Page 1372…
Hi all!
We’re back in Dreamland!
Don’t forget…this weekend, I’ll be at GMX in Nashville! Come say hi!
I did a new painting yesterday.
Another 3 hour watercolor sketch!
There’s more on Ebay here…
Please check them out…
I’m having a lot of fun…and plan on doing several more.
…and Alex blows his perception, Dexterity, AND stealth rolls!
*busts up laughing* “Dear Alex, as cute as your bum is, please put your armor on. Signed, your loyal subjects. P.S. Though Nastajia insisted you were fine in only your tighty-whities, Dreamland suddenly turned into a democracy so we could overrule her.”
Now to find my armour.
*A fall later
Oh here it is!
Irony! Love it. Most people trip over stuff on the floor when they wake up. Alex trips on stuff when he goes to sleep. Ha! Now if only I could go to sleep, but alas, reports don’t write themselves. I sure would be nice to be able to do research while I was asleep like Alex.
wait a minute, ive been reading this comic for awhile…awesome btw…does the background change based on what time of day it is when you read it??? cuz if it does that is so cool!
Yes, yes it does… and yes it is very cool!
Wait til there’s something to celebrate…
Then it gets REALLY awesome ~.^
Those feet look like they belong on a Bratz doll!
its a bit odd, given that Alex has been falling nos down onto his face to see him on his back sprawled over the armor as if he been tripping over it whilst doing a MOONWALK.
I reckon ‘t is artistic freedom, eh?
Hello all,
This is also my first post here, i’m already reading for some time now, and i love the story big time.
Seeing this page i wanted to say also something. When i saw the armor the first time i really was thinking is it was those from Nastajia. But that can’t be PG-13 anymore is it
Love that situational awareness, Alex.
He falls forwards but in the next panel he is laying on his back…
The ground caught him out mid-barrel roll!
I almost think Alex was sleep-walking in his sleep. ^.^
Ha ha!
That’s ALMOST what happens. See tomorrow.
THanks for posting!

And welcome to Dreamland.
The panel didn’t look as good with him face down.
So I had him roll over to see what he tripped over.
I could hear some sort of monologue.
“Beautiful morning… strutting my stuff… off to see my girl….”
WHOOOOAAA… aahhhh… ooooofff…..
“Totally meant to do that.”
It’s those qualities that make him so very Kingly.
I’m just glad he had the sense to wear boxers today that look more like ordinary shorts instead of, you know, hearts-on-white or somesuch.
Haven’t you ever tripped over something and then immediately flipped over to see who’s about ready to make fun of you? Given the caliber of Alex’ friends and his life to date, it wouldn’t surprise me if that’s EXACTLY what he did…
Sounds about right!

When they fall:
. . . cats always land on their feet.
. . . skaters almost always land on their butts.
. . . Martial artists try to land and roll on their backs.
. . . Alex lands on his armor.
New reader here, who just spent the last week or so catching up. Really, this comic had me hooked after the first few I read of them – difference being, this one KEPT me hooked. XD So glad to have another daily webcomic – though I’ve been doubting whether this can be called a webcomic anymore. It’s got a story with a (though apparently far-off) pre-set definitive ending, visuals that make it seem like a movie. I think the best I can compare it with is a Final Fantasy game unfolding before your eyes. And believe me, coming from me, that’s -high- praise. Now where’s that vote button?
Thank you so much, Pardona!
So happy you found us!
And thank you for the kind words.
Welcome to Dreamland.
Hi all!
Some technical glitches for the last panel of Friday’s page.
Re-rendering it…and I’ll upload first thing in the morning.
Sorry for the delay.
no. ^^ I don’t trip over stuff nor have I ever done so in the past. Besides the last panel doesn’t really look like flipping over, so it’s Dreamland Magic.
And if you still don’t get it, this means that I’m willing to accept that Scott has different ideas of how things work out than me. ^^ So – stay safe ‘n have a nice day.
+1, as well
I’m thinking all natural zeroes on 3 D10.
No problems with that
Take your time.
You get +10.
Ah! Silly humor, it never gets old. Aldthough… there’s something off about that third panel, the way only his face gets cut out by that column doesn’t seem right for the effect.
Welcome fellow Dreamer!
Vote button is beside the comic, but you can click here, or just click on my name.
And I agree, “webcomic” hardly seems to cover it any more. How about “Online Graphic Novel”? No, it’s grander than that. “Online Graphic Epic Saga”? Better …
As someone that has taken far more than his fair share of falls, it is not uncommon at all to start twisting to protect your face when you fall, thus landing on you side or back side depending on the pile you fall over. If you see panel 3 Alex’s right arm is starting to rotate behind him, while his left is reaching forward. that is more than enough to generate a roll over especially over a pile of the size armor would make.
BUt given what Scott posted later it looks like Mishaela got the right of it
I believe it would be called a “Graphic Novel in Progress” or GNP
The 2nd and 3rd panel of today’s page has a note in it.
I had rendered the frames 2 days ago…but hadn’t checked them until last night.
Unfortunately…the text was hard to read. So I’m re-rendering.
I’ll post once it’s done. Sorry about this.
Scott those pics are just AMAZING!
Seriously, you’ve got some epic talent there.
Loving the new updates.
Started and caught up with the entire story in one day – helped, I’m sure, by the fact that I’m sick in bed – and I have to say, I LOVE IT! I tend to read a lot of webcomics, and this one combines so much of what I love: King Arthur, magic, another world, we humans that lead double lives, and characters with DEPTH. I can’t wait for the next page! Thanks for a great epic novel ^_^
Ha! It’s a Sava Saga!
Is it possible to roll a 0?