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Happy Friday!
I hope you all enjoyed this week’s pages!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Only 4 more days to go for our Kickstarter for Dreamland Book Five!
Can we hit $15k by then?
Happy Friday!
I hope you all enjoyed this week’s pages!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Only 4 more days to go for our Kickstarter for Dreamland Book Five!
Can we hit $15k by then?
call me a monkey’s granny but IS THIS COOL OR WHAT? ^^
Nice Page btw
What! What! Ooh wait, I think I see it! It looks like… It is! Another Cliff-Hanger Friday! (and maybe a floating city? hmm?)
If there was a way to “like” or “+1” posts, yours would get it. lol
The expression on Paddington’s face in the last panel is priceless. lol
Yeah sure, act like a cheesy movie and don’t show us. lol jk
Hi Nic… have you been on a diet? You sure look bony now! And what is that fleet of pirate ships doing behind you?
A Friday cliffhanger, life is complete. How awesome would it be if the floating city is coming right at them because somehow it’s willfully controlled by the Guardians? They can hide it perfectly from people who they don’t want to find it, and then come seek out those they want to find.
Doubt it is the city, especially with how well Scott has been following his map that is included in his books.
It would be cool if Dreamland geography was more Dreamlike. That’s one thing I’ve always loved about reading stories set in a dream or fairy type realm. How things can so easily change and distances can be meaningless based on the Dreamer and other factors.
Nah, you don’t react to Nic with “Call me a monkey’s uncle”. Reactions to Nic are more along the lines of “Ho-leee ….”
That’s right, Felicity! You see another cliffhanger! And conveniently placed on a Friday! What a coincidence!
Yes: those are indeed gigantic, green buttcheeks sticking out of the water…
The Starbucks? Yeah, they truly are everywhere these days.
let me guess….the floating island suddenly popped up in front of them.
irs always where you least expect it to be, i think she found the island but its not with in their eye sight cats have great eyesight and can see very small things in a distance so maybe she see the island in very far distant
Shouldn’t that be a tabby’s aunt?
Ah, the art of the cliffhanger.
It’s a bird!
It’s a plane!
Nah, it’s just a zeppelin… made out of led?
3rd panel, Paddington could say “Ooh! Ooh! I can do that!”
Well, it could be the city – or it could be an airship. That would be the solution to their search problem, since they wouldn’t have to worry about getting too tired to stay in the air. (Or Alex waking up at the wrong time.) It might even be this airship – if Scott feels like taking a crossover.
Good one.
In fact. better than the dialog Scott provided.
*** Lord of the Rings similarity alert:***
Seems like the scene where Legolas spotted with his elfish eyesight a black cloud coming straight to the spot where the Fellowship was resting…
Is there some strange thing with the eye of Felicity?
It seems to me that her eye is going to pop out!!

“I’ll be a monkey’s uncle! There’s an ARBY’S here!”
Pffft, hahahahah… good times, good times.
My word, the colours on these last few pages are beautiful. Very weird and unusual somehow, but beautiful nevertheless.
I noticed that about Felicity too, but I think it’s just the angle, it accentuates her eye as the biggest/closest part of her face.
Computers are still rendering Monday’s page (really need new computers).
I’ll hopefully have something for you in the morning.
Don’t worry, Scott
Patience is a virtue and for SOME things I have it. Weekend been fine? besides, your dialogue is cool. Nothing to complain about. ^^
Does the Kickstarter end Tuesday morning or Tuesday evening? I’m hoping its evening my paycheck is clearing in the morning and I’d love to get in on it
I think it MAY be Wednesday Afternoon.
50 Hours from now.
Sigh. Well apparently my computers aren’t long for this world.
Sheesh. If it’s not one thing it’s another…right?
I’ll try to figure this all out. I need to now (on top of everything else) try and come up with a few thousand more dollars to upgrade the computers.
Sorry all. HOpefully I’ll have the page ready by Tuesday.
No. Don’t worry about this. We are a patient bunch of fellers. It takes what it takes, and believe me, faster processors alone don’t do the trick. Most of them delays happen because hard disks are accessed to read stuff to be rendered or write back rendered stuff. You can improve this thou, by incorporating one or two of those nifty SSD-Disks. The one I have in my Workstation is about 256 GB big and quick like Devil in his own den. Took about 600 bucks (euros)
there’s always a solution. It’s not always “throw away that old shebang” – ‘t is quick enough for the purpose. Some small upgrades do the trick way better mostatime.
stay safe.
Just another reason for people to go fill up the kickstarter as much as possible!
Scott, I’m getting rid of a couple of old computers, but I doubt they would do you much good. Too old, processors don’t have a lot of “oomph” by today’s standards.
I did contribute a bit on the Kickstarter page tho’.
…I hate you. And whatever element of chance made me come across a story about airships on the Sunday night of the last week of classes before finals…seriously…
Is it just me, or is Fellicity’s face become deformed when she looks to the side?