s not inclined to work any harder than he has to, to get by. Well, that threshold has just been raised big time.
What redeems Alex is that if circumstances or other people make it plain to him that he’s falling short, he’s willing to face up to it. (Amazing how many people never get past that point.) His big challenge now is going to be doing the work he needs to do – and developing the confidence he needs in his own abilities to do it. Like I said some time back, learning to fly again is the least of the challenges facing him.
It reminds me of a quote attributed to Winston Churchill, something along the lines of “You can always count on the Americans to do the right thing – once they’ve exhausted all the alternatives.” Alex isn’t quite that bad
but he does drive the people around him crazy with his attitude some times.
Lucky for Alex, the woman standing in front of him isn’t going to put up with that BS. He needs her just as much as she needs him – and watching the two of them working that out is one of the things that really makes this story so good.
Thanks Scott.
In the 4th panel, Alex’s body seems to be shoved into the rock. It’s probably the perspective of the shot, but it seems awkward to me.
Loving the wakeup call Alex is getting
Goal! This scene is very well prepared. I love it how things went inevitably to this point.
Anyway, Alexanders decision is anything but easy, because it is wrong just to say: I decide to be king (or so) – if it does not fit to him, then his whole life will become a crap. Now – what suits “dumby” Alexander?
I agree with you Xanar, and is it mean to say that I love Alex when he’s having an internal crisis? I’m glad he’s manning up! But the question is, will he do the same in his real life too when Nastajia isn’t watching…?
Indeed, this week, just WOW! Really hardcore compared to others chapters.
Oh wow. A serious and downcast Alex. I hope he does retain some of his good spirit and light-heartedness though when this character change of his is over. It’s a shame if he lost that. His kind and care-free spirit is the reason why I like Alex so much (even though sometimes one can’t take him too seriously because of it, that’s true).
Thank you all. Both for the comments and the crits (I’ll take a look at those teeth in the shadows).
As I mentioned before. This chapter is a LOT of talking. This page is 38 or 39 out of 167 pages for chapter 14.
So trust me…there’s a LOT going on this chapter.
Hang tight.
Poor Alex. Welcome to the world of adults.
I wonder if his apparent arrival to a new world will affect either Alex’s ability to learn to fly again or his ability to exist in Dreamland (and if so, Scott is going to take another 140 pages to wrap things up).
Somehow, I don’t think Alex going all serious is a real possibility.
Hmm, I wonder. All this adult talk and weight of responsibility won’t help him fly. Of course, when realizes she said “the boy I love” that might lighten him up some.
Oh yeah, and VOTE!
Alex, man, seriously, punchline in there somewhere.
Lily –
Good question.
“But the question is, will he do the same in his real life too when Nastajia isn’t watching…?”
I think that’s been one of the things that has been really cool to watch happening. The distinction between Dreamland and Real Life is breaking down for Alex – and for Dan and Nicole. When Orion told Alex he could die in both worlds if he dies in Dreamland, well that kind of made the distinction academic. Alex had already accepted that what’s been happening IS real, if a different order of reality.
Now he’s getting his face rubbed in the fact that he really has not been using his waking hours well. Time lost is time lost, whatever world its lost in. I suspect his attitude when he wakes up is going to be different.
Don’t forget the other part of it, too. Both Dan and Nicole have been telling him he doesn’t take things seriously enough – and the two of them are now together in agreeing that there is a Dreamland. When Alex wakes up, it’s going to be really interesting to see what happens.
If/when he tells them what’s been going on, and if/when they see he’s gotten a reality check from Nastajia, I don’t think being awake is going to be quite the same for Alex. Especially if the two of them are working on him, giving him help, and keeping him focused. Even more so if Alex is ready to ask them for help because he’s realized he needs it.
It would be funny if Scott took this to its logical conclusion. Picture Alex going to his advisor (I assume his college has assigned him one) and telling him/her he is thinking about re-working his major because he’s got a serious job offer – but it’s a government job and its classified so he can’t give any details. Plus, it has to look like he’s preparing for a ‘normal’ job in this world as a cover.
I don’t think any school offers a “Monarchy 101” course – but that’s what Alex needs. Let’s see: courses in Public Administration, Civil Engineering, Practical Psychology, Public Speaking…. Oh, and maybe he can look into joining the SCA and taking some martial arts classes.
For all that Nicole had been skeptical about Dreamland and was looking for some kind of evidence to explain what was really going on, Alex waking up suddenly motivated and chastened ought to be prima facie proof that something really is happening when he sleeps. The sword isn’t the only thing that goes back and forth with Alex; everything he learns and experiences goes both ways too.
What will happen when he starts to take advantage of that? What does he have available here that can help him in Dreamland? I’m sure Scott has some surprises he’s waiting to show us.
Woah… blue teeth… I didn’t even see that before. Well Alex, you got your marching orders(though this storyline is hitting a little too close to home for me, since I’m having the same troubling decisions as to what to do with my life lately), and if you want to keep Nastajia, learn how to fly, buddy!
Why does young Felicia get angry at me when I vote successfully?
In the last pannel of todays page Alex’s lips are blue?
I almost forgot(I know this is not Dreamland related, so I apologize ahead of time); we lost 2 great stars yesterday… Micheal Jackson, and Farrah Fawcett(sp?). With the loss of Ed McMahon, we’re losing all the greats…
It’s not Alex’s lips that are blue – it’s his teeth. Probably an effect from shading things in shadow with a blue tint, to give that night time feel. You can see a hint of it in what should be the whites of his eyes in the last panel too.
I love this page but Ihave to agree I don’t like the blue teeth in the last panel.
As Alex sits there, he appears to be straightening up inside. Tis a sobering experience, and makes me wonder how this will contribute to him getting off the ground. Perhaps when the load is lightened a bit, the noticeable change will lift him up and he’ll rediscover the gift of flight. In any event, we have to wait at least until monday…
Cool ambiance to these panels, Scott.
Monarchy 101….LOL!
Epic ending to an epic week. *huggles Alex*
Aaaaaand the maturation begins.
Hey everybody Scott is in top 15 in topwebcomics!
oh my god when I looked at votes its like 5th place was on 17.000 and then came Cru the dwarf with…….30.000 number one with 45.000……….WE GOTTA VOTE MORE AND FOR TWOKINDS AND CRU THE DWARF SO TOP 3 IS DREAMLAND CRONICLES, TWOKINDS AND CRU THE DWARF THEY ARE ALL HILLARIOUS!
Just wanted to say that I really like the look of the moonlinght through the tree leaves. The dappled lighting adds alot of atmosphere to this scene.
Sad thing is I know how Alex feels right about now. It’s about time to step up and be the man he needs to be both in real Life AND in Dreamland.
i feel so sorry for alex
Uh… sorry, I think I missed what was going on in the comic.
I got seriously distracted by that gorgeous elf on panel 4!!!!
I like the earlier comment – Alex is perfectly capable, he just hasn’t been thinking any farther ahead than he’s absolutely had to. And to the Dreamland/Real world commenters, a drastic change in character/maturing is going to carry over whether intended or not
hey scott you should do a special and package the action figures and paddington plush together
gods your messages r long! <3ing the teeth btw!
This is so exciting!
I can’t wait to see Alex change, even if it’s been & will be a slow one.
I’m always saddened by people who don’t know what to do with their lives, so it’s such a thrill when they find a dream and follow it.
Interesting answer xanar! Heh, a Monarchy 101 class would be useful. He could study abroad in England!
Heh, just kidding. But I’m thinking that Daniel and Nicole aren’t being quite as…impacting as Nastajia is. (Well, I don’t see them throwing the kid off of a cliff!) I’m still not sure he’ll mature just yet, but who knows? Maybe he’ll prove me wrong and then I’ll gain a bit more faith of him, but in the meantime, I’m going to assume that his maturity will be a process that I’m looking forward to watch. 
Just read through every page in one stint for the first time. 6AM as of now.
This is the sort of character I’ve always wanted him to be. To have it hit him and make a better person out of him. I know its totally expected that this type of revelation will give him the ability to fly again but that’s what makes it all worth while.
Thank you for such a well paced story.
He is learning…*nods sagely*
Xaxnar –
“Monarchy 101” sounds like an absolutely awesome premise (and title) for a comedy/drama screenplay. Imagine something like “The Princess Diaries”, but instead of learning etiquette to make a good impression at royal functions, some poor schlub learns that he’s heir to a title that requires actual leadership skills — and is determined to rise to the challenge. (What could make it even more interesting is if the reason our guy didn’t know about his heritage is because his own father ran away from the responsibility.) I’d love to see a story like that on the big screen.
[QUOTE]instead of learning etiquette to make a good impression at royal functions, some poor schlub learns that he’s heir to a title that requires actual leadership skills — and is determined to rise to the challenge.[/QUOTE]
Look up a video of “King Ralph” (One should pronounce it “Rafe”) with John Goodman.
But, yeah, it’s an idea with loads of possibilities.
Wow, she is totally chewing him out! :XD
Well, what to say? I found about this webcomic about a week ago…. saved it in faorites, couse i didn’t had time to read at the moment… today o got it and readed EVERYTHING up to here, the last one published! I must say the story is quiet amazing, i realy liked it, and the characteres are great! I liked the 3D style as well, the first time i like it in webcomics to tell the truth!
So i would like to say… congratulations! You made a great stroty, and i’m realy looking foward to see how it goes on… and end!
Keep up the great work and see you next week!
Just got through the archives and ended up here. Damn shame you aren’t rich enough to turn this into a movie.
I read the entire Dreamland Chronicles between yesterday and today and I LOVE IT!!! This is fantastic stuff! I found you from the advertizement at 2kinds. Count me in as a new fan!
I so want that! You should pitch that to a studio or something!
And as of two-and-a-half years later, he’s still dead.
What… were you expecting him to come crawling out of the grave and start doing the Thriller again?