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Happy Monday, all!
Hope you enjoyed our little “Pirate Adventure” last week.
The next few weeks we’ll continue to focus on Alex and Nastajia.
Hope you enjoy…
Happy Monday, all!
Hope you enjoyed our little “Pirate Adventure” last week.
The next few weeks we’ll continue to focus on Alex and Nastajia.
Hope you enjoy…
Ehm, guys? King here? Hello?
they may not have heard the news as of yet… being that they live underwater.
That second panel would make a BEAUTIFUL wallpaper.
Just a suggestion Scott…
You might want to photoshop a different color on the Orange hair gal’s bra on the left side. My first thought was holy cow nipple shot on dream land? Maybe I’m just a perv but it kinda jumped out at me.
Not that both woman AND men have them but still I think you probably get my point =)
Was just coming to post that. Caught me off guard, to be honest.
“Nothing travels faster than the speed of light with the possible exception of bad news, which obeys its own special laws.”
and news in general should be amended.
honestly i’m a girl and that was my first thought O.O omg nipslip! but maybe i’m just a pervy girl lol
Never mind us, I think someone else is going to get a cold shoulder shortly for letting his eyes stray…
Personally, I think that male merperson is altogether having a much too creepy/perv-induced smile, while looking at Nastajia… and given the angle, he’s not looking high enough to be looking at her eyes…
But enough criticism. At least, I got my Dreamland fix before going to work… 😀
That was EXACTLY my first thought, I love it though, so funny!!!! ^_^
In fact, looking at the picture, all of the merpeople seem quite… taken by Nastajia’s… outfit. Yeah yeah, they’re TOTALLY digging her outfit. Can’t blame them, it’s pretty cool. 🙂
Hey Scott, I have to agree. I didnt notice the “nipple” at first, but upon reading the posts, when I went back and looked again… It REALLY does look like a “slip”. Not a revision that needs to be made now, but being aware of it can save you some flack when you go to print later. Just my two cents…
Love the Comic!!
In all fairness, while the orange haired mermaid does seem to be looking a little below eye level on Nastajia (and so, probably at her outfit), the other two at the back are not even looking at her… the pink haired seems to be looking at Alex’ boots, while the one at the very back is looking at his eyes/face.
One thing that puzzles me: is the pink haired mermaid sporting an eel-like tail? I can’t seem to see the tail end similar to that of the other two mermaids…
Hear hear
Actually, creepy and perverted is better than guarded or pseudo friendly. Nic disappeared into the ocean’s depths; the Merpeople live down there; he might have taken the Merpeople – or their ruler at least – hostage and be forcing them to obey him as he recovers. And to lure Alex and Nastajia into a trap if they enter the ocean, as they’re about to. Were that the case, though, any Merperson they would contact would either be trying to warn them off, or being totally appropriate to lull suspicion so they’d follow without hesitation. So pervy would be… reassuring.
Yep I was thinking “Holy Wardrobe malfunction!!!” myself.
I didn’t even notice the Orange Mermaid’s wardrobe malfunction over the fact that she doesn’t seem to have a tail? Nor would I take those bright colors to be a nipple versus the top of her corset thing. But that’s just me.
I’ll cover the orange (no…it’s not nipples) up with some water…
For the record…here’s what she looks like…

I don’t know, I think you all might have dirty minds. 😉 I blew right past that without noticing until I read these comments.
The second panel shows exactly the place where I wanna go now.
Slight delay in rendering Tuesday’s page.
Will upload in the morning.
Where? Where?
Sorry. Watching MASH again.
That’s a cutie, there!
Arrgh! ORANGE!!! ORANGE!!! She’s the one with the different tail, not the pink-haired one!
Can’t believe I didn’t catch that before posting it…
She’s adorable! I love the sea horse bod. I can see it now–would love to see more of her, she’s just a great design. Good job, Scott! 🙂