Page 1139…
And I think that’s all for the exposition dept.
Now on to other things.
Tune in next week for more!
And for those of you who want a piece of Dreamland…
I found a collection of unsold originals (that’s one of a kind prints with no dialog) while cleaning the other day.
So I put them up for sale at only $10 each!
That’s 80% off of the regular price of originals.
So if you’d like to pick up your favorite before they’re gone…go here to start browsing…
Find the page you want and click on it. Then go to the bottom navigation and click BUY PRINT.
The rest is pretty self explanatory.
Have a great weekend!
but daniel should be king by that logic. and does this mean he will never be able to enter dreamland?
woot first to comment. lol
Hate to be nit-picky, but in the first frame the word generation should be possessive instead of plural (“generation’s” instead of “generations”). *sheepish grin* Yay grammar and mechanics?
Should have been, but never will be… π
You know, I’m starting to think that it would be awesome if, upon learning all of this from Alex, Daniel does a “shaky-shaky-fist” at the sky and curses being first-born. π
Excellent as always Scott. And I ordered 2 originals. How big are they? I need to go get some frames so I can hang them up in my home office. π
Duh, is says right on the description page they are 13×19….
You beat me to it, Julie! Grammarians of the world, it’s (not “its”) definitely (not “defiantly”) time to unite! π
Don’t forget to keep voting, everyone!
I don’t now WHAT you’re talking about.
Looks perfectly fine to ME!
Yes…I went back and fixed it.
Thanks Julie and TekServer!
I wonder if, by becoming the new king, Alex has dispelled the spell that kept his brother out? By recovering the charm, his brother would finally get to see what he’s been missing and what a great moment that would be!
For everyone who canβt find a 13β³ x 19β³ frame for their prints (didnβt find it at Hobby Lobby), here are two places on the internet with the cheapest I could find.
There, the βposter frameβ for 13β³ x 19β³ is only $4.65, but the catch is that you need to order $100 minimum on your order. That works great if you have a bunch of stuff that needs to be framed (we did this with our 6 or 7 odd-sized things we had not gotten around to framing yet). If you just need 1 or 2, go their retail site which is here:
There, I ordered two 13β³ x 19β³ black poster frames for $9.30 each with $10.10 shipping cost. If you want different wood or metal frame designs, they have those, too. Also, you can choose different backing materials, if desired. Both places do custom frame sizes as well.
Adults are not allowed to enter Dreamland, so unless he got ahold of the amulet that is presumably floating in Limbo with Arthur, he’ll never be able to visit. Or I suppose he could learn how to do so from an American Indian (and much training).
Then he turns evil and joins Nicodemus. Dun-dun-dun!
on vacation in france and still reading it!
this is great!
now we finally know why dan isn’t able to caome to dreamland…
but maybey oneday he will!
Yes, keep voting! Let’s get Dreamland back to the top 10 where it belongs! π
D’awww, all this time I thought Daniel really was the king. It was a super-awesome plot twist in my mind. Oh well! ;D
Thankfully Alex isn’t the one suggesting they need a plan, and formulating one …
When I went to buy a print, it’s telling me that it’s $29.50 rather than $10. There are two prints I would love to buy, but I can’t afford $60… Is there an error on the sites part, or mine?
Ok, I re-re-re-read and saw that it’s some of the originals… That’s what I get for trying reading comprehension when I first wake up. π
RIght now it’s Chapter One.
I MAY have some of Chapter Two in there as well.
I’ll let everyone know if I can discount those as well.
Oh. And $29.95 isn’t the originals. That’s the prints.
The originals are on the right. Only one of a kind.
Yeah, it was that whole not awake thing. π I bought two that I really like. Thanks so much for doing this!!!
Hmm… another “nit-picky” post here. In the first panel, the sword says, “Once Alexander took possession of the sword…” Am I the only one who thinks that it should read, “took possession of me…”? Since the sword seems to be sentient and all… π
The story is progressing very nicely, Scott; glad you’re finding time to post more regularly. Hope that means things are becoming less hectic for you!
Holy heck…This applies more to the previous days comic than today’s, but this COMPLETELY explains why Nicodemus lied when Alexander took the sword originally.
If his original motivation WASN’T to be a bloodthirsty tyrant (as we see it was not), and any of that was left over, and he’d only kept things together (by his estimation) by keeping that sword in its place, then trying to stop the human child by nonlethal means first makes complete sense.
Of course then he got a cut and all bets were off, but it still says something for…restraint? That he tried other means first.
Come to think of it, wonder what Nic was doing there anyway? Maybe returning to the scene to mourn what had been done to a friend?
That brings up an interesting point and possibility. If he were biding his time as best he could, trying to rule somewhat neutrally to the point in which Alex drew the sword, did he spend the next 8 years (relative to Earth-measurement at least) driving himself mad every day, worrying about where the sword disappeared to, conferring with his Nightmare Realm friends.
Yesterday, the sword said Daniel was not stopped from going to Dreamland by a spell. Today it says there IS a spell. You might want to clean that up. π
That said, it is cool to get our suspicions in print. And the next mystery I want to know the answer to is, what happened to Arthur?
As said so many times, in legends he is asleep with Merlin caring for his body, waiting to wake up in Britain’s hour of need. I would like to see that happen in this story. π
“The once and never king”?
I had it as “me”…and even have him say that yesterday.
But it just sounded weird. So I changed it.
Hm. You’re right. Maybe I should change the word spell to “law”?
“We need a plan.” — heck, after all that exposition, I’d be asking for a stiff drink, first. Then we can worry about plans… π
Getting a drink is the FIRST step of the plan….
That would work well I think. π
Personally, I would have phrased the last two words as “my service” rather than “the sword,” but that’s just personal opinion.
It’s a spell on Arthur, not on Dan. Dan’s just suffering from the spell’s secondary effects (like how a fireball spell doesn’t ignite things, but the fire itself may as a secondary effect), that’s all.
Loop holes – gotta love ’em
Hmm, I think what has been suggested is better though. Change it to ‘law’ or ‘rule’ (law is best, I think). It’s a law which prevents two kings from being able to rule at the same time. Sounds about right. I vote law. π
Hold on a moment… while a cool concept I think there’s a slight flaw in this story plot. Alex and Daniel are fraternal twins, meaning there were two seperate eggs in the womb and two completely seperate children being produced. They really have nothing connecting them more than normal bothers other than this experience. If they were Identical twins, brorn of the same egg that split in two while developing, this kind of loophole would totally make sense since they WOULD both be biologically the same person at birth.
The alternative would be if a king is chosen at brith and not at conception, at which case being a twin would become irrelivant, because the first born would be king no matter if he had a twin or not. Something else must be going on, or there’s a large logic issue here.
A wizard did it. See no wholes.
Alexander was the absent ruler of Dreamland for 8 years. During that time, Daniel still was not allowed in, even though he was technically young enough.
That may imply that the sword is the only way for a firstborn heir to dream, regardless of age.
A non-firstborn heir doesn’t need the sword to dream until he becomes king. Either that or Alex was scared dreamless by Nicodemus that day.
How was the sword normally passed from one generation to the next?
In Dreamland as the sword after the passing of the previous king or on Earth as the necklace?
Considering the previous rulers of Dreamland, it doesn’t sound like it stayed in the family, so I believe the heir would enter without the sword upon the passing of the previous and somehow come to claim it.
Plenty of halves, though.
sorry to be a spoilsport here… but I feel that Nastajia’s dialogue was a bit abrupt here. All that talking in the 1st few panels seemed like it was only explaining what ALREADY happened without naming anything that needs to be done now. Then Nastajia suddenly says we need a plan… to accomplish what? A plan to get Dan to dreamland, now that they understand why he couldn’t come? A plan to change Nic’s mind, now that they know he wasn’t always evil? A plan to inform Dreamland that technically Alex is already the new king so Nic should just stop what he’s doing? We need a goal to make a plan =3 Maybe I just missed something though ^^;
Dan and Alex had just turned twelve when the sword was drawn and Arthur was released. We haven’t met many children but the few we have met were significantly younger than twelve.
The few rulers we do know of are far enough apart that they could have an unknown blood relation. We have David and Solomon who were father and son. Then 800+ years later Cleopatra and Caesar, who weren’t related, but were in contact with one another. And Odysseus and Arthur are mythical enough that they don’t have anything like a clear bloodline to fit with the others.
Should be interesting to see how Daniel takes this bit of news.
I disagree. The sword’s explanation links the past to now, and Nastajia’s comment draws a line under it.
Incidentally, quite often (like now) there doesn’t seem to be a voting link – any idea why?
More importantly, I wonder if pulling the sword from the dais has finally set Arthur’s spirit free… the poor guy has been stuck between worlds for so long, I’d really not begrudge him that.
I was scrolling through the archives of chapter 15 and it appears page 1114 is a copy of page 1113. When I clicked on it, it popped up with an error message.
I just thought you should know.
Great story as always.
Scott usually only posts the voting link at the beginning of the month, or whenever he changes the vote incentive.
You can usually find the link in the comments, either in my first post of the day, or sometimes in someone else’s post if they beat me to it. (And clicking on my screen name will always take you to the voting link as well.)
So glad this ensures Dan can’t be king by some loophole. No offense to him, but since Alex has done quite a lot of work these past 15 chapters, Alex deserves the throne.
Great. Thanks.
Fixed it.
There is a link between the 2, and that’s the mum. By the references previously of Dreamland Kings we know that the kingship isn’t based on a single genetic bloodline and that there can be only one king at a time
The passing on of the kingship makes a lot more sense if you look at it from the point of view that once a series of conditions are met then a woman is “chosen” to give birth to the next king and that the kingship is passed on during the “ritual of conception”. The vast majority of the time you are only going to get one child so that kingship passes on smoothly. This time 2 embryo’s were created both inheriting the kingship, the first conception, Dan’s inherits the restrictions while Alex can make use of his heritage.
I like the idea anyway π
The only other theory I have is “Big JuJu, much magic”
Both theories are equally valid in my mind
If I remember my history correctly, didn’t Cleopatra and Caesar have a son together?
I can’t believe I haven’t commented yet! I just wanted to say I’ve been following this comic for the last 200 pages or so. My sister and I have both read through this several times and both love it. And we rarely agree!
There may not be a genetic link as identical twins have, but even fraternal twins often share a private language and other such “twin” closeness. OTOH, it seems to have worn off about the time Alexander woke with the sword charm.
Wouldn’t that be something. Daniel: “Thanks, Alex. I’ll take it from here.”
I see what it meant kinda. the first-born in this context kinda means the first-birth. Both Daniel and Alex were of the first birth that their parents had. It would have worked the same if their had been even more siblings like triplets or octuplets.
Daniel is the eldest and Alex the younger, but both are still part of their parent’s first pregnancy.
You don’t have to be the same person think of it in term of if there are two sons both in line to the throne. The first is the heir while the second is backup, if the first can’t take the throne the second becomes the heir. In this case they are twins so they were born at basically the same time, so while Dan inherited the curse thing, Alex was free to go to dreamland to claim the sword where Dan couldn’t.
Nastajia: “We need a plan. Paddington, you’re our tank; Kiwi, you heal; Alex, Felicity, and I will land damage. And I will shoot the first person to pull a Leeroy Jenkins.”
Welcome, fellow Dreamers! Let your sister know she is also welcome to join our community any time.
As to Caesar and Cleopatra, your memory of history is better than mine (ironic yet appropriate, since my father was a history teacher). Indeed, Caesarion was claimed to be the son of Cleopatra VII and Julius Caesar, though apparently JC never claimed him and Octavian (Caesar Augustus) later had him killed. (More here: )
(Google & Wikipedia ftw!)

ah, it makes sense why dan never got into dreamland.
Hmm and Alex woulda missed the opportunity if he never found the sword
And steps 2 through 17.
Not at all. She’s a decisive leader who knows when it is time to start preparing for action. They just finished learning some key points in Dreamland history, and she knows that it is time to act upon their new insights.