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Happy Tuesday!
Hope you’re enjoying the story.
Thanks for all of the comments. I know that Nastajia is acting a bit rash in accusing them. But it IS an emotional thing for her.
And I believe the Pharaoh and Queen of Seraphopolis know this too. They’re cutting her some slack.
Also… for those of you who have not seen the question on the Kickstarter…
With prizes, money, and full credit to the winner, of course.
I think she could have said it with a “Selfish little twit!”.
Lol the first this time.
You are right scott, this is a very normal reaction of Nastajia, why would not do the same thing in this situation. The only thing is that I’m missing Alex, why is he not there for here?
Is that not the role for every boyfriend to stay by his girl when she needs his understanding. Just an arm or so
But other then that I’m still loving it.
oeps not the first anymore
…If the Serapheim have been rescuing children for thousands of years, how can one conclude “risked everything” to rescue Nastajia’s parents? Didn’t they do much the same as they had been doing previously when they saw children being taken away, except this time it was adult dreamlanders & fellow monarchs? And why did Abadon & Nic have to use Nastajia’s parents as “bait”- couldn’t he just have lured them with kids?
Scott_ I.. really, really, really really really apologise for the constant wet-blanketism. Really, really, really. I hope it at the very least is helpful somehow. *blush*
It might be best to wait for more details. The process they use protect children from the NR may be very different from how they tried to retrieve or assist Nastajia’s parents OUT of the NR. As for the ‘bait’, you go with what you’ve got. Nic had Oberon and Titania; stick them on a pirate ship and fly around until the Guardians intervened. That would work; with the added benefit that while children would probably just be released from the pirates and sent on their way, the King and Queen of Elves, captives of the NR, would be brought back to Seraphopolis so the Pharaoh could find out what was going on…
So now what’s new game plan? Invade the Nightmare Realm?
Naw, better to be polite and sincere and have Nastajia herself realize she’s being a selfish little twit.
I can’t imagine Nastajia wanting to hang around here too long now, so I suspect so.
Also, are those Earth-children running around in panel 3? Haven’t seen any of them in a while…
I think a design the Nic plush contest is a great idea! I’d love to see all the designs, not just the winners
TWC. One week to go.
#4: 8,116
#5: 7,672 <= us
#6: 7,146
Keep voting!
On the one hand, yes. That is the role of the significant other when their partner is in emotional turmoil. On the other hand, some of us like to have our emotional snits without interruption by a calming (if well meaning) influence…we like the arm around the shoulders after we’ve thrown a few things across the room and have worn ourselves out to the simple “tears only” state.
It doesn’t look to me like the children are “sent on their way” after being rescued. Those are kids in PJs we see down below the royal balcony…
They probably have to stay in Seraphopolis when they dream from that point on since there’s not a really simple way to return them to Dreamland. Or maybe we’ll learn about how it’s an achievable thing to reunite them with their dream-friends.
I think a design contest would be fun and interesting. I’m not sure how to solve the problem of earning enough money through Kickstarter to cover the costs of making the Nic plushies though. If you make it an à la carte item, I’d add it to my pledge amount for certain…but even if several of us do that, would we really make enough of an impact for you to be able to produce them? I have no clue.
I really want a Nic plushie though…
It would be at least as cool as a chocolate Darth Vader or a Xenomorph head lollipop.
A thought: I haven’t studied exactly how kickstarter/online fundraisers work for sites like this, but I wonder… If we cannot reach the level needed for the Nic plushies in this campaign, what about making it a long-term, ongoing goal? Possibly over several years? Like, have a counter on the site saying “x more dollars until Nicodemus plushies!” or something like that. That way, in future kickstarters, people would have the option of having some percentage of their purchase go towards the ‘plushie fund,’ plus contribute if they want outside of kickstarter season.
I think the most obvious answer would be “Because I would spend the money long before the next Kickstarter happened”
Most likely on gummy coke bottles…
Yep. There’s no question why you’re one of my heroes.
Lol! Good reason.
Coke Bottles! A man of fine taste, clearly. ^_^
<3 I like this part.
One bit is still rendering (not computer’s fault… I started it too late).
Will post in the AM. All is good.