Happy Monday, all!

I’ve already completed the renders for this week’s pages. So, unlike last week, we should see our regular 5 pages a week schedule resume with no problems.

Thanks again for your patience last week. Was a busy one.

As requested…here’s the fourth and final letter from Chapter 14.

Felicity’s letter to Nicole.


Yesterday was Donna and mine (but mostly Donna’s) 18 year wedding anniversary!

That’s 18 whole years she’s put up with me.

There’s a special place in heaven just for her.


And finally…

I DO have some special edition Book Four Blank covers editions available.

So I’ve put them up in the store.

For those of you who couldn’t do the Kickstarter.

We have about 20 left of the original 100 print run.

So act quick. ANd don’t forget to let me know who you’d like sketched on the cover.

The Dreamland Chronicles Book Four Blank Cover!

Have a great day!

And see you all tomorrow!
