This simple joke is one of the most subtle strong political statements Sava has made so far, I think. Remember that Merlin’s spell makes her invisible to all who would keep her from finding her way home- what does that say about this police officer? Especially since Nicole’s a woman of color!
With driverless cars under development and being tested, I would think the officer’s response would be curiosity. Unless he noticed there was NO body in the car he could see, which would require investigation.
Perhaps. Or perhaps a molehill is simply just. What is clearly evident, however, is that we do not see things as they are; rather we see things as *we*are.
Cop: Dispatch, this is 1 Adam 12. I need you to run the plates on an empty vehicle.
Dispatch: 1 Adam 12, is this vehicle abandoned?
Cop: No, there just isn’t anyone in it.
Dispatch: …. 1 Adam 12, where is this vehicle?
Cop: Driving down Highway 30 at about sixty miles an hour.
Dispatch: ….
Dispatch: 1 Adam 12, return to station immediately. The watch commander says he’s worried about you…
I know from experience that drinking coffee to stay awake doesn’t always works. Mostly it helps keep you from getting drowsy before your usual sleep time.
I don’t think she’s speeding though. If she was going with more than 50 mph, I doubt that the (stationary) officer would be able to discern that there’s noone in the driver’s seat.
lol, someone was just talking about this yesterday.
More coffee??? Maybe he should’ve said, “I gonna transfer to day shift!”
This simple joke is one of the most subtle strong political statements Sava has made so far, I think. Remember that Merlin’s spell makes her invisible to all who would keep her from finding her way home- what does that say about this police officer? Especially since Nicole’s a woman of color!
“I picked the wrong day to stop sniffing glue”
While possible, I would consider that simply fact he would delay her counts. Which is good, because any delay might be dangerous for Dan …
Or maybe it’s just that she was speeding? I dunno, I don’t like when people try to find a grander meaning in everything…
She must drive pretty fast to make the spell consider a police officer as “dangerous” for her homecoming …
I understood that reference
or maybe it’s juts a funny joke without a hidden meaning.
sometime a cigar is just a cigar.
With driverless cars under development and being tested, I would think the officer’s response would be curiosity. Unless he noticed there was NO body in the car he could see, which would require investigation.
Yeah, I think she was speeding and possibly a bit reckless in other ways. It is an emergency, after all.
Nah, she’s just speeding. She’s invisible because ticketing her would impede her from getting home.
So cute! Love this moment of har!
For the culturally deprived, our beloved author is referencing one of the all-time classic comedy films, ‘Airplane!’. Do yourself a favor.
Perhaps. Or perhaps a molehill is simply just. What is clearly evident, however, is that we do not see things as they are; rather we see things as *we*are.
Also, he made the choice not calling it in due to the fact that the officer in question would get a one way ticket to the rubber room…!
Cop: Dispatch, this is 1 Adam 12. I need you to run the plates on an empty vehicle.
Dispatch: 1 Adam 12, is this vehicle abandoned?
Cop: No, there just isn’t anyone in it.
Dispatch: …. 1 Adam 12, where is this vehicle?
Cop: Driving down Highway 30 at about sixty miles an hour.
Dispatch: ….
Dispatch: 1 Adam 12, return to station immediately. The watch commander says he’s worried about you…
This strip was both unnecessary and incredibly necessary at the same time.
And I’m glad for it’s existence.
I know from experience that drinking coffee to stay awake doesn’t always works. Mostly it helps keep you from getting drowsy before your usual sleep time.
The look on the officer’s face in second last panel, priceless. Got some good chuckles out of it. Thank you for writing this one up, hahah.
I don’t think she’s speeding though. If she was going with more than 50 mph, I doubt that the (stationary) officer would be able to discern that there’s noone in the driver’s seat.
I’m sorry but I will beg to differ, I’ve been trackside at NASCAR and even as they pass at 180+ mph. I can see the driver just fine ;).
Right there with you.
On the plus side, at least she wasn’t driving a sh!t-box dodge
She’ll never get caught. She’s on a mission from Merlin.
Nah, it’s just improved “summon” feature
Thinking of it, I wonder whether people reading this a couple of years from now will get the joke at all…
Definitely more coffee… Like, *way* more