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Happy Monday, All!
Hope you had a wonderful weekend.
This week…we return to Camelot where Arthur and Merlin execute their plan.
Stay tuned. Should be interesting.
Happy Monday, All!
Hope you had a wonderful weekend.
This week…we return to Camelot where Arthur and Merlin execute their plan.
Stay tuned. Should be interesting.
Well that’s vague and ominous.
Yes. But it does show, much to my surprise, that whatever happens next might not actually have been Nick’s original intention…
I think I alluded to something like that in a comment, some time back, as to how things may have snowballed, and Nick got carried away past a point of no return… from which he then would have had no choice but to assume his role, no matter what…
Interesting to see the many layers of Nicodemus… (Though, admittedly, this meeting probably never should have taken place…)
Here, you can hear the seeds of doubt springing into Nic’s voice.
On another topic, Scott, when will the store be up?
interesting, makes me wonder if he is actually alive and nico had a hand trying to keep arthur in dreamland which would make some part of the Camelot story line that Merlin kept Arthur’s body safe some where hoping for him to be able to come back..
makes me wonder if he made a magical containment to prevent Arthur body from rotting, if Arthur was magically trapped in dreamland and can not come back which would explain why Dan cant get into due arthur being alive is{ dear i say astral projection form} so now comes the part if the body is still around where did merlin stash it.
And that brings up yet another important question. If Arthur is alive and trapped in Dreamland, where in Dreamland is he? I’ve got a nasty hunch were he might be, but if I’m right, I don’t want to spoil it.
I agree with lake_wrangler, Jolly old Nick might just have had the best intentions, but made the worst choices.
now I feel kinda sad for nic. suddenly he gets more than he bargained for. what can one dragon do against many of… those?
they should have decided that in a one-against-one brawl and the loser has to be honorable and stop their plans/complaints. and I have a feeling, nic would have won. arthur might not have liked it, but catastrophe would have been prevented. 😉
makes me wonder, though. arthur’s not dead yet, right? just cursed… if the curse on him gets lifted, will he have understood his mistake? will he be sorry? and, most importantly, will he see nic as the evil villain that the others have always seen him as or as the misguided guy that he is?
and for that matter, will alex and co. understand that after the sword’s story?
so many questions and so many more pages until they are answered. 😀
well, I DID get the impression that he’s not dead yet. nic thinks so, too.
and that opens quite the can of worms, eh? 😉
I’ve still got a feeling that there was a PLAN to make Arthur do this though. I thought it was Niccy behind it before. Now I begin to think it is these Nightmare Realm wraiths. There must be some reason that the humans are SO hard on wiping out Camelot…something must be driving them…and I think these wraiths just could be it…
Wow1 They just, let the dwarves go. Yay, although it will be a short-lived yay.
I wonder what the way to enter Dreamland actually is. If the sword knows it and all the details and how to duplicate it.. then dan and nicole will be able to get in! Then they could truly help put the world to rights.
Wallpaper of panel 4 = Awesomeness! ^.^
Please please?
Be a good vote incentive, no?
Today’s story opens a great number of possibilities for the future:
1. Nic is seduced to the dark side of Dreamland (i.e Nightmare Realm) despite his good intentions. As a result he became the usurper of the “throne” of Dreamland.
2. Arthur is somehow frozen in time inside Dreamland. This answers the question why Dan cannot enter. Arthur is technically alive but in some sort of stasis inside Dreamland and he cannot awake.
3. The above unites some puzzle pieces of the story: the boy Alex enters a mausoleum with the gigantic statues of former kings.
The Sword is attached to a stone.
Also this reminds us of the Arthurian legend when Artur became king by raising Excalibur from a stone.
The boy Alex raise The Sword, Nic appears and The Sword, acting by its own, inflicts a scar to Nic.
The boy Alex awakes from the fear of the sight of The Dragon and takes The Sword with him.
So MAYBE Arthur lies semi-alive in this same mausoleum that Alex found The Sword when he was a child.
But if the “soul” (?) of Arthur lies “frozen” inside Dreamland where is his body (apparently unharmed from aging) lies ?
Nicodemus: “What happens next? What are you suggesting?!”
Hooded lizard #1: “We remove Arthur here by removing him from Earth…”
Arthur: “Hey guys…you wouldn’t believe the kind of morning I had…who are these guys, Nicodemus?”
Hooded lizard #2: “…ah crud.”
Ya, and Senator Palpatine never manipulated his way into Empire by looking the pious one forced into rebellion.
Everything is going as I have foreseen.
The only problem I see with this line of reasoning is that I get the impression that if Arthur is alive, then Alex couldn’t be king, and the sword has stated that Alex IS the king now.
that made me giggle thank you Wolf! XD
Ah, yes, the store! I’d forgotten we were supposed to prod Scott about that … 😉
(Don’t forget to VOTE!)
Here’s an interesting theory for you: at the beginning of the story, the Sword was stuck in the Stone (big altar thingie). What if the Stone, with the Sword present, was (magically) the lock that held Arthur in Dreamland, and could only be pulled by a human – specifically the “heir to the throne”, so to speak? With Arthur alive and held, no new heirs could enter Dreamland to pull the Sword and break the spell, until Alex and Dan were born as twins, both viable heirs, so that Dan could be held out of Dreamland by Arthur’s presence, while Alex would be free to enter Dreamland and pull the Sword!
Of course, this doesn’t explain why Nicodemus wouldn’t have known Arthur was freed the minute he knew Alex had pulled the Sword … (maybe he forgot, or never knew about that key to the spell? We’ll have to wait and see … )
Good stuff, Scott! (No need to confirm or deny this theory; I don’t want to be inadvertently responsible for a spoiler … )
Still waiting for final date they’ll release Book Four.
Soon I hope…
Nic: Surely, Arthur can be reasoned with…
Wraith: Perhaps, Perhaps not….and stop calling me Shirley.”
I remember a while back after Alex did his famous (or was it infamous) messing up Dan’s kiss and his fight with Nic… That Nic said he was going to talk with Arthur… so Arthur is alive but imprisioned in Dreamland… my best guess… So yes Arthur is alive or is he a spirit??? lol only Scott knows.!
Wow! Nic is being dragged to what is about to come… sort of. Interesting it is that he continues to try to negotiate. Also, good one Silverwolf!
Lordy, those guys are creepy.
Tis easy for one to get wrapped up in one’s own deceit…
I’m surprised no one’s done this yet.
1111 GET!
Sorry, couldn’t resist.
but thats the thing, if arthur is alive in dreamland and his former body the flesh version is stored magically some where on the alex and dan’s planet,since dan cant get into dreamland while Arthur is in dream land that is what we found out so far.
if wasn’t for alex being a twin to dan, then as they said he canceled out the spell that prevented 2 kings to coming into dreamland from the same blood{ i think thats safe to say since dan would be subject to not being able to astral project into dreamland due to the rules.} but, Alex couldn’t be king due to a dan still cant enter dreamland when alex didn’t have the sword till his mother sent it to him.
now this is why i ask, this page shows that nico was trying to show arthur that they can stand a human being in control of dreamland. i sincerely think nic is actually a forced pawn in this power play as we can see from this..
and tek i can not reply to you for some odd reason.{ so i will do it in the same reply to sparcman}
now for the sword in the stone thing you just asked i have feeling that Arthur pulled a play for how he became king by pulling, Excalibur from the stone when he was a child and some magical entity put that cave there after the ogre problem that transpired to open the cave to having nico in that cave waiting for someone the right one to pull that sword.
if arthur is alive and trapped then my guess the shades did something to trap him and he might very well be trapped in the nightmare realm of dreamland. but i really think he is alive and trap to prevent dan from coming in to dreamland so nico doesn’t have a contested power, but alex blew that out of the water now that the sword has said he is king, but i really think its just saying that to help alex see that its important for him to take this seriously and understanding no more fooling around.
Nick, why are you so surprised? Bad people always think it’s easiest to eliminate there opponent to solve all the problems; they don’t want to use petty things like reason. Next, they will just say it outright, to bad Nick (i think) doesn’t remember that the ends never justify the means.
interesting,, that would explain if my theory holds any water,
that merlin did something to prevent arthur body from rotting as to keep his body safe from nic and crew in the real world
exactly! what i was trying to say lol
Congratulations on the four ones! Not even Bilbo got this far 😀
Excellent analysis, and FYI, the comment trees can only go to a certain reply depth, which appears to be set to [counts] 4: (1) SparcMan replied to you, (2) janey replied to SparcMan, (3) Julie replied to janey, and at maximum depth (4) I replied to Julie, so no one can add another level of depth to reply to me (except perhaps the PTB’s that could override the limit, such as Scott and his crew).
Are you confused yet? I don’t think I explained that very well …
Would that make this the one hundred and eleventy-first page?
As someone asked a bit ago, I’m curious as to how the sword is privy to these conversations? We are still “listening” to the sword giving Alex some background, right?
I haven’t commented in a while. Not since Merlin’s letter (I think) . Because I went to my beach house on the weekend and only 4 more days of school left for me!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:):D
Aww so Nic actually tried to side with Arthur before!
Actually it was me who asked that.
This breaks logic. I wondered if it would be a problem.
Aw. Lucky!
Hope you had a great time at the beach!
lol your comments always make me laugh XD
Other possibilities: Arthur might have died at some point, or resigned, or some other loophole may exist in the law–after the throne is vacant for so long, a new King is eligible to come to Dreamland?
It’s perfectly clear to me, Tek Server, and something I had noticed before.
I thought the two ways to handle a problem like this were (1) have some technical solution in mind that you don’t explain to the reader–unless it’s really necessary, such as if Dan would wonder about it and have Alex ask the sword, and it’s really essential to the story line, or (2) don’t worry, and if it becomes a problem, have a workable solution that you can fill in details on later. Such as the “told by someone else” or “revealed by later events and reconstructed by the sword” (possibly with a bit of “the sword’s magic allows questions to be asked that show what historically happened–but only if you know the right question to ask”…
What exactly is that line on the center guy’s face (of the 3 evil guys). At First I thought it was light, but it doesn’t stay solid as he tips his head down (it breaks on the cowl).
As for the Sword, knowing what it said: “I was created to record ALL that the Human Kings of Dreamland may encounter” (Page 1076), we can assume that the sword can record all events that happened to the King of Dreamland whether he is in Dreamland or not. The Sword (not the mention Dreamland itself) defies all logic to begin with. It’s ability to record is equal to that of it’s ability to transcend from one world to the next. It is the bridge, the link that allows an adult human to transfer back and forth between the two. Since the connection is in both worlds, it isn’t that hard to grasp that it can gather all the events that occurs in both worlds and filter’s out only events that pertain to the King of Dreamland.
Agreed on the snowballing part! =)
My theory on this is that both Dan and Alex are of the bloodline of Arthur. But due to the fact that they are twins it allows only one of them to enter dreamland. Vs. none at all had it been just one of them born. Somehow they are going to break the spell that keeps Arthur (now Dan) out of dreamland and he will join them there? But then maybe not. What I love about this series is that the story line is pretty simple and straight forward yet I can new predict what is going to happen. So really we’ll just have to wait and see what excitement is in store for us =)
Something about a green word balloon is just extra creepy.
Seems to me that up until the end of the current arc, Nic has been Arthur’s most loyal servant. He has even admitted to resenting the presence of humans in Dreamland and still obeyed the ancient laws for who know how many centuries.
It is the ALL SEEING EYE!!! 😮
I bow to the master of sillyness. 😀
I just finished reading the story from the beginning. I found you from a link on Sarah Ellerton’s Phoenix Requiem site. I love your style (although it did take a little getting used to:) and the Arthur angle is GREAT!! It sucks that I am now “caught up” and have to wait every day to see another page *growls* but I can live with it.
Yeah, like poision. ugh.
Hey, are you Lora who does The Dreamer? I read that now because Scott talked about it here:)
That doesn’t have any ominous connotations at all …
Welcome Fellow Dreamer!
Sarah is a great artist in her own right; I too read Phoenix Requiem (though I went the other direction – started here then linked over to her page). Of course, you can’t really compare Scott and Sarah; their styles are totally different, and each is a master of their particular craft!
And don’t worry, the shock of ending an Archive Binge is minimized here; Scott is legendary for his fast and reliable update schedule.
Don’t forget to head over to TWC and vote!
Again, welcome!

I am. And thanks!
nope not yet and i can reply to you now for some odd reason
I would have to say that they need not be of the bloodline of Arthur, to have been picked as future king of Dreamland: after all, there is clearly no bloodline connection between King David and Solomon (father and son) and Ceasar (a Roman), or Arthur ( a Celt? Britton, anyway…) No matter who else was king in between, there is clearly no bloodline connection overall, even if sometimes there are father/son lines here and there…
Except, as I understand the SW backstory, the Sith have something of a tradition of evil, or at least opposition to the Jedi. Nicodemus has no such historical baggage, as far as we know. Palpatine’s ascent was the culmination of generations of struggle, while what Nicodemus is dealing with is purely based on this one, single situation with Arthur. Of course, this is making the assumption that he is not part of some long running Nightmare Realm plan to take over. Though Nic has had dealings with the Nightmare Realm, I’m not convinced he’s part of some plan of theirs. Besides, other Dreamlanders have had agreements and cooperation with the Nightmare realm. How did that treaty get established in the first place?