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Happy Monday!
Hope you had a great weekend.
We got a bit of snow here in Tennessee. So nice.
Stay warm. And thanks for reading.
Happy Monday!
Hope you had a great weekend.
We got a bit of snow here in Tennessee. So nice.
Stay warm. And thanks for reading.
*huggles Alex* No worries, man, if Dan was able to get into Dreamland as easily as you could, I don’t think he’d steal your girl. Somehow I doubt Nastajia could love him like she does Alex. Least you have that over him.
Awww, I was so close to having the first comment…
I’m finally caught up with the story again, and I can’t wait to see where this is all going. As always, Scott, you have me intrigued.
Alex: He’s got everything worked out down to the last detail.
Nat: Amazing
Alex: Yeah, sometimes the micromanaging gets to be annoying.
Okay, it was going to be a comment about the girls and then it didn’t. Oh well.
Woot! Congratz Scott for being regular! i mean i’ve noticed you have been for weeks now, but man it feels good when you realize it. have a fun snow day =D
You had a BIT of snow. I live in Minnesnowta where the Norse God Ullar seems to have decided he wanted a place to ski…NOW. We normally don’t have this much snow until January or February…
Aww.. we love you too, Alex.
Snow? Heh, I live in central Alberta, Canada — needless to say, we have snow. It’s beautiful to ski on or just to watch, isn’t it? As long as I’m not the one shoveling it =D
Oh Alex…now you learn the value of trying scholastically…and you learn to appreciate your brother more, too. 🙂
I was in Tennessee over the weekend. Very pretty snowfall!!!
Oh, and I think we are leading up to some drama with Dan. I think Alex is just now realizing how special, and important, his brother is.
“Battle plans are effective only until the moment the enemy is engaged.”
Paraphrased (and probably badly); I can’t remember who originally said this. (Sun Tzu? Napoleon?)
I have to wonder, though, if Dan has overlooked this concept.
(Thanks, Scott, for another great page that makes us think!

Everybody please just pretend I closed the parentheses after the word “think” …
Don’t worry Alex. Dan may be a better student and strategist, but if he were in your place…I have a hard time imagining him putting up with Felicity on the way to the battle grounds.
Of course, Dan wouldn’t have gotten lost in the first place…
I’m surprised nobody has commented on what I see as a look from Nastajia to Orion in the last panel.
I also wonder about the strain between Alex and Nastajia when Dan’s plan fails.
There are several great quotes for this situation. I hope Alex doesn’t know any of them!
“Best Laid plans of Mice and men…”
“No plan survives contact with the enemy.”
Things like that. 😉
If all our rain here in New Jersey yesterday was snow, we’d be just like you guys, I bet.
So… I see the spark of maturity arising in Alex. He actually paid Dan a compliment!
Sounds like you may have a white Christmas, Scott. I haven’t had a white Christmas since my childhood days in Germany and Missouri…
West Dakota is having a big snow year too.
When I see that last panel, all I can think of is “Dan and Alex sitting in a tree…” It’s just the look in his eyes, coupled with the dialogue. :p
Homosocial bonding alert! Homosocial bonding alert! (Or, to put it in less literary-critical terms: Bromance alert! Bromance alert!)
Did a little Google search and I believe the quote you are looking for is “No battle plan survives contact with the enemy,” attributed to German military strategist Helmuth von Moltke.
aww, this is a sweet moment. 🙂
Makes me think of this…
i know right? it got warmer though, so I’m happy
Still working on Tuesday’s page.
Sorry…but it’ll have to be up in the morning.
It’s kicking my butt.
aww, really? here in colorado it’s been sunny… last year it was snowing crazy before september and now we’ve had one inch of snow all winter!
Oh Maann..that had me spill my coffee.. 😆 😆
Alex shows here that he actually always has admired his brother. He only “acted” as if he looked down on Dan’s “nerdiness”. He secretly always was in awe of Dan ,but decided it wasn’t “cool” enough to show that, being the charmer and womanizer and such (look at Alex’s pass at Nicole for that.. “soo You think I’m cute?”)
That’s how it works between siblings that have such a difference in character. I know..
Sorry what happened to the Sky in pain 4, was all dark and moody , and then pink all bright as if its going to be a good day
should have typed Ping, not pink
Tekserver’s paraphrase is fine. The statement would have been in German. Like any translation the exact phrase in English is debatable. Also any quote might not be quoted in the exact same words used by the speaker. Wikiquotes claims this is a translation of the original: “The tactical result of an engagement forms the base for new strategic decisions because victory or defeat in a battle changes the situation to such a degree that no human acumen is able to see beyond the first battle. No plan of operations extends with any certainty beyond the first contact with the main hostile force.” Which is essentially what Tekserver said.
You can think of exceptions. If I plan to eat a picnic in the woods 50 miles away from the battlefield then my “battle plan” might be unaffected by first contact. Moltke is wordy but also more precise.
Nothing like facing battle to make you realize what it is you value, how much you have at stake. Of course if Dan were there, he’d probably go “Pfffttt” and punch Alex on the shoulder or something – and Alex would give it right back.
Meanwhile Scott, the books and everything else arrived yesterday. Thanks!! It’s all great!
A page that kicks butt? I’m okay with waiting to see that. 😛
huh….it doesn’t look brighter to me…
Whoa, just noticed that.
🙂 God I love Alex.
It’s always nice when the siblings let love float to the surface. Although I feel from the last panel that Alex is truly thinking that just maybe, because of that -his calmness, his smartness et al- and a lot more, his brother is more prepared to be ruler of Dreamland than he is right now.
Heh. Poor bloke. Tough choice, eh?
In my eyes, they *both* have king material in them, in spades. But as usual, Mr Sava, you hold the keys to the storytelling.
Huge hug to you and yours in yer snowy X-Mas! 🙂
Yeah… it is a bit lighter. I know the “clouds” behind them are rock giants (with the mountains behind them). I’m wondering if maybe it’s moving toward dawn and that’s why it’d getting lighter.
So glad you got them!
THank you so much for the support!
Now that you point it out bobbi they are exchanging a look. Also their heads have pulled back some. That usually means surprise.
So Nastajia and Orion are surprised that Alex would sincerely praise Dan. “Maybe he is growing up a bit.”
Oh, also I just had a flash (of possible insight). When Nicodemus and his Nightmare allies find how effective brother Daniels plans are, they will send assassins. Get ready Nicole!
I’ve been in St. Louis, MO for 30 years RG. We don’t see much snow at all anymore.
Now that you point it out bobbi they are exchanging a look. Also their heads have pulled back some. That usually means surprise. So Nastajia and Orion are surprised that Alex would sincerely praise Dan. “Maybe he is growing up a bit.” Oh, also I just had a flash (of possible insight). When Nicodemus and his Nightmare allies find how effective brother Daniels plans are, they will send assassins. Get ready Nicole!
Don’t worry. Everyone will shortly get to see just how badly Dan screwed up, and how much of an idiot he truly is.
Turn your atlas 90 degrees; the only Dakotas are North and South. However, no one will blame you for treating it as one state.