Page 1170…
Hi all…
New page. Now news yet on the movies.
I’ll try to keep the updates for 5 days this week.
Only 2 weeks left of this chapter.
Hope you enjoy
Hi all…
New page. Now news yet on the movies.
I’ll try to keep the updates for 5 days this week.
Only 2 weeks left of this chapter.
Hope you enjoy
Ha! I love how he looks shushing her. He looks so dramatic.
Agrees with Nex. Great facial expression!
SHHH!! The sword knows all… *being silly*
Be careful, Nicole. Only one way to properly appologize for not kissing a guy….
I’m both professionally jealous and professionally excited for you, in regards to the continued momentum with the movie. I think that’s every sci-fi/fantasy writer’s dream come true
“Sshhh! The baby’s just fallen asleep!”
Wow, we’ve been flying through this chapter!
Possible reasons for “shush” …
Dan knows the sword hears all, and he would rather it not hear what Nicole is about to say.
Dan doesn’t want to disturb Alex.
Dan heard something, a wraith perhaps?
Stay tuned for the results! Can’t wait…
Hey everyone! Don’t forget to vote!
Remember…sword disappears when Alex falls asleep.
It goes with him to Dreamland.
Which is why I think Dan just wants to make sure Alex doesn’t wake up, leaving Nastajia in the lurch…again…
Apparently Dan is the new Merlyn
Dude!! Is Nicole and Dan /finally/ going to have that kiss that Alex so rudely interupted before? …It would be a sad thing if Alex woke up right as they were about to kiss though, huh? XD
lol i think the situation is so cool… cuz somehow i feel as if Daniel would do better as king, and Alex as a kinda messanger/king… it kinda feels right this way, you know? Alex steps in as king but has his big-brother-advisor-real-king….
or like they’re both kings, only daniel’s the brains and alex is the brawn….
who agrees? or am i just confusing? or am i simply a retard? ;P
all of the above. heehee! JK.
But agree I do.
I thought about this too, but no, he’s just trying to let Alex sleep.
But the question still remains: “Where are those wraiths that we know are “Learning about this brother?”
BTW what’s the explanation that the wraiths can travel between the two worlds?
Woops, this replay was supposed to be for IamMacs comment.
See WildWhisper for comments meant for this
After every great leader stands a strong …. euh …. brother in this case.
Fairies can fly, Wraiths can travel between worlds. It is just a part of what they are.
Flying, for a fairy, isn’t all that impressive. They do have wings, after all.
Now the whole “shooting a trail of glowing magic butterflies out their butt while they fly” trick, that’s pretty impressive …
I don’t think you’re a retard (you make some very good points), but I do disagree with you.
A good leader delegates authority to those with superior skills for the given situation. Daniel is clearly a superior strategist, and so is delegated as a general (or at the very least a strategic consultant).
Alex is taking the first steps to recognizing his weaknesses, and buttressing them by drawing on the strengths of his friends and family. A great king doesn’t need to be a genius. He just needs to be able to figure out how best to use the genius(es) he can trust.
Sword: “Once the nightmare realm forces are spread thin enough, you…”
Alex: “We what?”
Sword: “OMG, can that thing really talk to someone in Dreamland? Hi Felicity, I miss you, text me later, your BFF Nicole.”
Alex: “…where’s the medicine bag…” *writing a note* “Dan, get Nicole off the line, we’re talking about life and death plans here.”
Nicole:I I just wanted to apologize for-
Sorry..couldn’t help myself