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Yay. We’re all OK. See?
Thank you all for the wonderful comments.
I love seeing Nastajia and Alexander kissing as well.
Have a great day. Thanks for voting.
Thanks for reading.
Yay. We’re all OK. See?
Thank you all for the wonderful comments.
I love seeing Nastajia and Alexander kissing as well.
Have a great day. Thanks for voting.
Thanks for reading.
Uh, oh.
Paddington’s left hand, the one that was outstretched to stop the fire blast is cleverly hidden behind that boulder. I wonder what it will look like tomorrow?
Hmm. Nastajia’s hair looks a bit washed out to me.
OH THANK YOU! Oh my gosh! Paddington! You’re safe!
Like I said, Rock-types take half-damage from Fire-type attacks.
The hair thing is probably just the lighting filters.
I think the hand is fine. I mean, he’s MADE OF ROCK!!!
im so glad all are ok.
pad is rock he could of melted
….can they please kiss again?
Jeez! The kissed good for them they care for each other but the way everyone is freaking out and asking them to kiss more its like they want to see more “adult” content from them. no offence Dan. You just happened to be the first today to ask about it.
Oh gosh, Paddington please don’t have a deformed hand…. >.<''
yay they’re all safe. :3 and im in a good mood to sleep now ^.^
For he’s a jolly good rock giant,
For he’s a jolly good rock giant,
For he’s a jolly good rock gi-i-aaannt,
Which nobody can deny!
Paddington: “Hi Alex! My rear end is now obsidian, thanks for asking…
Even rock can melt, given extreme temperatures. But is dragonflame hotter than magma? That remains to be seen.
I only know magma is up to 3000 times hotter than a campfire :p but of course dragon flame might be more comparable to a flame with a continuous feed of gas fuel…
And in the next page, we see Paddington’s blackened and burnt bounding buttocks.
Say that three times fast.
That’s a relief. I was afraid Alex was also going to find a burned out Centaur community. It’s not like Nicodemus to forgive OR forget….
The dappled shadows from the leaves are a neat touch. Nice work, Scott.
And yeah, I hope Paddington didn’t suffer any permanent damage for his heroism.
I’m so glad he’s okay; I half-expected him to be in bandages. I hope his hand is alright, and there’s no permanent scarring. Fire-moves have 0.5 effect against rock monsters in Pokemon.
this ain’ pokemon, this is dreamland. ^^ Heck knows what evil lurks behind Scotts but so innocent forehead. *mad chuckle*
I like what you did with her eyes in the 2nd to last frame. Very expressive, so the “happy” is more emphasized.
Just stumbled across this last night. Now, about 7 hours later, I’m antsy for the rest of the story. And much as I love dragons, I have Anne McCaffrey’s White Dragon, Ruth tattoed on my back, half coverage, I hate Nico. Loving the story and the chars. I would have developed a real hate on if you killed of Felicity. Can’t stand Spider Robinson for that reason, gets ya all wrapped up in a character and kills them off in the end, main chars too. Meneh. Also liking the change to Nicole’s lipstick. Much improved over the faded purple, least that what looks like online and small. Gonna look for this in my bookstore/s, if can’t find them/order there will be back here. Just dun like the delayed gratification of online buying and cross border, I presume, shipping.
Also hope my brand new for this posting gravatar dun look like crap. It’s the book I get my comp name from. Been using it since ’94, hope the cropping dun kill it to nothing
Me twitches with anticipation, can’t believe I read 4 years of this in one sitting.
Would be fun if Paddington’s bum was still smoking a bit (if only for giving kids, small and big, a “fart’ giggle 😆 )
Welcome, fellow Dreamer!
You make some excellent observations, which most here would agree with, I think. Your gravatar looks fine, though I’m not familiar with the book.
Be sure to show Scott your support; head over to TWC and VOTE! (And buy stuff if you can, of course … 😉 )
Also, if you just can’t stand the wait (though Scott’s Monday thru Friday update schedule is quite tolerable and very reliable), you might want to trawl your way through the archive again at a more leisurely pace, reading all the comments along the way. We’re a pretty entertaining community (IMHO), and reading through all the comments will give you a good perspective on just how unique Scott is, especially regarding his interaction with his fans.
Holy Moly!
Hamina, hamina …
Sorry ’bout that. Have y’all seen the new Vote Incentive!? I think I have a new favorite … and a new desktop wallpaper, of course …

Personally, I’m curious to find out what else Nicodemus did before leaving to check on old King Arthur, such as why, for instance, he didn’t also try to fry the whole village… (At least, I presume he didn’t since no one seems too stressed out and sad, as would be the case if that had happened…)
Oops, had the wrong email in the field, didn’t get my gravatar with my post…
HoooooRay for a healthy Paddington!
why do i get the feeling pad now has flambe hand and rear since the bottom part shows some blacked shadow around his stomach and sides,
and i just noticed… does he look smaller then normally looks did he loose some rocks?
Good to know Paddington is safe… though I was doing an inventory monday at the University of Colorado Boulder book store on monday, and saw a teddy bear that just completely reminded me of our beloved rock giant… too bad I didn’t have a camera. 🙁
Am I just noticing that Nastajia is as tall, if not a bit taller, than Alex?
Which nobody can deny
Which nobody can deny
For he’s a jolly good rock giiiaaannttttt
Which noooboooddyyy caaaannnn deeeennnnyyyyy!!!!
Good, EVERYONE is OK. I guess Nick just quickly flamed at her and took off.
You might be amused to know that my sister did try. Didn’t work out to well. lol
Har, har!
Scott, is this new? I don’t recall seeing “smiling eyes” turned up at the outside corners before. It definitely looks great!
lol xD and what was your favorite before?
well according to some dragon lore, dragon fire is it’s coolest at a temperature of 1,000 degrees F.
thats hard
Welcome Sleel I do recognize you nick I have read 95% of the series… I have yet to read the last one but I will that is a promise…
Anyway 4 years in one sitting… lol I think many who stumble upon Dreamland this late in the game do that I know I did and now I show up 5X a week to get my daily fix. Now if you have the time and patience go back thru it and read the comments some have left that is also part of what brings me back day after day.
it could be the ground is higher where Naj is standing… She could be wearing heels or that in truth she is taller than Alex…
Thanks GS…
Jakesdad…no. Not new. Maybe I just caught everything right this time.
Welcome. And thank you for reading.
They’ve always been the same height.
No offence taken. I do disagree with what you are indicating as far as wanting to “see more ‘adult’ content from them.” I don’t regard a loving kiss on the lips between a couple as “adult” material at all, I was simply expressing how much I love the chemistry between them. The only place a kiss makes me smile the same way is in the movie “The Princess Bride.”
That said, I will direct a quote to you from that movie. “Someday, you may not mind so much.” ^_^
Hey…I’m all for more kissing too.
Actually, my favorite before was the close-up on Nicodemus looking back over his shoulder. That one really struck me for some reason – possibly because of the lighting …
Of course, I’ve really liked all of the vote incentives, especially the hi-res wallpaper shots. I have this weird bug on my computer that I’ve actually turned to work in my favor: sometimes, when I move the mouse to turn off the screensaver, the wallpaper doesn’t come back and I just have a solid desktop (icons & taskbar & such are unaffected). So I have several saved wallpaper layouts (by way of a wonderful program called Ultramon), each of which has two wallpapers – one for each monitor – and each time the aforementioned bug occurs, I just load the next wallpaper layout, so I’m continually cycling through all of the Dreamland wallpapers, with a new set every 2-4 days or so.
Have I mentioned before that I’m openly geek? I think I have …

P.S. (as in post-smiley) : In case anyone is wondering, here are descriptions of the wallpapers I have paired up:
Left Monitor = Nicodemus “rampant”, with fire at his feet & shadows cast on his wings
Right Monitor = Close-up of Alexander hurtling through the air, sword poised overhead to strike
Camelot on both monitors; I haven’t found just the right pairing for this one yet
Left Monitor = Felicity
Right Monitor = Nastajia (this most recent one; prior to this it was the “doodle” picture of Nastajia)
Left Monitor = Close-up of Nic looking over his shoulder (described above)
Right Monitor = Nicodemus reclining in the fire, head laid on crossed “hands”
(Sorry for the rambling … )
Besides, having been a 20-year old boy once (yes, I’m old enough to call a 20-year old a “boy”), I can say with some assurance that there is more than likely at least a small corner of Alex’s brain that is saying exactly what Dan said: “can we kiss again, please?”
It is an excellent series. Both the books by Perry and this one :}. Obviously I dive into the realm of suspension of disbelief with ease and quickly get wrapped up in chars. First came upon Perry’s stuff with Omega Cage. Have read a goodly portion of the comments as I went, read fairly fast when I want. Mostly don’t as it cheats me outta the time ‘in the realm of imagination’, as it were. Also recognize some peeps avatars, too, especially the one from the Elf Quest series. Blanking on the guys name and the name of the char in the avatar, but loved that series too. This has joined about a doz webcomics in my bookmarks. And have voted :} Only a few have prompted that much love from me, Two Kinds being another, Felicity reminds me of Laura, one of the chars in that. ‘S’why I got wrapped up in her so quick. And a cat person, who has his tapping me on the shoulder for attention right now.
Paddington’s rock…he’ can’t be damaged very badly…I hope!
Given his color, Paddington looks to be composed of more felsic minerals, and therefore would have a lower melting temperature than a darker colored, and therefore mafic, rock giants (this observation counts as studying for my geology test).
Can someone please let me know if/where the old incentives are posted? I have been trying to dig for them on the wiki, but no joy.