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Happy Monday All!
Hope you had a great weekend.
Happy Fathers Day to all of you dads out there.
Hope you enjoy this week’s pages.
Happy Monday All!
Hope you had a great weekend.
Happy Fathers Day to all of you dads out there.
Hope you enjoy this week’s pages.
Is that respect Merlin?
Words of wisdom? Not so sure…
Advising to not tell Nick is going to have repercussions, whenever this whatever they’re about to do is found out (which won’t be all that long in the future, seeing as it’s being witnessed by a creature from the nightmare realm…)
On the other hand, Merlin is right in his perception/comparison between Nick and Arthur, at this point…
Nope, it’s not… It’s just one more step down an already slippery slope they’re on…
Both are going to do what is best for their realm. Arthur because he is forced to by men trying to destroy his realm. Nicodemus by the Wraiths who are recruiting him. I still contend that those trying to destroy Camelot are working for the Wraiths, so the Wraiths could cause this breach between Arthur and Nicodemus. So…I thought Nicodemus caused this so long ago. Now I think he was just an unwitting pawn in this plan, just as Arthur was.
So the real question I now have is…”What did the Wraiths get out of this? What did they gain?”
I was expecting more wisdom from Merlin. Merlin does not visit dreamland, yet encourages Arthur to take decissions that affect a world that isn’t his. Seems like the good old human overestimation.
The true advice Merlin should give is to maintain peace with Nic and the Nightmare Realm (through the treaty Arthur is aware of) and try to establish such treaty in Camelot as well. It is Arthur who should learn from Dreamland, not his enemies.
Why risking 2 instabilities to solve only 1? Nic is right, Arthur is acting as king of Camelot, not as king of Dreamland.
Identity crisis, Midlife crisis, Burn out perhaps?
secrets are the first step to a bad ending
Merlin: “Nicodemus must not know of what you are about to do. Nobody’s ever beta-tested Dreamland before.”
Arthur: “I just get this feeling as though they’re going to use our world for an MMORPG as well…”
Yeah. And Nic was correct in his assesment of Arthur!
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He IS not a worthy King of Dreamland and SHOULD therefore be replaced. If He does not agree, than He should be replaced possibly by force. Imagine the President of USA working for the good of another country primarily… How long would he remain in post?
I know several people who would say, “Apparently the maximum stint of two terms.” Then again, those people are very very very conservative.
Happy Dad’s day to you too!
I lean a fair bit towards liberal (as I found out by questionare), but apparently as long as the prez can convince the people he’s doing well enough, the full two terms is automatic.
Does Merlin sense a nobility in Nicodemus’ actions?
I’m not quite ready to condemn Arthur yet – because of Merlin.
Arthur may be naive, but Merlin certainly shouldn’t be. There may be more to this than we yet know, including possibly a (seemingly) good reason for this decision.
Of course, I could be wrong. I thought I was wrong once, but I was mistaken …
(Don’t forget to VOTE!)

P. S. Happy Father’s Day, Scott (and all other fathers, stepfathers, grandfathers, and godfathers among our Dreaming Community)!
Merlin–that’s a bad adviser..bad!
Arthur is clearly choosing sides now, even if he doesn’t realize it.
Seems to me that Arthur is not the only one with secrets. Ol’ Nic has either omitted the fact that he has known that the nightmare realm can enter into the waking world, or (if Arthur has ever asked without us knowing about it) he has flat out lied about it. Oh yes, Nic has known it was possible, otherwise why would the wraith ask that he allow them to learn more of Arthur’s plans? That exchange also tells us that the dragon has a position of authority in the nightmare realm. Has the stench of double agent to me…
Just going to repeat my comment from the last page, because I posted it sooo late and it’s still very applicable.
You know what I find funny about this whole plotline? It doesn’t quite make sense. The reason Arthur wants to bring humans to dreamland is to show them the peace that’s there, specifically how the Dreamlanders live in peace with the Nightmare realm. But Nic has already mentioned that they stay at peace due to a treaty. So the peace in Dreamland is maintained through crafty statecraft and not the “Oh we just all live together in peace and harmony” idea Arthur has. That’s something Arthur and his neighbors should already understand. Arthur would probably do better to study history, hammer out treaties, and keep a strong enough military to deter anyone from breaking his treaties.
Little question. What do Nicodemus eat if he has hunger. Some Dreamlander or is he a Vegetarian?
Well they say Merlin could see into the future, and he saw all this and maybe he knows whats going to happen. Who knows maybe the best thing that was going to happen was for Alex to become king (stranger things have been known to happen), and the only way for Alex to become king is for what has happened/what is happening to Arthur.
Meh, I’m mostly conservative, but there’s a big difference between believing a president is not acting in the best interest of the U.S. and believing he’s acting in the best interest of one particular foreign country.
It’s not clear whether Merlin approves of the plan, or is just giving the best advice he can given that Arthur has his mind made up.
Yeah, I haven’t seen any evidence in the comic that Dreamlanders on average are nobler than humans.
I think that’s a false dilemma. Surely there are non-sentient animals from which to obtain meat.
I think this should be seen in the perspective of a separate movie.
The Hero is about to set out on a daunting, dangerous, against-all-odds-to-succeed task, which usually is the climax of the film.
Have you ever seen an adviser/sidekick NOT show confidence in the Hero’s ability to succeed in the task? (And in action movies, they usually do – take “Mr & Mrs Smith” for an extreme example, LOL!)
Only difference is that this time, it will not quite succeed.
With that perspective, I have no problems with this scene.
Arther: do you believe he will act against us?
merlin: umm….hello, earth to Arthur, hasn’t he given you enough hints already?
Arthur’s being ridiculous. If he brings war to Dreamland just to show peace to humans, there’s no gain. Did he not think over this for more than a few seconds?
Or a surprise party.
Not necessarily. The wraiths just asked to allow time to ‘learn more of his plans.’ There was no indication there of actively seeking out the knowledge (though they ultimately did). For all Nic new, this could have been interpreted as just ‘we need more information’ with no indication of source. Perhaps he thought they would wait to see how things were unfolding as their way of ‘learning more of his plans.’