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If this page looks a bit familiar to you…you’ve got a good memory.
For those that don’t remember…here’s what this scene looked like 8 years ago…

For those that don’t remember…here’s what this scene looked like 8 years ago…

I thought it would be fun to start this chapter off as I did all those years ago with my first pages.
Since this Chapter in a ways is a new beginning. I hope you enjoy.
Don’t forget to order Book Five (and other books if you’d like) in our Kickstarter!
Click the image below!
Has Yoda been training Alex when nobody was looking? Because he must be REALLY strong with The Force to be able to lift Paddington like that! :p
Oh wow. That’s beautiful.
@cheesy1: From what I remember, just being with a human that could fly allows them to fly too. He’s not actually lifting them.
I know, I was just being a smart-aleck. :p
Staj manta rat w00t!
Re-capturing this page, in particular, is a nice touch. Even if it only lasts a short while, it brings back memories of the comic’s blissful beginning. Nice job!
OH! So this really happens?! Just because Alex is flying happily? Aha!
Now, this would make a superb Last page of the story!
But as we all know – it is not over yet…!!! B-D
Ha ha, I just noticed that Felicity seems to be looking upward… and grinning happily at what she sees… 😉
Love the doggy smile on paddington 😀
I recognized it immediately, and it brought a smile to my face. 😀
I certainly got deja vu eheh
Yeah, even I recognised it immediately. But probably I am a bit helped by the fact that I started to read only one year ago and recently I re-read the first four books that I received in the previous Kickstarter campaign 🙂
Anyway, a nice nice touch to start the chapter. And you cannot oversee how much is changed in terms of dynamics and textures in graphics from 8 years ago … even if is CGI, it seems designed by another artist: congrats, Scott !
I recognized it immediately! nice work!^^
Alex never changed his hairstyle in all these years.
Wonderful scene!
Wow! the water logged ruins from the very first chapter,I wonder if Sava keeps an archive of ALL of the background scenes used in this series?!?
Awesome! what a idea!
like 8 years ago…
Nice blast from the past Scott, I’ve said it before but still, as Ehol also said, the increase in graphical quality is really something! O_O
You mean “ray,” right?
Nice page. I love the ‘super hero’ feel. Particularly with the big, flowy cape. Nice work!
I, too, immediately recognized the scene and reveled in the nostalgia!
I actually DID recognize it! I thought “wow…this looks like that page when they were kids…” LOL. It’s very beautiful, nice colors to the sun.
Haha! Love it! But…Felicity’s eyes look a little physco that wide with that grin…O.O
Paddignton’s Grin…precious!
Probably. I know I’d love to revisit the field in your avatar.
Ah… so all those years ago, Felicity was hidden by words… 😛
Aahhh.. *sigh*. Flying in the sunset while the clouds break after a rainy day…. Gorgeous.
And Felicity deserved a bit of happy flying after the debaucle with Nicole and the necklace.
Yep, lovely. I loved the flashback!
They’re going to go find the parents, ne?
Hehe, and neither did Kiwi! Nastajia’s is very similar too, except that she pulled her hair back this time.
Hey, when you find a style that works…why not stick with it? 😉
You. You Sir. You beautiful, beautiful human being.
You have blown my mind.
I’ll take any day a nice kid’s comic than a hipersexuated manga-wannabe one.
Here’s to Chapter 17! 😀
I know many people have already said it, but I think this decision and execution is so perfect that it wouldn’t hurt to repeat again: I love it! =D It ties the story nicely together both in our memory and to show continuity in the characters, at the same time showing how they’ve matured both physically and in their expressions (except Paddington, haha XD).. and also answer the question that many of us were wondering about when we’d see the other characters fly again because of Alex =) And it’s so nice to see Felicity fitting in =) Also, as you mentioned, it’s a nice way of saying “new beginning”~ Too perfect ^____^
And seeing them flying so carefree through ruins makes me want to be there too~~~ should I start playing MMORPGs again…?? That’s the closest I can think of to being in dreamland like place…. any other MMO-ers out there? What do you guys play? What would you recommend? To give you a sense of what I like, RO was my all time favourite because of art and people, wlo and mabinogi was fun for interesting crafting aspect, Dofus was fun because fighting was different and I could be a granny =P
holy cow! they are all flying! paddington’s smile in the back is creeping the heck out of me. O.O
Thank you all!
I still can’t get used to seeing them fly as adults, lol. A nice way to start the chapter, though 🙂
My comment didn’t go through from earlier so I’ll post it again: this is the most perfect opening page I could ever imagine.
It’s deja vu all over again!
I’d say, grab Oblivion from the bargain-bin, or wait for Elder Scrolls: Skyrim.
Oblivion’s landscape and looks come pretty close to dreamland, especially when combined with ENB-series ( for PC) i even made myself a Felicity as a player character. Just needed 1simple mod.
It’s no MMO though.. I believe one crafty modder made a co- op variation, but that wasn-‘t stable enough….
The ruins Scott made in the background, look remarkably like the elven ruins strewn allover Tamriel.
To my conspiracy-site addled mind, it even looks like the makers of Oblivion had a good look at Scott’s work 😀
Amen to that!
Scott, this is really cool. What I really like about it also is that we can see the improvements you’ve been able to make both to your drawing style from 8 years ago, as well as just the vast improvements software has made in helping you to develop what you see in your mind but aren’t always able to get translated to the page. This page needs to be a voting incentive background so that it can be saved and downloaded (1280×800 for my MacBook Pro, please!!)
technotreegrass: It seems to me like grass might be your thing, but seriously I agree. Some of the scenery have been amazing.
i.e. the grass, the Hilmdel Mt., Centaurs village, and the battle scene, not to mention Camelot. (I don’t think that we’ll end up going there again)
I remembered it well–I always wondered if the ruins would play into the story, or we’d get the backstory.
No, manta rat is correct. It’s a kind of furry undersea mammal recently found near Indonesia. It’s like a manta ray, but carries plague.
I’d say, start working on a pilot’s license; aim high!
Probably all the children coming here during the Middle Ages decided to build a church.
Well, dosen’t THIS look farmiliar!
Lol Paddington’s face!
‘Tis a silly place.