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Happy Tuesday!
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Happy Tuesday!
Thanks all for the help with the new Blue Dream Studios site!
Feel free to order books, pdfs, and toys. I’d love to see how it works.
Titania, I love you. You are the best ever (right after Dan) Finally, someone on our side!
And her hubby’s just *sigh* too. freaking. perfect.
How has no one stated the obvious that Daniel would be about as useful as an infant who just tumbled down some stairs for the current situation in Dreamland?
Especially considering the fact that he’s never actually been to dreamland, let alone the nightmare realm
Don’t screw this up Alex, your potential Future Mother-In-Law is on Your side!
You know… I am rooting for Alex as well. But I still think it would be amazing if Dan actually got to see Dreamland with his own eyes one day…
Hopefully he’s smart enough to figure out how the
stargatesportals work…hehe. stargate references ftw
well – lets have a look about how this gonna work out.
The moment you realize your wife is right.
Heh, all too true, at least in my world. 30-minutes worth of well thought out arguments for your side. 30-seconds worth of logic for hers, which also includes giving respect for your arguments. No contest. Smart leaders keep smarter people than themselves close.
My dad is like that. NO boyfriend is ever good enough.
Momma knows best.
=) Too true!
The way I’ve been seeing it is this: Daniel is the Strategist. Alex is the Soldier. One has the intelligence to plan, the other the skill to fight. And you don’t NEED to be in the field to plan as long as the soldier has the eyes and knowledge to report.
I think that the folks who have been putting forth this idea are selling Dan short. True, he’s never actually been to Dreamland, so his knowledge of the geography is probably a bit spotty (since his only guide to that would have been Alex…who isn’t likely to have been a great resource for that kind of thing), but he has exceptional knowledge of the people of Dreamland, and he’d start out with the powers that Alex has…only stronger because he’s the True King (as per Scott’s comment a few pages back). I really think that his only weakness would be his geographical knowledge (or lack thereof), which could be easily remedied by asking a Dreamlander for a little help. Besides, it’s not like Nastajia or Alex have much knowledge of the Nightmare Realm either…as far as we know, this is their first trip there.
Kheda wins the “Awesome Comment of the Day” award for the Stargate reference.
Yay for Dads and the trouble they cause, right?
My dad pulled a gun when he answered the door for my first date. Granted, it was a cap pistol, but it was from the 50s and this was before the govt required that antique toy guns have the orange tip too…so it looked like a real six-shooter.
I was really surprised when Dad didn’t try to convince me that my husband wasn’t good enough for me…which is part of why I kept him and married him. 
Unfortunately a soldier doesn’t always make for the best ruler…and then again, sometimes strategists don’t rule well either.
I really can’t wait to see how this problem gets resolved.
Well, it’s obvious who the diplomat is in that kingdom.
that’s why i’m hoping for some kind of co-rule ability. maybe the sword can recognize two kings, it just hasn’t been done before.
I agree that the two are a perfect team to rule Dreamland together…their strengths when added together will give Dreamland what it needs to prosper.
I would imagine that Dan, being Alex’s scribe, etc. would actually be able to enter into Dreamland and perform great feats of physical prowess and flying without needing to be trained. All this because he already believes in Dreamland and would take to it like an otter and swimming.
I think he’d be able to jump into the role with both feet and stay standing.
…but I’m still rooting for Alex to somehow stay in Dreamland.
I’m pretty confident it’s going to end with them finding a way to travel at will between the worlds so everyone can keep up their relationships.
I’m sure someone else has mentioned this before, but what irritates me most about this situation is that neither Oberon or Niviene are actually giving any reason why Daniel HAS to take over from Alexander beyond basically “that’s the way it has to be”. Okay, so WHY does it have to be that way?
King and King’s Champion, maybe?
I still don’t understand why no one mentions the fact that Dreamlanders are in our world! Alex is so worried about not seeing Nastajia, everyone else wants Dan as king. and the solution is right in front of them, go through the way the king & queen did. if this is not possible for one reason or another, please explain that.
Something that’s just occurred to me.
Oberon – is he a half-elf? I ask, as in all the recent pictures, his ears aren’t as pointy as Titania’s (or their daughters for that matter)… And if so, where in his lineage has the non elven blood come from? Some time in the past, a human must have stayed in Deamland, or elf had stayed (for a time) on Earth.
Or is it just girl elves that have extremely pointy ears?
Dan is very smart! true on day one he would know little, but he has proven that he can learn very well and quite quickly!
Alex will… if the king & queen can come here, then why not the other way around!
I don’t get this…either the worlds are at risk if Dan isn’t involved or not. If not, then why aren’t we just sending Alex back? Is this really just a case of “this is the way we’ve always done it?” or is the “true king” actually special in some way? I know Scott said the true kings have some natural powers that Alex doesn’t have. But if we can just throw all that aside as Titania is doing, then…why are we even having this conversation at all?
LOL despite being the King & Queen of the elves, they are still typical parents of a mature daughter! the father wants the boy gone, and the mother wants her daughter happy!
I never noticed before! That’s a good question.
Most importantly, at least at this point, Alex needs to get back ASAP!
everyone seems to have forgotten that Nastajia is all alone in the nightmare realm
They would be the perfect TEAM. I hope this story ends with them BOTH in Dreamland.
it better, or Scott may be in for it! LOL
of course he may be in for it just because it ends at all
Arvamas has super-pointy ears, but at a different angle and perhaps a bit shorter than Titania’s. Oberon may have a bit of non-elf in there, or it might just be that different genetic lines of elves often have different ear-shapes.
There’s no real answer to who would be the best king. They both have their strengths and weaknesses.
But in the immediate, while the war is going on? They need Alex!
because Dan is the older twin and historically, rule goes to the oldest regardless of ability.
ooh, good catch!
Its not so much as the realisation as the point where you have to admit it
Of course, for that to work, they do need to recover a portal (or create some other magic) so that they can have more than one human adult in Dreamland at a time. Maybe a scepter for the King, while Excalibur would be the King’s Champion’s sword?
Human women tend to have pointier jaws than men; maybe on elves there is a similar variation in ears?
Eh, I don’t worry about Nastajia. She can take care of herself.
My question is, why can’t they rule jointly? There have been royal lines and lands ruled by more then one person. Usually divided, yeah, but these two care about each other. If anything, Alexander has shown exceptional physical skill where Daniel has shown great tactical intelligence. Dream Land might be mostly mental, but Alex fought and beat a, no, THE, dragon. Not alone maybe, but then again nothing saying he has to be.
So, what’s to stop Alex from being Daniels sword, going into Dreamland and carrying out his brother’s plans as he’s done so far? The only downsides I can see in that is Alex would have to learn to wake up and fall asleep for things that need split decisions and that Daniel wouldn’t be able to visit Dreamland, which honestly seems to be what he’s choosing right now.
As a side note, Kings can abdicate the thrown of their own volition to pass to the next person in line. No one can force Daniel into Dreamland.
All of that said, there’s obviously a way to permanently travel between the two at this moment. Maybe a dangerous way, yeah, but all the same a way. If nothing else, why aren’t they trying to get Alex through that way? He obviously doesn’t have much interest in the real world save for his family.
As a side note, this story has been incredibly uplifting so far. Even the darkness we’ve seen wasn’t completely shrouded in evil. They’ve taken turns that defy common conventions to add Drama in favor of amazing turns I would have only been able to hope for in most modern stories.
So, if nothing else, I trust there to be a good ending. I don’t know about you guys but I always got the message of hope from this story. There’s always a way.
We all saw how badly Dan choked when he “fought” nightmare realm creatures in the real world not too long ago. Let us also not forget that it took Alex time to learn how to use his powers in Dreamland as an adult because it’s not so simple for adults to fly and stuff. If someone has to fight through hordes of nightmare realm creatures to rescue Nastajia, Alex is a much better choice. Dan can take over as king after Nastajia is safe. Dreamland has waited years for Dan. It can wait a couple more days.