“So just know, Alex was a moron. I am the next best thing to God.” Of course, Alex actually cared about Dreamland and Dan the Omnipotent has no reason to as the place isn’t ‘real’ enough to actually affect him in any way. Thus concludes, again, what I consider the worst scene in the entire story.
Ghost in the Machine: He still cares. Not in the same way, not so much about specific people, but that may be his ADVANTAGE. Also, we already know that dreamlanders can operate in real world and affect his real body. Of course, that’s not something he should be talking about to ENEMY.
I would disagree. Dan has been trying to get to Dreamland all his life. Now he’s finally there. He is like a kid in a candy store with free access to everything. And if you want to get hurt, try to take it away from him. Right now he’s on top and bragging about it. But it is possible the Dreamer ALSO understands how Dreamland works, and has had decades more time to refine his abilities. It is entirely possible Dan, too, will wind up having to fight and bleed for Dreamland. And when the going gets rough, we’ll see if he’s worthy of being King or not.
(Also, while the bragging is necessary to explain to the audience what is going on, and to intimidate Abaddon to the point it takes him to the Dreamer, he really needs to stop handing out information about his weaknesses. He’s already pointed out his body is back on Earth, vulnerable. Now he’s explained that his area of effect is limited to his dream body, and implied that a surprise attack that his mind won’t have time to react to, might work. ZIP IT, Dan!)
oh, I forgot about the bell sleeve armor. I love you, Scott, but this is not my favorite design :\ I like everything else about it, but if you want to keep the general silhouette the bell sleeves would look 10X better if they and behaved more like fabric instead IMO.
Though I gotta say I LOVE Dan’s expression in the middle panel! I’ve always been hoping for a Dark!Dan route that Alex will have to overcome (but seeing as this is the last chapter I kinda doubt it will happen).
Don’t forget, this armor was originally designed by one of Scott’s boys after seeing TRON. Of course its aesthetic is going to be…different from the rest of Dreamland.
Dan would NEVER call his brother a moron. They are such close friends and brothers; that is simply impossible. Dan’s amazing abilities in Dreamland are a result of his deep love of Dreamland and his friendship with Alex. The two of them together have created this moment and I think they both know it. They are an inseparable TEAM.
I’m afraid I must disagree. While Dan has been valuable to Alex and vice versa up to this point, now that Dan is in Dreamland, he needs his brother about as much as a fish needs a bicycle. Dan has declared himself invulnerable and with the control granted by his lucid dreaming, he’s effectively omnipotent. (At least as far as his person is concerned.). While Dan remains vulnerable on Earth, Nicole, Oberon and Titania should prove superior protection than Alex, all of whose struggles in Dreamland have been reduced to something Dan can take care of with negligible effort.
The main reason for this is that Dan looks at Dreamland as an intellectual puzzle that he has the answer key to while Alex poured his heart into it until it became clear that his heart wasn’t enough. Did Alex get his brother that answer key? Partially. But does Dan need Alex to use it at this point? Not at all.
Also, weighing on all the above, Dan’s just demonstrating his overwhelming amount of preparation/consideration/research he’s done in the “hope” of actually coming to Dreamland. Don’t forget that until a few pages ago, he was denied this particular pleasure.
I like Dan’s approach to this situation – it displays his calm, methodical demeanor, whilst assertively intimidating both Nico and Abadon – the two greatest threats to our merry band thus far. He’ll make an excellent King.
I feel that Dan should’ve chosen an armor that resembles the one as worn by Serpentor from G.I.Joe and hopefully Dan won’t say “THIS I COMMAND!” to Abbadon.
In any other situation, say if he had been talking to Alex or one of Alex’ friends in Dreamland, I might have had a problem with this, but in this one, I really don’t. This isn’t Dan showing off how inferior his brother is to him. It’s him showing off how, by exploring the limitations (or lack thereof) of Dreamland more than Alex or any other adult did, how inferior Abaddon is to him. This is Dan demoralizing his opponent.
Again, if this speech had been given to anyone with actual emotional investment in Alex that have seen what Alex is or isn’t capable off, I could have agreed. But it’s not. It’s directed at someone who already considers both of them to be ants.
I completely agree with you. I asked Way Back When if God-Mode Dan made Alex, and everything that Alex went through, all his struggles, everything he did, didn’t matter anymore. It really seems that as far as Dreamworld is concerned he’s not only obsolete, but kind of a joke character. Not only in comparison to Dan, but by the views of the other Dreamworlders once they realize they could have had Dan this entire time. No one would have been hurt or died. The battle at the centaur village? Ended with a handwave. The battle with Nicodemus? Ended without even starting.
“This is your brother?! And all you had to do was give him the pendant?! God, you are an idiot! We could have had Dan the entire time!”
Yes, I know. It’s early and all in the scene, but unless something is shown to severely limit Dan’s power, he turns out to actually be the Dreamer, or decides to go full antagonist in some fashion, it utterly destroys Alex as a protagonist in retrospect. All he had to do was abdicate, give Dan the necklace, and poof, Dreamland’s “war” with Abbadon is done.
It has been a while since I have gone through the story, and I may have to go back and re-read it to be sure about this, but I believe there has been several times that Alex has given Dan the Pendant, and it never worked. Dreamland would not allow Dan to enter, till Nico undid the magic that prevented Dan from going.
So, it was never a matter of, Abdicating, or Giving the Pendant to his brother, as that would not allow Dan to enter Dreamland. The only reason now at this time in the story that Dan can get into Dreamland, is exactly Cause Nico released the spell, and returned the sword to the rightful King of Dreamland. Check pages 1715 – 1727. It was just after Alex refused to help Nico, that Nico finally said, Enough of this, I’ll get someone who will help me.
whats with everyone going on about dan and elfy lady? the plot says they stay together. dont try to bring logic into stories like these. batman is a man. superman is faster than the flash. but the plot says batman wins. the plot says natcho elf lady gets together with the white boy at the end…or not.
Perhaps so. It unfortunately doesn’t change that now Omnipotent Dan is there, Alex is irrelevant. even if somehow Alex does get back to Dreamland, no one would want him there, aside from Nastasha and his immediate friends.
An analogy would be for the reader to follow Harry Potter through through all of the books, come to associate with the character, his quirks, his flaws, his heroic moments, his struggles, then for the last book Dumbledore comes back and says, “Thanks Harry. I have it from here.” and proceeds to wipe the floor with Voldemort. All his development, his struggle, are all rendered moot, and Harry is reduced to a bit character in his own story.
Hello, just tried sending email by using contact screen at too but email just failed? ?
and I bet he can fly too if he so wishes
he is much better at this than Alex.
“So just know, Alex was a moron. I am the next best thing to God.” Of course, Alex actually cared about Dreamland and Dan the Omnipotent has no reason to as the place isn’t ‘real’ enough to actually affect him in any way. Thus concludes, again, what I consider the worst scene in the entire story.
And that’s why I’ve been asking “What if Dan and Nastajia were compatible?”
Hopefully if it comes down to it,Nastajia would say to Dan and Alex, “I’m not something to be fought over!”
If Nastajia has to choose,she’ll choose the one she’s known the longest-Alex!!!
I don’t think that Dan would give Nastajia a second thought. He has someone in reality.
Plus Nicole would probably throttle Dan in his sleep when she finds out he interested in Nastajia. And she would found out, of course.
Ghost in the Machine: He still cares. Not in the same way, not so much about specific people, but that may be his ADVANTAGE. Also, we already know that dreamlanders can operate in real world and affect his real body. Of course, that’s not something he should be talking about to ENEMY.
I would disagree. Dan has been trying to get to Dreamland all his life. Now he’s finally there. He is like a kid in a candy store with free access to everything. And if you want to get hurt, try to take it away from him. Right now he’s on top and bragging about it. But it is possible the Dreamer ALSO understands how Dreamland works, and has had decades more time to refine his abilities. It is entirely possible Dan, too, will wind up having to fight and bleed for Dreamland. And when the going gets rough, we’ll see if he’s worthy of being King or not.
(Also, while the bragging is necessary to explain to the audience what is going on, and to intimidate Abaddon to the point it takes him to the Dreamer, he really needs to stop handing out information about his weaknesses. He’s already pointed out his body is back on Earth, vulnerable. Now he’s explained that his area of effect is limited to his dream body, and implied that a surprise attack that his mind won’t have time to react to, might work. ZIP IT, Dan!)
oh, I forgot about the bell sleeve armor. I love you, Scott, but this is not my favorite design :\ I like everything else about it, but if you want to keep the general silhouette the bell sleeves would look 10X better if they and behaved more like fabric instead IMO.
Though I gotta say I LOVE Dan’s expression in the middle panel! I’ve always been hoping for a Dark!Dan route that Alex will have to overcome (but seeing as this is the last chapter I kinda doubt it will happen).
Does anyone know how I can buy book 7
Sorry it doesn’t work. Don’t know why.
try bluedreamstudios ( at ) gmail (dot) com
Also,it’d be worse if Alex found out and would beat Dan to a bloody pulp!
He would be saying, “STAY AWAY FROM MY WOMAN!” during all this…!
Don’t forget, this armor was originally designed by one of Scott’s boys after seeing TRON. Of course its aesthetic is going to be…different from the rest of Dreamland.
my opinion still stands, but with an extra helping of feeling like a butt. (it was another thing I forgot.)
Dan would NEVER call his brother a moron. They are such close friends and brothers; that is simply impossible. Dan’s amazing abilities in Dreamland are a result of his deep love of Dreamland and his friendship with Alex. The two of them together have created this moment and I think they both know it. They are an inseparable TEAM.
I’m afraid I must disagree. While Dan has been valuable to Alex and vice versa up to this point, now that Dan is in Dreamland, he needs his brother about as much as a fish needs a bicycle. Dan has declared himself invulnerable and with the control granted by his lucid dreaming, he’s effectively omnipotent. (At least as far as his person is concerned.). While Dan remains vulnerable on Earth, Nicole, Oberon and Titania should prove superior protection than Alex, all of whose struggles in Dreamland have been reduced to something Dan can take care of with negligible effort.
The main reason for this is that Dan looks at Dreamland as an intellectual puzzle that he has the answer key to while Alex poured his heart into it until it became clear that his heart wasn’t enough. Did Alex get his brother that answer key? Partially. But does Dan need Alex to use it at this point? Not at all.
Really love the smug look in the second panel.
Also, weighing on all the above, Dan’s just demonstrating his overwhelming amount of preparation/consideration/research he’s done in the “hope” of actually coming to Dreamland. Don’t forget that until a few pages ago, he was denied this particular pleasure.
I like Dan’s approach to this situation – it displays his calm, methodical demeanor, whilst assertively intimidating both Nico and Abadon – the two greatest threats to our merry band thus far. He’ll make an excellent King.
I feel that Dan should’ve chosen an armor that resembles the one as worn by Serpentor from G.I.Joe and hopefully Dan won’t say “THIS I COMMAND!” to Abbadon.
In any other situation, say if he had been talking to Alex or one of Alex’ friends in Dreamland, I might have had a problem with this, but in this one, I really don’t. This isn’t Dan showing off how inferior his brother is to him. It’s him showing off how, by exploring the limitations (or lack thereof) of Dreamland more than Alex or any other adult did, how inferior Abaddon is to him. This is Dan demoralizing his opponent.
Again, if this speech had been given to anyone with actual emotional investment in Alex that have seen what Alex is or isn’t capable off, I could have agreed. But it’s not. It’s directed at someone who already considers both of them to be ants.
I completely agree with you. I asked Way Back When if God-Mode Dan made Alex, and everything that Alex went through, all his struggles, everything he did, didn’t matter anymore. It really seems that as far as Dreamworld is concerned he’s not only obsolete, but kind of a joke character. Not only in comparison to Dan, but by the views of the other Dreamworlders once they realize they could have had Dan this entire time. No one would have been hurt or died. The battle at the centaur village? Ended with a handwave. The battle with Nicodemus? Ended without even starting.
“This is your brother?! And all you had to do was give him the pendant?! God, you are an idiot! We could have had Dan the entire time!”
Yes, I know. It’s early and all in the scene, but unless something is shown to severely limit Dan’s power, he turns out to actually be the Dreamer, or decides to go full antagonist in some fashion, it utterly destroys Alex as a protagonist in retrospect. All he had to do was abdicate, give Dan the necklace, and poof, Dreamland’s “war” with Abbadon is done.
It has been a while since I have gone through the story, and I may have to go back and re-read it to be sure about this, but I believe there has been several times that Alex has given Dan the Pendant, and it never worked. Dreamland would not allow Dan to enter, till Nico undid the magic that prevented Dan from going.
So, it was never a matter of, Abdicating, or Giving the Pendant to his brother, as that would not allow Dan to enter Dreamland. The only reason now at this time in the story that Dan can get into Dreamland, is exactly Cause Nico released the spell, and returned the sword to the rightful King of Dreamland. Check pages 1715 – 1727. It was just after Alex refused to help Nico, that Nico finally said, Enough of this, I’ll get someone who will help me.
whats with everyone going on about dan and elfy lady? the plot says they stay together. dont try to bring logic into stories like these. batman is a man. superman is faster than the flash. but the plot says batman wins. the plot says natcho elf lady gets together with the white boy at the end…or not.
Perhaps so. It unfortunately doesn’t change that now Omnipotent Dan is there, Alex is irrelevant. even if somehow Alex does get back to Dreamland, no one would want him there, aside from Nastasha and his immediate friends.
An analogy would be for the reader to follow Harry Potter through through all of the books, come to associate with the character, his quirks, his flaws, his heroic moments, his struggles, then for the last book Dumbledore comes back and says, “Thanks Harry. I have it from here.” and proceeds to wipe the floor with Voldemort. All his development, his struggle, are all rendered moot, and Harry is reduced to a bit character in his own story.
Standing upright in that ludicrously top-heavy platemail is an achievement in and of itself.