Page 1051…
Quite an eventful week…eh?
And we end it with Nicole and Dan on….a DATE?
What’s next….KISSING?
Hope you’ve all enjoyed it.
I’ve updated the vote incentive today. Guess what?
Stefano has sent me the first pass of CAMELOT!
Love it.
It’s going to be SO cool going back to King Arthur’s time. Can’t wait.
I wanted to remind you all that we’re going to be bringing back the store soon.
So get ready for Book 3 and 4 as well as some really sweet deals.
Just keeping it fresh in your mind.
Have a wonderful weekend. And thank you all for reading.
It’s only a model.
Well, it’s definitely not morning… That explains the low ambiant light when Alex woke up…
The question is, now, did he oversleep through the day, or did he barely sleep, while Dan and Nicole were out, and it’s only early evening?
Questions, questions, questions…
Well, he was only in Dreamland long enough to find them discussing their travel plans when Nicodemus showed up, so I’d say Alex was there less than an hour in Dreamland time.
Cary Grant? oooh… I prefer Humphry Boggart myself. I’m glad someone is paying attention, I got caught up in dreamland, and have no idea what was happening before he went there.
Nicole and Dan time!
Right you are: I just went back to check it out, towards the end of chapter 14… Reading through it again, it is evident that not much time has passed: they were discussing their plans, Thistle came to warn them, Nic showed up and burned the top of the column where the table was to be read from, and faced off Nastajia and Alexander; and finally spoke with the sword, before leaving the scene while also attempting to kill Nastajia with one last burst of flames (Paddington to the rescue! Yay!)
So it is conceiveable that only a few hours have passed. But then, why did he wake up, in that case? Sure, he had it rough for a while, but that is not supposed to be affecting his sleep, right? And he was already waking up long before Nic sent that last blast at Nastajia, so that’s not the reason for waking up suddenly, either…
Or is it because, subconsciously, he figured he needed to “regroup”, talk to Dan, and figure out a better way to face the dragon?
…So confused xD going back to Arthur s time? So yeah confused but can’t wait!
HAH! Called it!
Let’s just not go to Camelot. It’s a silly place.
hey scott, i absolutely love everything you do. i’m so excited to see king arthur’s time too. but as a young woman i really have to ask, could you nudge the waistline on nicole’s pants down a little bit? it’s just that most girls our age would definitely not wear jeans that look like that… they really haven’t been in style since the 80s. i think it would give her a little less aloofness, especially now that we’ve begun to like her much more.
ps love nicole and dan time too so cuuute <3
Is it me or does Nicole have a darker skin tone? Is she African American?
Yes. And Yes.
Great idea, Oak.
As you can see. I’ve worked a bit on Nicole’s skin color and lipstick. So I’ll continue to improve upon her if possible. That’s a great idea I’ll definitely try to implement when I can.
wow, that voting incentive is *beautiful*!
rawr you go danny boy!
It’s only a model.
lol she has alwasy been! .. What, you thought she was Latina! π
Good to see Dan and Nicole hitting it off so well.. and IRT the “whats next .. kissing” I can see it! I think they make a great couple!
Yay! A date! but Dan’s arms look like popeye. People’s forearms don’t normally bulge like that.
“Whatβs nextβ¦.KISSING?”
Well, she has to try out that new lipstick!
(and they’d BETTER be a couple by the end of this story… π )
As it happens, I recently saw Love Affair, which got remade very faithfully into An Affair to Remember. They have the same IMDb rating, but I prefer AATR. It looks better, sounds better, has better lead actors, and fleshes out what needed fleshing out.
As it happens…you may enjoy Monday’s page.
He mentions Love Affair.
Lora, I’m impressed that you would vote for Dreamland… you have a wonderful comic yourself!
Nice job on the changes to Nicole, she’s looking very nice!
Darn, no hand holding yet.
Scott, just a random question (very random). I started re-reading book one with my son last night and had this thought…Did Kiwi ever repair the wall Alex tripped over in chapter 1 like she promised Grandpa Pastacio? as far as I can tell, she left with Alex to see the “rest of the gang” and didn’t come back until the pirates attacked then left again with everyone on the air ship.
ok, and now that I am thinking about the pirate attack… I hope Joey was awake when Nicodemus attacked Gardenia!!! Do you think we will see Joey again in the story?
so that’s Camelot in the vote incentive? Wow, gotta say Stefano did a really good job =O I like it ^__^
Hmm, does this mean we’re in line for a flashback soon? To Camelot, in the time of King Arthur? In Dreamland!? Awesome! [Resists the urge to squee, as such noises are damaging to my baritone vocal cords … ]
And your changes so far to Nicole are spot on; she looked good before, but she looks an order of magnitude better now, just from a few changes to skin tone & lipstick …
Looking forward to Monday!

Gotta agree! Looks like I have a new desktop!
Kudos on the Nicole changes! π Love Camelot! π Looking forward to Monday!
Have a great weekend, Scott! π
The changes you made to Nicole look great. Although in the 2nd panel (where she says “yeah that was actually kind of nice”) she is looking right ahead almost like she is looking out of the frame. It almost makes it seem like she is looking at the reader. Its like when in a movie a character looks directly at the screen. If her view was a little bit to the side I think it would look better.
Is it just me, or does anyone else find it ironic that the title that Nicole can’t remember is “An Affair to Remember”?
Yeah…maybe if Nicole wasn’t gesturing with hers…their hands are definitely close enough that they could be. π
Yes, I was thinking the very same thing…
This leads me to mention something that I’ve noticed mentioned once before, in some much earlier comments: you really need to do something about the archives! with an average of 70 pages per chapter, having an archive page that only points to chapter beginnings is not enough! Looking for anything specific takes a long time, as you have to plow through a chapter sequentially…
You really need an archive navigation scheme that allows to go to specific pages. Whether it be the kind where you have a calendar, with links to the pages according to the dates, or a scroll down list with page numbers (and perhaps a small description of the pages) which allow you to jump to the page in question. Either way would be a whole lot better than just having the chapters as starting points in the archives.
I just figured she’s one of those people who are very book smart, but not so much in the social arena.
Notice the last panel, how close their hands are together… they’re moments away from “accidentally” clasping.. π
Good catch.
After Seeing the Preview of Camelot, This comes to mind….
“It’s only a model”
On second thought, lets not go to Camelot. Tis a silly place
I was wondering, are there still copies of book 2 floating around? I still want to get one, but I haven’t been around here for awhile.
Also, good for Nicole and Dan!
Love the vote incentive, it’s wonderful! I wonder what Alex will say about Dan and Nicole? Probably something childish :P.
Actually, you can go to specific dates with the current archive system. If you click on the words of the chapter, rather than the picture, you will be taken to a page with thumbnails of each page in that chapter.
For example, if you click on the picture for Chapter 1, you get this link:
But if you click on the words “Chapter 1”, you get this link instead:
Hope that helps!

Yes. I’m putting the store back up. It’ll have all 4 books to date.
Give me a few weeks.
Wow, Camelot is looking AWESOME!!
And yay for Dan and Nicole time, they make such a weird but cute couple! π To quote prince Naveen: `kissing would be nice, yes!`
oohkay, looking at the darker Nicole ,I am now truly, utterly smitten <3 <3
On Nicole's choice of clothes(especially the jeans) well ,it is not "the coolest" but Nicole is a bit of a nerd chick(the cute kind), She seems to me the type that does not put much worth on looks, but rather wears what feels comfy.. The "coolest" she's gonna wear, would probably be cargo-pants, and only because they usually have tons of pockets to put pens, notebooks etc. in(ever noticed that pants especially for women, not jeans, most times completely lack pockets???)
*clok clok, clok clok*
Ok, so much for my theory up to this point. ^^
Look at Nicole! She’s gorgeous! Eeeee!
We women carry purses! What would we need pockets for? π
Though, I have noticed Nicole lacks a purse. Hmm?
It just takes practice. Doing vocals on Rock Band has done wonders for my primarily baritone range (or killed my voice permanently. One of the two)
Thanks Lora
This could be a good measure of how involved Alex has gotten with Dreamland. His reaction to Dan and Nicole will tell us a lot about where the center of his emotional universe is now. It’s not the first time he’s awakened in the middle of a crisis – but this time Nastajia is at risk. It’d be amusing in a way if he barely notices Nicole’s new look or ignores it completely because he’s too worried about Nastajia. And I don’t know how they could deal with an Alex who’s gone all serious on them.
Kissing? Well, she’s got lipstick on, might as well use it!
Yeah, I was one of those people who honestly thought she was Latina. ^^;;
I just saw that movie! haha! And I agree π
Oh? Are you saying that having lipstick on is a prerequisite in order to kiss? Don’t tell my wife that… π
And to think, that all this time, we were kissing without her having makeup on! π
Er, not every woman carries a purse. I don’t. Ick. I love pockets.
Eh, I wear my pants fairly high and I’m 22. Mostly due to a gut though. If I didn’t have it / grow up ALWAYS wearing pants up to my belly button, I’m sure I probably would wear them lower. But it’s not really an 80’s thing, it’s just my style. Personally I think it fits her.
“Is this gonna be a kissing book?”
Couldn’t help myself.
And I thought that she was just wearing make-up because she was on a date… π
He face looks beautiful though. The lips are a bit to broad for my taste, but again, that’s just personal taste.
You… didn’t take my words for inspiration, did you?
I suspect Scott was already planning this development. He’s usually a step ahead of us …
You have to share the love with the stories you love! And thanks for the compliment on The Dreamer. π
I’m just teasin’ π
Wow, Carey Grant marathon. That’s so classy Dan! :O
I . . . I want to go to that school. Cary Grant marathon? How absolutely freaking awesome. He’s my favorite actor. Period. (Not to mention my gigantic crush on him.)
Uh . . . I should probably talk about the comic, huh?
Kari.. Grant and Tory Marathon… ;p
i bet next they will get marred and have 5 children
That may have been so when you wrote your response, but as of February 2017, that is no longer the case…
Hehe the “just watched a marathon” eyes! Ehh, I guess my eyes look a bit like that right now.