comics for December 25, 2006 – 12/25/2006
yeah felicity. show no fear, and make the man look like a wuss
Cats fall on all fours, and can survive falling from great hights. This goes for kittymorphs too, so she is in no real danger except pissing off Nikodemus.
LOL!! Paddington’s evil grin in the last panel – priceless!
its not the fall that would kill her its being smashed into the castle wall
anybody notice how paddington has only 3 fingers in panel 3 and 4 fingers in panel 4.
the forth finger in panel 3 is obscured by the ege of the picture…
Oh, yeah, true. I see it now.
And that’s not an evil grin, he’s just happy that it’s her going. I bet for Alex and Nastajia (is that right?) he won’t smile.
I wonder if she has 9 lives too
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yeah felicity. show no fear, and make the man look like a wuss
Cats fall on all fours, and can survive falling from great hights. This goes for kittymorphs too, so she is in no real danger except pissing off Nikodemus.
LOL!! Paddington’s evil grin in the last panel – priceless!
its not the fall that would kill her its being smashed into the castle wall
anybody notice how paddington has only 3 fingers in panel 3 and 4 fingers in panel 4.
the forth finger in panel 3 is obscured by the ege of the picture…
Oh, yeah, true. I see it now.
And that’s not an evil grin, he’s just happy that it’s her going. I bet for Alex and Nastajia (is that right?) he won’t smile.
I wonder if she has 9 lives too