Page 1057…
Happy Monday all!
I hope you had a great weekend.
Fun fact.
Today’s second panel…Dan was supposed to SLAM the door in anger.
But I liked the light coming in from the hall so much…I kept it open.
Just one of those fun things that happen between the storyboards and the final render.
Oh. And did you guys see how well the DREAMLAND WIKI is coming along?
Thank you all who’ve been chipping in. It’s really filling out nicely.
Hope you enjoy this weekend.
Should be fun.
Wow… Alex being considerate??? Stop the presses… We knew Dan was going to scream and yell at him… I noticed the buts… lol He will rock Dan’s world when he finally gets a chance to reveal his news to Dan.
Let me guess Dan is still virginal? in his late teens and has never had any romantic relations ever being Alex’s geek brother… Scott you are having to much fun keeping us going like this!!!
I wonder, if Dan would knock Alex now out, would he return into Dreamland? ^^
lol most epic C***kblock evar
Yeah, even though Alex was stupid to shout “Were you guys kissing?” (think before you speak silly :P), at least he has enough wisdom now to realize in hindsight what he just did. I think Alex has definitely progressed in character, but he still has a way to go!
Is it just me, or does alex look like he’s feeling really crappy about the whole situation right now, probably not just the dreamland thing, but screwing up dan’s date too.
Oh the pettiness if life’s pleasures.
“A GIRL, Alex!” = Best Line Ever
Heh… A girl Alex…
I don’t know why, but I can’t seem to see my own comments popping up?
Anyway, I wanted to say that this is a very neat page, poor Dan.
And I wanted to say that it’s mainly Kaden in the wiki, working over the framework Omegon and I created. Praise to Kaden! 😀
Dan says that like it’s such a big deal ^^
It probably is.
I love this series XD
So up until now he’s only kissed his pillow?
probably is at that point in his life not like some guys have the gift to snag a women.
lol lol lol lol lol snicker… xD
ok I’m gonna guess Dan’s never got any good with a girl before XD
I like the lighting too! Especially on Alex’s face on panels 3 and 5 🙂
I think so too. Like he’s had a rough night, now this, could things get any worse (which we know they could… dun dun dunnnn…). Love the way the emotions come through, nice animating!
not necessarily… the back of his hand maybe? LOL
Agreed. A GIRL! Sounds like desperate, I love it 😛
Great moment – Dan’s outrage is classic. But the look on Alex’s face is pretty eloquent all by itself. Talk about role reversal! Now who’s the serious one?
Alex is confronted by something he’s going to have to face as an adult. The person he loves is about to go up in a fireball, and he’s not there when she needs him.
Yes. Both of you might be right.
why does he emphasize the word “girl”? does that mean hes only kissed boys before? X)
“A girl, Alex! How could you C***block me like that?!”
“Dan…do you know how many times I woke up before getting it on with Nastajia?”
“…touche…but it still sucks!”
Ok Scott, I have to ask, are the horns on Dan intentional?
Loving this bit of the story. Yet, I’m still worried about Nastajia ….
Considering this is a family friendly comic? Probably just pillows. Or dolls, heck I dunno.
Besides, he’s in rage mode he gets to be a little weird about his sentances.
LOL! I just noticed that.
“A GIRL!” and with Dan’s hair horns still prominent, you can feel his desperation; however, I had a difficult time suppressing a small giggle.
Yeah, I keep meaning to go over there and dive into the wiki, but work and school have both increased their demands on my time, and something had to give …
Dan’s hair-horns have been there from the beginning, and have been the topic of much discussion in previous comments.
Scott has previously confirmed that they are just an artifact of Dan’s perpetually tousled hair, and signify nothing.
So what just got blocked was Dan’s FIRST kiss? That explains a lot.
I was a pretty geeky teenager myself, not too dissimilar to Dan. I still remember my first real kiss at age 15, and I have to say I’d have been livid if I had been interrupted before closing the deal. Not to mention thoroughly embarrassed, which emotion a healthy (or maybe even unhealthy) dose of hormones will easily convert to anger.
As others have mentioned, Alex’s reaction is quite interesting. Sure, he opened his mouth and inserted his foot, as usual, but he seems to be tasting the shoe-leather more quickly then has been his wont in the past.
Quick question for Scott: why is the number “218” reversed on the – door? – across the hall, visible through the open door you mentioned? Just curious …
Don’t forget to VOTE, everyone!

Didn’t we just have a weekend? 😛
Ever since Alex interupted the kiss, it’s been one non-stop laughfest after another. 😀 *huggles Alex* Dan will kick himself when he hears what Alex has to say about his girl.
and how can a weekend be fun when we have no new Dreamland?
No link to vote for this comic today? I had to go back to Friday’s strip and vote there! 😉
(To be honest, I’m likely to forget more often than not, though, if the link isn’t prominent.)
Hahaha yes I was thinking the same thing!
A couple of my comments didn’t show up at first either but then they did later. It might be getting held back for moderation or something, cause I’m pretty sure the blocked comments from me had links in them.
Just a plate that’s backwards. I need to fix it one of these days….
End of the month. Thought I’d give you all a couple days break.
Alex: Yeah, but MY girl could be dying in a flaming inferno right now!
You know, he can always go back and slam the door. I’ve totally done that in arguments.
Donnabrook University won the poll for the name of the school Alex is attending. I’ll be adding it to the wiki soon but there is more we can do. If you would like to help with ideas but don’t have time to edit the wiki head on over to the forums.
poor alex….poor poor daniel
Oh, boo-hoo for you, Dan. I’m 22 and I STILL haven’t had my first kiss. XD
Ah, but with a close call like that, I guess I’d be mad as well.
There’s almost always a reminder to vote in one of my comments, and usually a link as well (I’ve taken to putting it under the word VOTE lately … ).
Also, the link under my username now points to the voting link.
So no excuses! 😛
Yay, Donna!
Just go to a Comic or Sci Fi convention dressed as Slave Leia. Problem solved!
awwww, alex’s face in the 3rd panel: looks like genuine shame. i almost want to give him a hug.
excellent rendering the expressions and lighting in this one 🙂
boo, equating family friendly and heteronormative.
no offense, of course, but still
Thank you all!
So glad you enjoyed today’s page!
Nothing wrong with kissing other boys.
It’s fun!
Of course it does make some people uncomfortable, but I’m not exactly comfortable watching a M/F couple snogging away either, but I don’t complain. 😛
We always do, Scott.
We always do.
Thank you so much for the incredible quality work you put in all the time. I just wish you didn’t have to always work so hard when you’re sick. Kind of hard to try to keep yourself up and running when you’re getting infections and colds and flus and stuff all the time. 🙁 I’m just glad I don’t get sick like that anymore, because I used to at least once a month, frequently more.
I figured out what went wrong and now I don’t do that anymore, thank goodness.
Keep yourself (and your family) healthy, man, and don’t overdo it when you’re not. We don’t want anything bad to happen to you, y’hear?
Well, if it’s any solace: I had my first real kiss at 22 too… Some peeps are early, some peeps are biggie. A recent poll amongst students in my Home-Country has shown that a majority of students had their first eeeh “real experience with the other sexe”(or the same..whatever you fancy) at about 25!!! Popular Media has the habit of skewing reality every now&then..
I agree about the door–I like the pattern of light on the rug. And Dan’s upset. Still, Nicole will be back, and in the mood again. So, Chill, Dan!
I can’t help but wonder, and this has been going through my mind for the last few days (ever since the actual interuption)… Is Dan bordering on not caring/believing about Dreamland anymore, as compared to his “real” life on campus?
Especially the way he says “A girl!”, almost seems to imply “a girl, a REAL girl! Not one that only exists in someone’s dreams!”
After all, it is possible to believe in something for a long time, then something happens to make us lose that belief, in spite of all evidence to the validity of that belief…
But then, if that happens, I can imagine the rapid turnaround when Alex tells Dan that he is indeed involved in Dreamland, in spite of his not ever going there… and that Nicodemus will be looking for a way to eliminate him, or something to that effect…
(Oh, by the way, Dan, I’Ve got good news, and bad news…
Good news: you’re the real king of Dreamland,
Bad news: that’s what’s been keeping you out of Dreamland…
Good news: I get to be king instead of you because of that.
Bad News: Nicodemus now knows about you, and probably wants you dead…
Just thought I’d let you know…)
maby he practices with his brother
Oh, I love this page! Sibling Drama!
I have a feeling his expression will change som’what once he here’s Alex’ story
Maybe Alex would say, “You had NO luck with girls when we was in high school…”
Daniel says,”True…HEY!!!”
The dim bulb brightens…!
To be truthful, I have no need for solace. 🙂 It’s not a popularity contest or a womanhood rite of passage– I’m just waiting for the right person. 😀
I’m about 20 pounds too heavy to gain positive attention from such a drastic measure. XD
awe poor daniel… he cant get a girl lol
Ooh. That would take the story in a different direction.
Someone doesn’t get kissed often …
Maybe Dan should take fashion tips from Alex and comb his hair once in a while.
I think you are implying that geeks and nerds have a sense of style, fashion, appropriateness, or balanced prespective on what makes a girl hot.
Here’s a secet guide into how the average Convention goer thinks:
Smiling at me = the most beautiful woman in the world.
*fistbump* XD
Alex’s last expression reminds me of Claire Forlani (her younger years) for some reason…
Alex:co**-blocking your princesses,saving your hamburgers , eating your Dragons,slaying your Kings…wait..I have this all wrong
Okay, Dan! Calm down, it’s not that big of a deal.